wrapped_mono 0.2.0

`wrapped_mono` is a safe, lightweight wrapper around the mono library. It allows embedding of the mono runtime inside a rust project. Inside this embedded runtime code written in languages supporting the .NET framework, such as C# and F#, can be run. This allows usage of libraries written in those languages, and using them as a scripting language. The mono runtime is used by many game engines, and this wrapper allows using it with projects written in Rust too.
use crate::interop::{InteropRecive,InteropSend,InteropClass};
use crate::Class;
use crate::gc::{GCHandle,gc_unsafe_enter,gc_unsafe_exit};
use crate::{Object,ObjectTrait};
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use crate::domain::Domain;
use crate::binds::MonoArray;
// Documentation finished.
/// Safe representation of MonoArray(a reference to a managed array). Requires it's generic argument to implement InvokePass in order to automatically convert value from managed type to rust type.
/// Will panic on creating an array with type mismatch between runtime and rust.
/// # Nullable support
/// [`Array<T>`] is non-nullable on default and will panic when null passed as argument form managed code. For nullable support use [`Option<Array<T>>`].
    why is there a weird constraint "where [();DIMENSIONS as usize]:Copy" in array type? It guarantees that Dimensions is higher than 0 and size array is larger than 0, 
    so Array<DIMENSIONS,T> can exist.
pub struct Array<const DIMENSIONS:u32,T:InteropSend + InteropRecive + InteropClass> where [();DIMENSIONS as usize]:Copy{
    #[cfg(not(feature = "referneced_objects"))]
    arr_ptr:*mut MonoArray,
    #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
    lengths:[u32;DIMENSIONS as usize],
impl<T:InteropSend + InteropRecive + InteropClass, const DIMENSIONS:u32> Array<DIMENSIONS,T> where [();DIMENSIONS as usize]:Copy{
    // Private function used to calculate index in an array based on its dimensions.
    fn get_index(&self,indices:[usize;DIMENSIONS as usize])->usize{
        //size of current dimension
        let mut size = 1;
        let mut index = 0;
        for (n, ind) in indices.iter().enumerate(){
            let len = self.lengths[n] as usize;
            #[cfg(not(feature = "unsafe_arrays"))]
            assert!(*ind < len,"index ({}) outside of array bound ({})",ind,len);
            index += ind * size;
            size *= len;
    /// Function returning element at *index* 
    /// # Arguments
    /// |Name   |Type   |Description|
    /// |-------|-------|------|
    /// |self|&Self|[`Array`] to read from.|
    /// |indices|`[usize;DIMENSIONS as usize]`| An n-dimensional array containing indices to read value at|
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// fn some_get_fn(input:&Array<1,f32>)->f32{
    ///     let a = input.get(&[0]);  
    ///     let b = input.get(&[1]);
    ///     return a + b;  
    /// }
    /// ```
    /// ```rust
    /// fn some_get_fn_2D(input:&Array<2,f32>)->f32{
    ///     let a = input.get(&[0,0]);  
    ///     let b = input.get(&[1,1]);
    ///     let b = input.get(&[0,1]);
    ///     return a + b + c;  
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn get(&self,indices:[usize;DIMENSIONS as usize])->T{
        let index = self.get_index(indices);
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
        let marker = gc_unsafe_enter();
        let src:T::SourceType = unsafe{*(crate::binds::mono_array_addr_with_size(self.get_ptr(),std::mem::size_of::<T::SourceType>() as i32,index) as *const T::SourceType)};
        let rr = T::get_rust_rep(src);
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
    /// Function setting element at *index* of [`Array`] to *value*
    /// # Arguments
    /// |Name   |Type   |Description|
    /// |-------|-------|------|
    /// |self|&Self|[`Array`] to write value to.|
    /// |indices|`[usize;DIMENSIONS as usize]`| An n-dimensional array containing indices to set value at|
    /// |value  |`T`|value to set element at index to.|
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// fn set_fn(input:&mut Array<1,i32>){
    ///     input.set(&[0],0);
    ///     input.set(&[1],1);
    /// }
    /// ```
    /// ```rust
    /// fn set_fn_2D(input:&mut Array<2,i32>){
    ///     input.set(&[0,0],0);
    ///     input.set(&[1,1],1);
    ///     input.set(&[1,0],9);
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn set(&mut self,indices:[usize;DIMENSIONS as usize],value:T){
        let tmp = T::get_mono_rep(value);
        let index = self.get_index(indices);
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
        let marker = gc_unsafe_enter();
        let ptr =  unsafe{crate::binds::mono_array_addr_with_size(
            self.get_ptr(),std::mem::size_of::<T::TargetType>() as i32,index)
            as *mut T::TargetType};
        unsafe{(*ptr) = tmp};
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
    /// Function returning 1D length of the array(element count).
    /// # Arguments
    /// |Name   |Type   |Description|
    /// |-------|-------|------|
    /// |self|&Self|[`Array`] to get length of|
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// fn get_avg(input:&Array<1,f32>)->f32{
    ///     let mut sum = 0.0;
    ///     for i in 0..input.len{
    ///         sum+=input.get(&[i]);
    ///     }
    ///     return sum/(input.len() as f32);
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn len(&self)->usize{
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
        let marker = gc_unsafe_enter();
        let len = unsafe{crate::binds::mono_array_length(self.get_ptr())};
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
    /// Checks if [`Array`] is empty.
