x86_64 0.0.2

Library to program x86_64 hardware. Contains x86_64 specific data structure descriptions, data-tables, as well as convenience function to call assembly instructions. This is a fork of the `x86` crate, specialized for x86_64.
//! Description of the data-structures for IA-32e paging mode.

use {VirtualAddress, PhysicalAddress};

pub const BASE_PAGE_SIZE: u64 = 4096; // 4 KiB
pub const LARGE_PAGE_SIZE: u64 = 1024 * 1024 * 2; // 2 MiB
pub const HUGE_PAGE_SIZE: u64 = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 1 GiB
pub const CACHE_LINE_SIZE: usize = 64; // 64 Bytes

/// MAXPHYADDR, which is at most 52; (use CPUID for finding system value).
pub const MAXPHYADDR: u64 = 52;

/// Mask to find the physical address of an entry in a page-table.
const ADDRESS_MASK: u64 = ((1 << MAXPHYADDR) - 1) & !0xfff;

/// A PML4 table.
/// In practice this has only 4 entries but it still needs to be the size of a 4K page.
pub type PML4 = [PML4Entry; 512];

/// A page directory pointer table.
pub type PDPT = [PDPTEntry; 512];

/// A page directory.
pub type PD = [PDEntry; 512];

/// A page table.
pub type PT = [PTEntry; 512];

/// Given virtual address calculate corresponding entry in PML4.
pub fn pml4_index(addr: VirtualAddress) -> usize {
    (addr.as_usize() >> 39) & 0b111111111

/// Given virtual address calculate corresponding entry in PDPT.
pub fn pdpt_index(addr: VirtualAddress) -> usize {
    (addr.as_usize() >> 30) & 0b111111111

/// Given virtual address calculate corresponding entry in PD.
pub fn pd_index(addr: VirtualAddress) -> usize {
    (addr.as_usize() >> 21) & 0b111111111

/// Given virtual address calculate corresponding entry in PT.
pub fn pt_index(addr: VirtualAddress) -> usize {
    (addr.as_usize() >> 12) & 0b111111111

/// PML4 Entry bits description.
bitflags! {
    pub flags PML4Entry: u64 {
        /// Present; must be 1 to reference a page-directory-pointer table
        const PML4_P       = bit!(0),
        /// Read/write; if 0, writes may not be allowed to the 512-GByte region
        /// controlled by this entry (see Section 4.6)
        const PML4_RW      = bit!(1),
        /// User/supervisor; if 0, user-mode accesses are not allowed
        /// to the 512-GByte region controlled by this entry.
        const PML4_US      = bit!(2),
        /// Page-level write-through; indirectly determines the memory type used to
        /// access the page-directory-pointer table referenced by this entry.
        const PML4_PWT     = bit!(3),
        /// Page-level cache disable; indirectly determines the memory type used to
        /// access the page-directory-pointer table referenced by this entry.
        const PML4_PCD     = bit!(4),
        /// Accessed; indicates whether this entry has been used for linear-address translation.
        const PML4_A       = bit!(5),
        /// If IA32_EFER.NXE = 1, execute-disable
        /// If 1, instruction fetches are not allowed from the 512-GByte region.
        const PML4_XD      = bit!(63),

impl PML4Entry {
    /// Creates a new PML4Entry.
    /// # Arguments
    ///  * `pdpt` - The physical address of the pdpt table.
    ///  * `flags`- Additional flags for the entry.
    pub fn new(pdpt: PhysicalAddress, flags: PML4Entry) -> PML4Entry {
        let pdpt_val = pdpt.as_u64();
        assert!(pdpt_val % BASE_PAGE_SIZE == 0);
        PML4Entry { bits: pdpt_val | flags.bits }

