x11-dl 2.2.1

X11 library bindings for Rust
// x11-rs: Rust bindings for X11 libraries
// The X11 libraries are available under the MIT license.
// These bindings are public domain.

use libc::{

use ::xlib::{

// functions

x11_link! { Xrender, ["libXrender.so", "libXrender.so.1"],
  pub fn XRenderAddGlyphs (_7: *mut Display, _6: c_ulong, _5: *const c_ulong, _4: *const XGlyphInfo, _3: c_int, _2: *const c_char, _1: c_int) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderAddTraps (_6: *mut Display, _5: c_ulong, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const XTrap, _1: c_int) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderChangePicture (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_ulong, _1: *const XRenderPictureAttributes) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderComposite (_13: *mut Display, _12: c_int, _11: c_ulong, _10: c_ulong, _9: c_ulong, _8: c_int, _7: c_int, _6: c_int, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderCompositeDoublePoly (_12: *mut Display, _11: c_int, _10: c_ulong, _9: c_ulong, _8: *const XRenderPictFormat, _7: c_int, _6: c_int, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: *const XPointDouble, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderCompositeString16 (_12: *mut Display, _11: c_int, _10: c_ulong, _9: c_ulong, _8: *const XRenderPictFormat, _7: c_ulong, _6: c_int, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const c_ushort, _1: c_int) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderCompositeString32 (_12: *mut Display, _11: c_int, _10: c_ulong, _9: c_ulong, _8: *const XRenderPictFormat, _7: c_ulong, _6: c_int, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const c_uint, _1: c_int) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderCompositeString8 (_12: *mut Display, _11: c_int, _10: c_ulong, _9: c_ulong, _8: *const XRenderPictFormat, _7: c_ulong, _6: c_int, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const c_char, _1: c_int) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderCompositeText16 (_11: *mut Display, _10: c_int, _9: c_ulong, _8: c_ulong, _7: *const XRenderPictFormat, _6: c_int, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const XGlyphElt16, _1: c_int) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderCompositeText32 (_11: *mut Display, _10: c_int, _9: c_ulong, _8: c_ulong, _7: *const XRenderPictFormat, _6: c_int, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const XGlyphElt32, _1: c_int) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderCompositeText8 (_11: *mut Display, _10: c_int, _9: c_ulong, _8: c_ulong, _7: *const XRenderPictFormat, _6: c_int, _5: c_int, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const XGlyphElt8, _1: c_int) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderCompositeTrapezoids (_9: *mut Display, _8: c_int, _7: c_ulong, _6: c_ulong, _5: *const XRenderPictFormat, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const XTrapezoid, _1: c_int) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderCompositeTriangles (_9: *mut Display, _8: c_int, _7: c_ulong, _6: c_ulong, _5: *const XRenderPictFormat, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const XTriangle, _1: c_int) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderCompositeTriFan (_9: *mut Display, _8: c_int, _7: c_ulong, _6: c_ulong, _5: *const XRenderPictFormat, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const XPointFixed, _1: c_int) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderCompositeTriStrip (_9: *mut Display, _8: c_int, _7: c_ulong, _6: c_ulong, _5: *const XRenderPictFormat, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const XPointFixed, _1: c_int) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderCreateAnimCursor (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_int, _1: *mut XAnimCursor) -> c_ulong,
  pub fn XRenderCreateConicalGradient (_5: *mut Display, _4: *const XConicalGradient, _3: *const c_int, _2: *const XRenderColor, _1: c_int) -> c_ulong,
  pub fn XRenderCreateCursor (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> c_ulong,
  pub fn XRenderCreateGlyphSet (_2: *mut Display, _1: *const XRenderPictFormat) -> c_ulong,
  pub fn XRenderCreateLinearGradient (_5: *mut Display, _4: *const XLinearGradient, _3: *const c_int, _2: *const XRenderColor, _1: c_int) -> c_ulong,
  pub fn XRenderCreatePicture (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: *const XRenderPictFormat, _2: c_ulong, _1: *const XRenderPictureAttributes) -> c_ulong,
  pub fn XRenderCreateRadialGradient (_5: *mut Display, _4: *const XRadialGradient, _3: *const c_int, _2: *const XRenderColor, _1: c_int) -> c_ulong,
  pub fn XRenderCreateSolidFill (_2: *mut Display, _1: *const XRenderColor) -> c_ulong,
  pub fn XRenderFillRectangle (_8: *mut Display, _7: c_int, _6: c_ulong, _5: *const XRenderColor, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: c_uint, _1: c_uint) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderFillRectangles (_6: *mut Display, _5: c_int, _4: c_ulong, _3: *const XRenderColor, _2: *const XRectangle, _1: c_int) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderFindFormat (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *const XRenderPictFormat, _1: c_int) -> *mut XRenderPictFormat,
  pub fn XRenderFindStandardFormat (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> *mut XRenderPictFormat,
  pub fn XRenderFindVisualFormat (_2: *mut Display, _1: *const Visual) -> *mut XRenderPictFormat,
  pub fn XRenderFreeGlyphs (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *const c_ulong, _1: c_int) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderFreeGlyphSet (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderFreePicture (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderParseColor (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut c_char, _1: *mut XRenderColor) -> c_int,
  pub fn XRenderQueryExtension (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
  pub fn XRenderQueryFilters (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> *mut XFilters,
  pub fn XRenderQueryFormats (_1: *mut Display) -> c_int,
  pub fn XRenderQueryPictIndexValues (_3: *mut Display, _2: *const XRenderPictFormat, _1: *mut c_int) -> *mut XIndexValue,
  pub fn XRenderQuerySubpixelOrder (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
  pub fn XRenderQueryVersion (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> c_int,
  pub fn XRenderReferenceGlyphSet (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> c_ulong,
  pub fn XRenderSetPictureClipRectangles (_6: *mut Display, _5: c_ulong, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const XRectangle, _1: c_int) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderSetPictureClipRegion (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: Region) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderSetPictureFilter (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: *const c_char, _2: *mut c_int, _1: c_int) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderSetPictureTransform (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XTransform) -> (),
  pub fn XRenderSetSubpixelOrder (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,

