Crate xmlparser

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xmlparser is a low-level, pull-based, zero-allocation XML 1.0 parser.


for token in xmlparser::Tokenizer::from("<tagname name='value'/>") {
    println!("{:?}", token);

Why a new library

The main idea of this library is to provide a fast, low-level and complete XML parser.

Unlike other XML parsers, this one can return tokens not with &str/&[u8] data, but with StrSpan objects, which contain a position of the data in the original document. Which can be very useful if you want to post-process tokens even more and want to return errors with a meaningful position.

So, this is basically an XML parser framework that can be used to write parsers for XML-based formats, like SVG and to construct a DOM.

At the time of writing the only option was quick-xml (v0.10), which does not support DTD and token positions.

If you are looking for a more high-level solution - checkout roxmltree.


  • All tokens contain StrSpan objects which contain a position of the data in the original document.
  • Good error processing. All error types contain position (line:column) where it occurred.
  • No heap allocations.
  • No dependencies.
  • Tiny. ~1500 LOC and ~35KiB in the release build according to the cargo-bloat.


  • Currently, only ENTITY objects are parsed from the DOCTYPE. Other ignored.
  • No tree structure validation. So an XML like <root><child></root></child> will be parsed without errors. You should check for this manually. On the other hand <a/><a/> will lead to an error.
  • Duplicated attributes is not an error. So an XML like <item a="v1" a="v2"/> will be parsed without errors. You should check for this manually.
  • UTF-8 only.


  • The library must not panic. Any panic considered as a critical bug and should be reported.
  • The library forbids the unsafe code.


An immutable string slice.
A streaming text parsing interface.
Position in text.
Tokenizer for the XML structure.


ElementEnd token.
Representation of the EntityDef value.
An XML parser errors.
Representation of the ExternalID value.
Representation of the Reference value.
A stream parser errors.
An XML token.
List of token types.


Extension methods for XML-subset only operations.
Extension methods for XML-subset only operations.