xref 0.1.1

Like Cow, but also works with RefCell

XRef and XRefMut

When you want to return some data that might be either owned or borrowed, it is common to return a Cow<T>.

However, Cow<T> has the following limitations:

  • T has to be ToOwned, and
  • if the data you want to borrow is behind a RefCell, you can't.

XRef<T> is like Cow<T>, except addresses the above limitations with the following differences:

  • T does not have to be ToOwned, (this means that now the type contained in Borrowed and Owned have to contain the exact matching types), and
  • XRef<T> has a third variant Ref which holds a std::cell::Ref<T>, for cases when the value is borrowed from a RefCell.

XRefMut<T> is like XRef<T> except that

  • all references are borrowed mutably (i.e. XRef::Borrowed holds a &mut T instead of &T, XRef::Ref holds a RefMut<T> instead of a Ref<T>),
  • XRefMut<T> implements DerefMut<T>, to allow borrowing data mutably without cloning.