ws_stream_wasm 0.6.1

A convenience library for using websockets in WASM
use crate::{ import::*, WsErr };

/// Represents a WebSocket Message, after converting from JavaScript type.
#[ derive( Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash ) ]
pub enum WsMessage
	/// The data of the message is a string.
	Text  ( String  ),

	/// The message contains binary data.
	Binary( Vec<u8> ),

/// This will convert the JavaScript event into a WsMessage. Note that this
/// will only work if the connection is set to use the binary type ArrayBuffer.
/// On binary type Blob, this will panic.
impl TryFrom< MessageEvent > for WsMessage
	type Error = WsErr;

	fn try_from( evt: MessageEvent ) -> Result< Self, Self::Error >
			d if d.is_instance_of::< ArrayBuffer >() =>
				let     buffy = Uint8Array::new( d.unchecked_ref() );
				let mut v     = vec![ 0; buffy.length() as usize ];

				buffy.copy_to( &mut v ); // FIXME: get rid of this copy

				Ok( WsMessage::Binary( v ) )

			// We don't allow invalid encodings. In principle if needed,
			// we could add a variant to WsMessage with a CString or an OsString
			// to allow the user to access this data. However until there is a usecase,
			// I'm not inclined, amongst other things because the conversion from Js isn't very
			// clear and it would require a bunch of testing for something that's a rather bad
			// idea to begin with. If you need data that is not a valid string, use a binary
			// message.
			d if d.is_string() =>
				match d.as_string()
					Some(text) => Ok ( WsMessage::Text( text ) ),
					None       => Err( WsErr::InvalidEncoding  ),

			// We have set the binary mode to array buffer (WsMeta::connect), so normally this shouldn't happen.
			// That is as long as this is used within the context of the WsMeta constructor.
			d if d.is_instance_of::< Blob >() => Err( WsErr::CantDecodeBlob ),

			// should never happen.
			_ => Err( WsErr::UnknownDataType ),

impl From<WsMessage> for Vec<u8>
	fn from( msg: WsMessage ) -> Self
		match msg
			WsMessage::Text  ( string ) => string.into(),
			WsMessage::Binary( vec    ) => vec          ,

impl From<Vec<u8>> for WsMessage
	fn from( vec: Vec<u8> ) -> Self
		WsMessage::Binary( vec )

impl From<String> for WsMessage
	fn from( s: String ) -> Self
		WsMessage::Text( s )

impl AsRef<[u8]> for WsMessage
	fn as_ref( &self ) -> &[u8]
		match self
			WsMessage::Text  ( string ) => string.as_ref() ,
			WsMessage::Binary( vec    ) => vec   .as_ref() ,