x11rb 0.9.0

Rust bindings to X11
name = "x11rb"
version = "0.9.0"
description = "Rust bindings to X11"
authors = [
    "Uli Schlachter <psychon@znc.in>",
    "Eduardo Sánchez Muñoz <esm@eduardosm.net>",
repository = "https://github.com/psychon/x11rb"
readme = "README.md"
edition = "2018"
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
keywords = ["xcb", "X11"]
exclude = [

libc = { version = "0.2", optional = true }
libloading = { version = "0.7.0", optional = true }
once_cell = { version = "1.8.0", optional = true }
gethostname = "0.2.1"

nix = "0.22"

winapi-wsapoll = "0.1.1"

version = "0.3"
features = ["winsock2"]

# Without this feature, all uses of `unsafe` in the crate are forbidden via
# #![deny(unsafe_code)]. This has the effect of disabling the XCB FFI bindings.
allow-unsafe-code = ["libc"]

# Enable utility functions in `x11rb::cursor` for loading mouse cursors.
cursor = ["render", "resource_manager"]

# Enable utility functions in `x11rb::image` for working with image data.
image = []

# Enable utility functions in `x11rb::resource_manager` for querying the
# resource databases.
resource_manager = []

dl-libxcb = ["allow-unsafe-code", "libloading", "once_cell"]

# Enable this feature to enable all the X11 extensions
all-extensions = [

# Features to enable individual X11 extensions
composite = ["xfixes"]
damage = ["xfixes"]
dpms = []
dri2 = []
dri3 = []
glx = []
present = ["randr", "xfixes", "sync"]
randr = ["render"]
record = []
render = []
res = []
screensaver = []
shape = []
shm = []
sync = []
xevie = []
xf86dri = []
xf86vidmode = []
xfixes = ["render", "shape"]
xinerama = []
xinput = ["xfixes"]
xkb = []
xprint = []
xselinux = []
xtest = []
xv = ["shm"]
xvmc = ["xv"]

features = [

name = "generic_events"
required-features = ["present"]

name = "shared_memory"
required-features = ["libc", "shm"]

name = "xeyes"
required-features = ["shape"]

name = "simple_window"
required-features = ["cursor", "resource_manager"]

name = "display_ppm"
required-features = ["image"]

name = "record"
required-features = ["record"]

members = ["generator", "xcbgen-rs", "cairo-example", "xtrace-example"]