    /// Retrieves the physical address in this entry.
    pub fn get_address(self) -> PhysicalAddress {
        PhysicalAddress::from(self.bits & ADDRESS_MASK)

    check_flag!(doc = "Is page present?", is_present, PML4_P);
    check_flag!(doc = "Read/write; if 0, writes may not be allowed to the 512-GByte region, controlled by this entry (see Section 4.6)",
                is_writeable, PML4_RW);
    check_flag!(doc = "User/supervisor; if 0, user-mode accesses are not allowed to the 512-GByte region controlled by this entry.",
                is_user_mode_allowed, PML4_US);
    check_flag!(doc = "Page-level write-through; indirectly determines the memory type used to access the page-directory-pointer table referenced by this entry.",
                is_page_write_through, PML4_PWT);
    check_flag!(doc = "Page-level cache disable; indirectly determines the memory type used to access the page-directory-pointer table referenced by this entry.",
                is_page_level_cache_disabled, PML4_PCD);
    check_flag!(doc = "Accessed; indicates whether this entry has been used for linear-address translation.",
                is_accessed, PML4_A);
    check_flag!(doc = "If IA32_EFER.NXE = 1, execute-disable. If 1, instruction fetches are not allowed from the 512-GByte region.",
                is_instruction_fetching_disabled, PML4_XD);

/// PDPT Entry bits description.
bitflags! {
    pub flags PDPTEntry: u64 {
        /// Present; must be 1 to map a 1-GByte page or reference a page directory.
        const PDPT_P       = bit!(0),
        /// Read/write; if 0, writes may not be allowed to the 1-GByte region controlled by this entry
        const PDPT_RW      = bit!(1),
        /// User/supervisor; user-mode accesses are not allowed to the 1-GByte region controlled by this entry.
        const PDPT_US      = bit!(2),
        /// Page-level write-through.
        const PDPT_PWT     = bit!(3),
        /// Page-level cache disable.
        const PDPT_PCD     = bit!(4),
        /// Accessed; if PDPT_PS set indicates whether software has accessed the 1-GByte page
        /// else indicates whether this entry has been used for linear-address translation
        const PDPT_A       = bit!(5),
        /// Dirty; if PDPT_PS indicates whether software has written to the 1-GByte page referenced by this entry.
        /// else ignored.
        const PDPT_D       = bit!(6),
        /// Page size; if set this entry maps a 1-GByte page; otherwise, this entry references a page directory.
        /// if not PDPT_PS this is ignored.
        const PDPT_PS      = bit!(7),
        /// Global; if PDPT_PS && CR4.PGE = 1, determines whether the translation is global; ignored otherwise
        /// if not PDPT_PS this is ignored.
        const PDPT_G       = bit!(8),
        /// Indirectly determines the memory type used to access the 1-GByte page referenced by this entry.
        const PDPT_PAT     = bit!(12),
        /// If IA32_EFER.NXE = 1, execute-disable
        /// If 1, instruction fetches are not allowed from the 512-GByte region.
        const PDPT_XD      = bit!(63),

impl PDPTEntry {
    /// Creates a new PDPTEntry.
    /// # Arguments
    ///  * `pd` - The physical address of the page directory.
    ///  * `flags`- Additional flags for the entry.
    pub fn new(pd: PhysicalAddress, flags: PDPTEntry) -> PDPTEntry {
        let pd_val = pd.as_u64();
        assert!(pd_val % BASE_PAGE_SIZE == 0);
        PDPTEntry { bits: pd_val | flags.bits }

    /// Retrieves the physical address in this entry.
    pub fn get_address(self) -> PhysicalAddress {
        PhysicalAddress::from(self.bits & ADDRESS_MASK)

