xplm 0.4.1

High-level interfaces to the X-Plane plugin SDK
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::ffi::NulError;
use std::ops::DerefMut;
use std::os::raw::{c_int, c_void};

use xplm_sys::*;

/// A command created by X-Plane or another plugin, that can be triggered
pub struct Command {
    /// The command reference
    id: XPLMCommandRef,

impl Command {
    /// Finds a command
    /// The command should have already been created by X-Plane or another plugin.
    pub fn find(name: &str) -> Result<Self, CommandFindError> {
        let name_c = CString::new(name)?;
        let command_ref = unsafe { XPLMFindCommand(name_c.as_ptr()) };
        if !command_ref.is_null() {
            Ok(Command { id: command_ref })
        } else {

    /// Triggers a command once
    /// This is equivalent to pressing a button down and immediately releasing it.
    pub fn trigger(&mut self) {
        unsafe {

    /// Starts holding down this command
    /// The command will be released when the returned hold object is dropped.
    pub fn hold_down(&mut self) -> CommandHold {
        unsafe {
        CommandHold { command: self }

    /// Releases this command
    fn release(&mut self) {
        unsafe {

/// An RAII lock that keeps a command held down
/// The command will be released when this object is dropped.
pub struct CommandHold<'a> {
    /// The command being held
    command: &'a mut Command,

impl<'a> Drop for CommandHold<'a> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {

/// Errors that can occur when finding a command
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
pub enum CommandFindError {
    /// The provided command name contained a null byte
    #[error("Null byte in command name")]
    Null(#[from] NulError),

    /// The Command could not be found
    #[error("Command not found")]

/// Trait for things that can handle commands
pub trait CommandHandler: 'static {
    /// Called when the command begins (corresponds to a button being pressed down)
    fn command_begin(&mut self);
    /// Called frequently while the command button is held down
    fn command_continue(&mut self);
    /// Called when the command ends (corresponds to a button being released)
    fn command_end(&mut self);

/// A command created by this plugin that can be triggered by other components
pub struct OwnedCommand {
    /// The heap-allocated data
    data: Box<OwnedCommandData>,
    /// The handler callback, used to unregister
    callback: XPLMCommandCallback_f,

impl OwnedCommand {
    /// Creates a new command with a provided name and description,
    /// or finds an existing command
    /// In either case, the command will trigger the provided handler.
    pub fn new<H: CommandHandler>(
        name: &str,
        description: &str,
        handler: H,
    ) -> Result<Self, CommandCreateError> {
        let mut data = Box::new(OwnedCommandData::new(name, description, handler)?);
        let data_ptr: *mut OwnedCommandData = data.deref_mut();
        unsafe {
                data_ptr as *mut c_void,
        Ok(OwnedCommand {
            callback: Some(command_handler::<H>),

impl Drop for OwnedCommand {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        let data_ptr: *mut OwnedCommandData = self.data.deref_mut();
        unsafe {
            XPLMUnregisterCommandHandler(self.data.id, self.callback, 1, data_ptr as *mut c_void);

/// Data for an owned command, used as a refcon
struct OwnedCommandData {
    /// The command reference
    id: XPLMCommandRef,
    /// The handler
    handler: Box<dyn CommandHandler>,

impl OwnedCommandData {
    pub fn new<H: CommandHandler>(
        name: &str,
        description: &str,
        handler: H,
    ) -> Result<Self, CommandCreateError> {
        let name_c = CString::new(name)?;
        let description_c = CString::new(description)?;

        Ok(OwnedCommandData {
            id: unsafe { XPLMCreateCommand(name_c.as_ptr(), description_c.as_ptr()) },
            handler: Box::new(handler),

/// Command handler callback
unsafe extern "C" fn command_handler<H: CommandHandler>(
    _: XPLMCommandRef,
    phase: XPLMCommandPhase,
    refcon: *mut c_void,
) -> c_int {
    let data = refcon as *mut OwnedCommandData;
    let handler: *mut dyn CommandHandler = (*data).handler.deref_mut();
    let handler = handler as *mut H;
    if phase == xplm_CommandBegin as i32 {
    } else if phase == xplm_CommandContinue as i32 {
    } else if phase == xplm_CommandEnd as i32 {
    // Prevent other components from handling this equivalent

/// Errors that can occur when creating a Command
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
pub enum CommandCreateError {
    /// The provided Command name contained a null byte
    #[error("Null byte in Command name")]
    Null(#[from] NulError),

    /// The Command exists already
    #[deprecated(note = "commands persist between plugin reload - not an error if already exists")]
    #[error("Command exists already")]