x86_64 0.0.2

Library to program x86_64 hardware. Contains x86_64 specific data structure descriptions, data-tables, as well as convenience function to call assembly instructions. This is a fork of the `x86` crate, specialized for x86_64.


#![cfg_attr(test, allow(unused_features))]

pub use address::{VirtualAddress, PhysicalAddress};

extern crate bitflags;

extern crate raw_cpuid;

extern crate bit_field;

pub mod address;

macro_rules! bit {
    ( $x:expr ) => {
        1 << $x

macro_rules! check_flag {
    ($doc:meta, $fun:ident, $flag:ident) => (
        pub fn $fun(&self) -> bool {

macro_rules! is_bit_set {
    ($field:expr, $bit:expr) => (
        $field & (1 << $bit) > 0

macro_rules! check_bit_fn {
    ($doc:meta, $fun:ident, $field:ident, $bit:expr) => (
        pub fn $fun(&self) -> bool {
            is_bit_set!(self.$field, $bit)

pub mod time;
pub mod irq;
pub mod paging;
pub mod task;
pub mod syscall;
pub mod sgx;
pub mod control_regs;
pub mod dtables;
pub mod io;
pub mod msr;
pub mod flags;
pub mod segmentation;
pub mod tlb;

pub mod cpuid {
    pub use raw_cpuid::*;

#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum PrivilegeLevel {
    Ring0 = 0,
    Ring1 = 1,
    Ring2 = 2,
    Ring3 = 3,

pub unsafe fn halt() {
    asm!("hlt" :::: "volatile");