    check_flag!(doc = "Is page present?", is_present, PDPT_P);
    check_flag!(doc = "Read/write; if 0, writes may not be allowed to the 1-GByte region controlled by this entry.",
                is_writeable, PDPT_RW);
    check_flag!(doc = "User/supervisor; user-mode accesses are not allowed to the 1-GByte region controlled by this entry.",
                is_user_mode_allowed, PDPT_US);
    check_flag!(doc = "Page-level write-through.",
                is_page_write_through, PDPT_PWT);
    check_flag!(doc = "Page-level cache disable.",
                is_page_level_cache_disabled, PDPT_PCD);
    check_flag!(doc = "Accessed; indicates whether this entry has been used for linear-address translation.",
                is_accessed, PDPT_A);
    check_flag!(doc = "Indirectly determines the memory type used to access the 1-GByte page referenced by this entry. if not PDPT_PS this is ignored.",
                is_pat, PDPT_PAT);
    check_flag!(doc = "If IA32_EFER.NXE = 1, execute-disable. If 1, instruction fetches are not allowed from the 512-GByte region.",
                is_instruction_fetching_disabled, PDPT_XD);

/// PD Entry bits description.
bitflags! {
    pub flags PDEntry: u64 {
        /// Present; must be 1 to map a 2-MByte page or reference a page table.
        const PD_P       = bit!(0),
        /// Read/write; if 0, writes may not be allowed to the 2-MByte region controlled by this entry
        const PD_RW      = bit!(1),
        /// User/supervisor; user-mode accesses are not allowed to the 2-MByte region controlled by this entry.
        const PD_US      = bit!(2),
        /// Page-level write-through.
        const PD_PWT     = bit!(3),
        /// Page-level cache disable.
        const PD_PCD     = bit!(4),
        /// Accessed; if PD_PS set indicates whether software has accessed the 2-MByte page
        /// else indicates whether this entry has been used for linear-address translation
        const PD_A       = bit!(5),
        /// Dirty; if PD_PS indicates whether software has written to the 2-MByte page referenced by this entry.
        /// else ignored.
        const PD_D       = bit!(6),
        /// Page size; if set this entry maps a 2-MByte page; otherwise, this entry references a page directory.
        const PD_PS      = bit!(7),
        /// Global; if PD_PS && CR4.PGE = 1, determines whether the translation is global; ignored otherwise
        /// if not PD_PS this is ignored.
        const PD_G       = bit!(8),
        /// Indirectly determines the memory type used to access the 2-MByte page referenced by this entry.
        /// if not PD_PS this is ignored.
        const PD_PAT     = bit!(12),
        /// If IA32_EFER.NXE = 1, execute-disable
        /// If 1, instruction fetches are not allowed from the 512-GByte region.
        const PD_XD      = bit!(63),

impl PDEntry {
    /// Creates a new PDEntry.
    /// # Arguments
    ///  * `pt` - The physical address of the page table.
    ///  * `flags`- Additional flags for the entry.
    pub fn new(pt: PhysicalAddress, flags: PDEntry) -> PDEntry {
        let pt_val = pt.as_u64();
        assert!(pt_val % BASE_PAGE_SIZE == 0);
        PDEntry { bits: pt_val | flags.bits }

    /// Retrieves the physical address in this entry.
    pub fn get_address(self) -> PhysicalAddress {
        PhysicalAddress::from(self.bits & ADDRESS_MASK)

    check_flag!(doc = "Present; must be 1 to map a 2-MByte page or reference a page table.",
                is_present, PD_P);
    check_flag!(doc = "Read/write; if 0, writes may not be allowed to the 2-MByte region controlled by this entry",
                is_writeable, PD_RW);
    check_flag!(doc = "User/supervisor; user-mode accesses are not allowed to the 2-MByte region controlled by this entry.",
                is_user_mode_allowed, PD_US);
    check_flag!(doc = "Page-level write-through.",
                is_page_write_through, PD_PWT);
    check_flag!(doc = "Page-level cache disable.",
                is_page_level_cache_disabled, PD_PCD);
    check_flag!(doc = "Accessed; if PD_PS set indicates whether software has accessed the 2-MByte page else indicates whether this entry has been used for linear-address translation.",
                is_accessed, PD_A);
    check_flag!(doc = "Dirty; if PD_PS set indicates whether software has written to the 2-MByte page referenced by this entry else ignored.",
                is_dirty, PD_D);
    check_flag!(doc = "Page size; if set this entry maps a 2-MByte page; otherwise, this entry references a page directory.",
                is_page, PD_PS);
    check_flag!(doc = "Global; if PD_PS && CR4.PGE = 1, determines whether the translation is global; ignored otherwise if not PD_PS this is ignored.",
                is_global, PD_G);
    check_flag!(doc = "Indirectly determines the memory type used to access the 2-MByte page referenced by this entry. if not PD_PS this is ignored.",
                is_pat, PD_PAT);
    check_flag!(doc = "If IA32_EFER.NXE = 1, execute-disable. If 1, instruction fetches are not allowed from the 2-Mbyte region.",
                is_instruction_fetching_disabled, PD_XD);

