xapian 0.1.5

Rust bindings to Xapian
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xapian bind for rust

TODO list

ref file:///usr/share/doc/xapian-core-devel/apidoc/html/inherits.html

  • Database
  • WritableDatabase
  • Document
  • Enquire
  • ESet
  • ESetIterator
  • MSet
  • MSetIterator
  • MatchSpy
  • ValueCountMatchSpy
  • PositionIterator
  • PostingIterator
  • Query
  • QueryParser
  • RSet
  • RangeProcessor
  • DateRangeProcessor
  • NumberRangeProcessor
  • UnitRangeProcessor
  • Stem
  • Stopper
  • SimpleStopper
  • StemStopper
  • TermGenerator
  • TermIterator
  • Utf8Iterator
  • ValueIterator
  • Weight

honey backend status

The remaining blockers for this are:

  • adding update support to the new honey backend (to replace glass)
  • adding support for RAM storage to honey (to replace inmemory)
  • moving some remote client and server code out of libxapian (or replacing it)

crate maintainers docs

xapian github repo: https://github.com/xapian/xapian

User guide online: Getting Started with Xapian https://getting-started-with-xapian.readthedocs.io/

the Xapian developer guide https://xapian-developer-guide.readthedocs.io/


new version news: https://lists.xapian.org/pipermail/xapian-discuss/2023-March/009961.html

xapian api docs: https://xapian.org/docs/apidoc/

rust binding

cxx tuts https://cxx.rs/tutorial.html

autocxx book https://google.github.io/autocxx/

c ffi https://doc.rust-lang.org/nomicon/ffi.html

with cmake crate example https://eshard.com/posts/Rust-Cxx-interop

Rust and C++ interoperability https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/dev/Home/chromium-security/memory-safety/rust-and-c-interoperability


32bit docid

doc count: 31944, index doc took: 6251ms

build with --enable-log will result in performance drop, about 3x slower.

check log enabled or not: grep XAPIAN_DEBUG_LOG xapian-core/config.h

doc count: 31944, index doc took: 18154ms


terminate called without an active exception

Process finished with exit code 134 (interrupted by signal 6: SIGABRT)


do not use Error e in rust::behavior::trycatch C++ code, use const Xapian::Error& e instead.


Error is defined in generated target/cxxbridge/rust/cxx.h file under rust namespace.

use Xapian::Error will fix the problem.

xapian debug

HACKING: XAPIAN_DEBUG_LOG=- send output to stderr, not stdout.


Intellij IDE

intellij-rust false positives with cxx

see https://github.com/intellij-rust/intellij-rust/issues/8369#issuecomment-1362698416

cxx::bridge is attribute procedural macro. And since the plugin doesn't expand them by default at this moment, code is highlighted with error annotations in places where syntax is not allowed from the point of view of common Rust. For example, you cannot write type aliases inside extern blocks. But you can enable expansion of attributes macros with org.rust.macros.proc.attr experimental feature. After this, almost everything will work as expected (except annotation of unsafe before extern block).

Don't forget to reload the project model after enabling the experimental feature.

See #6908 for details


why not use docs.rs to host docs?

we need external libs to build this crate: libxapian and libclang

docs.rs currently is not so friendly to such kind of need.

ref https://docs.rs/about/builds#missing-dependencies

Docs.rs dependencies are managed through crates-build-env. See Forge for how to add a dependency.