// types

pub type Glyph = XID;
pub type GlyphSet = XID;
pub type PictFormat = XID;
pub type Picture = XID;
pub type XDouble = c_double;
pub type XFixed = c_int;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct _XAnimCursor {
  pub cursor: Cursor,
  pub delay: c_ulong,
pub type XAnimCursor = _XAnimCursor;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct _XCircle {
  pub x: XFixed,
  pub y: XFixed,
  pub radius: XFixed,
pub type XCircle = _XCircle;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct _XConicalGradient {
  pub center: XPointFixed,
  pub angle: XFixed,
pub type XConicalGradient = _XConicalGradient;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct _XFilters {
  pub nfilter: c_int,
  pub filter: *mut *mut c_char,
  pub nalias: c_int,
  pub alias: *mut c_short,
pub type XFilters = _XFilters;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct _XGlyphElt8 {
  pub glyphset: GlyphSet,
  pub chars: *mut c_char,
  pub nchars: c_int,
  pub xOff: c_int,
  pub yOff: c_int,
pub type XGlyphElt8 = _XGlyphElt8;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct _XGlyphElt16 {
  pub glyphset: GlyphSet,
  pub chars: *mut c_ushort,
  pub nchars: c_int,
  pub xOff: c_int,
  pub yOff: c_int,
pub type XGlyphElt16 = _XGlyphElt16;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct _XGlyphElt32 {
  pub glyphset: GlyphSet,
  pub chars: *mut c_uint,
  pub nchars: c_int,
  pub xOff: c_int,
  pub yOff: c_int,
pub type XGlyphElt32 = _XGlyphElt32;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct _XGlyphInfo {
  pub width: c_ushort,
  pub height: c_ushort,
  pub x: c_short,
  pub y: c_short,
  pub xOff: c_short,
  pub yOff: c_short,
pub type XGlyphInfo = _XGlyphInfo;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct _XIndexValue {
  pub pixel: c_ulong,
  pub red: c_ushort,
  pub green: c_ushort,
  pub blue: c_ushort,
  pub alpha: c_ushort,
pub type XIndexValue = _XIndexValue;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct _XLinearGradient {
  pub p1: XPointFixed,
  pub p2: XPointFixed,
pub type XLinearGradient = _XLinearGradient;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct _XLineFixed {
  pub p1: XPointFixed,
  pub p2: XPointFixed,
pub type XLineFixed = _XLineFixed;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct _XPointDouble {
  pub x: XDouble,
  pub y: XDouble,
pub type XPointDouble = _XPointDouble;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct _XPointFixed {
  pub x: XFixed,
  pub y: XFixed,
pub type XPointFixed = _XPointFixed;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct _XRadialGradient {
  pub inner: XCircle,
  pub outer: XCircle,
pub type XRadialGradient = _XRadialGradient;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct XRenderColor {
  pub red: c_ushort,
  pub green: c_ushort,
  pub blue: c_ushort,
  pub alpha: c_ushort,

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct XRenderDirectFormat {
  pub red: c_short,
  pub redMask: c_short,
  pub green: c_short,
  pub greenMask: c_short,
  pub blue: c_short,
  pub blueMask: c_short,
  pub alpha: c_short,
  pub alphaMask: c_short,

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct XRenderPictFormat {
  pub id: PictFormat,
  pub type_: c_int,
  pub depth: c_int,
  pub direct: XRenderDirectFormat,
  pub colormap: Colormap,

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct _XRenderPictureAttributes {
  pub repeat: c_int,
  pub alpha_map: Picture,
  pub alpha_x_origin: c_int,
  pub alpha_y_origin: c_int,
  pub clip_x_origin: c_int,
  pub clip_y_origin: c_int,
  pub clip_mask: Pixmap,
  pub graphics_exposures: Bool,
  pub subwindow_mode: c_int,
  pub poly_edge: c_int,
  pub poly_mode: c_int,
  pub dither: Atom,
  pub component_alpha: Bool,
pub type XRenderPictureAttributes = _XRenderPictureAttributes;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct _XSpanFix {
  pub left: XFixed,
  pub right: XFixed,
  pub y: XFixed,
pub type XSpanFix = _XSpanFix;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct _XTrap {
  pub top: XSpanFix,
  pub bottom: XSpanFix,
pub type XTrap = _XTrap;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct _XTrapezoid {
  pub top: XFixed,
  pub bottom: XFixed,
  pub left: XLineFixed,
  pub right: XLineFixed,
pub type XTrapezoid = _XTrapezoid;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct _XTriangle {
  pub p1: XPointFixed,
  pub p2: XPointFixed,
  pub p3: XPointFixed,
pub type XTriangle = _XTriangle;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct _XTransform {
  pub matrix: [[XFixed; 3]; 3],
pub type XTransform = _XTransform;