/// PT Entry bits description.
bitflags! {
    pub flags PTEntry: u64 {
        /// Present; must be 1 to map a 4-KByte page.
        const PT_P       = bit!(0),
        /// Read/write; if 0, writes may not be allowed to the 4-KByte region controlled by this entry
        const PT_RW      = bit!(1),
        /// User/supervisor; user-mode accesses are not allowed to the 4-KByte region controlled by this entry.
        const PT_US      = bit!(2),
        /// Page-level write-through.
        const PT_PWT     = bit!(3),
        /// Page-level cache disable.
        const PT_PCD     = bit!(4),
        /// Accessed; indicates whether software has accessed the 4-KByte page
        const PT_A       = bit!(5),
        /// Dirty; indicates whether software has written to the 4-KByte page referenced by this entry.
        const PT_D       = bit!(6),
        /// Global; if CR4.PGE = 1, determines whether the translation is global (see Section 4.10); ignored otherwise
        const PT_G       = bit!(8),
        /// If IA32_EFER.NXE = 1, execute-disable
        /// If 1, instruction fetches are not allowed from the 512-GByte region.
        const PT_XD      = bit!(63),

impl PTEntry {
    /// Creates a new PTEntry.
    /// # Arguments
    ///  * `page` - The physical address of the backing 4 KiB page.
    ///  * `flags`- Additional flags for the entry.
    pub fn new(page: PhysicalAddress, flags: PTEntry) -> PTEntry {
        let page_val = page.as_u64();
        assert!(page_val % BASE_PAGE_SIZE == 0);
        PTEntry { bits: page_val | flags.bits }

    /// Retrieves the physical address in this entry.
    pub fn get_address(self) -> PhysicalAddress {
        PhysicalAddress::from(self.bits & ADDRESS_MASK)

    check_flag!(doc = "Present; must be 1 to map a 4-KByte page or reference a page table.",
                is_present, PT_P);
    check_flag!(doc = "Read/write; if 0, writes may not be allowed to the 4-KByte region controlled by this entry",
                is_writeable, PT_RW);
    check_flag!(doc = "User/supervisor; user-mode accesses are not allowed to the 4-KByte region controlled by this entry.",
                is_user_mode_allowed, PT_US);
    check_flag!(doc = "Page-level write-through.",
                is_page_write_through, PT_PWT);
    check_flag!(doc = "Page-level cache disable.",
                is_page_level_cache_disabled, PT_PCD);
    check_flag!(doc = "Accessed; if PT_PS set indicates whether software has accessed the 4-KByte page else indicates whether this entry has been used for linear-address translation.",
                is_accessed, PT_A);
    check_flag!(doc = "Dirty; if PD_PS set indicates whether software has written to the 4-KByte page referenced by this entry else ignored.",
                is_dirty, PT_D);
    check_flag!(doc = "Global; if PT_PS && CR4.PGE = 1, determines whether the translation is global; ignored otherwise if not PT_PS this is ignored.",
                is_global, PT_G);
    check_flag!(doc = "If IA32_EFER.NXE = 1, execute-disable. If 1, instruction fetches are not allowed from the 4-KByte region.",
                is_instruction_fetching_disabled, PT_XD);