    /// # Arguments
    /// |Name   |Type   |Description|
    /// |-------|-------|------|
    /// |self|&Self|[`Array`] to check if is empty|
    pub fn is_empty(&self)->bool{
        0 == self.len()
    /// Function creating [`Array<T>`] from a pointer to [`MonoArray`]
    /// # Safety
    /// Pointer must be either a pointer to valid [`MonoArray`] of the same type, or a null pointer. Invalid values may lead to undefined behaviour and crashes.
    /// # Arguments
    /// |Name   |Type   |Description|
    /// |-------|-------|------|
    /// |ptr| *mut [`MonoArray`] | pointer to array to create representation for|
    pub unsafe fn from_ptr(ptr:*mut MonoArray)->Option<Self>{
        use crate::{Method,MethodTrait};
        if ptr.is_null(){
            return None;
        #[cfg(not(feature = "referneced_objects"))]
        let mut res = Array{arr_ptr:ptr,pd:PhantomData,lengths:[0;DIMENSIONS as usize]};
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
        let mut res = Array{handle:GCHandle::create_default(ptr as *mut MonoObject),pd:PhantomData,lengths:[0;DIMENSIONS as usize]};
        #[cfg(not(feature = "unsafe_arrays"))]
            let rank = res.get_class().get_rank();
            assert!(rank == DIMENSIONS,"Array dimension mismatch got:{}, expected:{}",rank,DIMENSIONS);
            let sclass = res.to_object().get_class(); 
            let tclass = <Self as InteropClass>::get_mono_class();
            if sclass.get_element_class() != tclass.get_element_class(){
                panic!("tried to create array of type `{}` from object of type `{}`",&tclass.get_name(),&sclass.get_name());
        //get array size
            let dim:Method<i32> = Method::get_from_name(&Class::get_array(),"GetLength",1)
            .expect("Array type does not have GetLength method, even toug it is impossible.");
            for i in 0..DIMENSIONS{
                let dim_obj = dim.invoke(Some(res.to_object()),i as i32).expect("Got an exception while calling Array.GetLength").expect("Got null instead of int");
                res.lengths[i as usize] = dim_obj.unbox::<i32>() as u32;
    /// Converts [`Array`] to [`Object`]
    /// # Arguments
    /// |Name   |Type   |Description|
    /// |-------|-------|------|
    /// |self| &Array | array to cast to object|
    pub fn to_object(&self)->Object{
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
        let marker = gc_unsafe_enter();
        let res = unsafe{Object::from_ptr(self.get_ptr() as *mut crate::binds::MonoObject)}.expect("Could not create object from array!");
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
    /// Allocate new array in *domain* with size *DIMENSIONS* with elements of type *class*. 
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// let arr_len = 8;
    /// let arr = Array<i32>::new(&domain,&int_managed_class,arr_len);
    /// assert!(arr.len() == arr_len);
    /// ```
    /// # Arguments
    /// |Name   |Type   |Description|
    /// |-------|-------|------|
    /// |domain| &[`Domain`] | domain to create array in|
    /// |size|`&[usize;DIMENSIONS as usize]`| size of the array to create|
    pub fn new(domain:&Domain,size:&[usize;DIMENSIONS as usize])->Self{
        let class = <T as InteropClass>::get_mono_class().get_array_class(DIMENSIONS);
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
        let marker = gc_unsafe_enter();
        let arr = unsafe{Self::from_ptr(
            crate::binds::mono_array_new_full(domain.get_ptr(),class.get_ptr(),size as *const [usize] as *mut usize,null_mut())
        )}.expect("could not create a new array!");
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
    /// Function returning a copy of internal pointer to [`MonoArray`]
    /// # Arguments
    /// |Name   |Type   |Description|
    /// |-------|-------|------|
    /// |self| &Array | Rust representation of Array to get internal pointer to|
    pub fn get_ptr(&self)->*mut crate::binds::MonoArray{
        #[cfg(not(feature = "referneced_objects"))]
        return self.arr_ptr;
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
        return self.handle.get_target() as *mut MonoArray;
    /// Clones managed array, **not** the reference to it.
    /// # Arguments
    /// |Name   |Type   |Description|
    /// |-------|-------|------|
    /// |self|&Array|Array to clone|
    pub fn clone_managed_array(&self)->Self{
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
        let marker = gc_unsafe_enter();
        let res = unsafe{Self::from_ptr(crate::binds::mono_array_clone(self.get_ptr()))}.expect("coud not create copy of an array!");
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
    ///Returns class of this array
    pub fn get_class()->Class{
        //TODO: change array to support multidimensional arrays.
        Class::get_array_class(&<T as InteropClass>::get_mono_class(),DIMENSIONS)
    /// Returns n-dimensional length of this array.
    /// # Arguments
    /// |Name   |Type   |Description|
    /// |-------|-------|------|
    /// |self|&Array|Array to get size of|
    pub fn get_lenghts(&self)->[u32; DIMENSIONS as usize]{
impl<T:InteropSend + InteropRecive + InteropClass, const DIMENSIONS:u32>  InteropRecive for Array<DIMENSIONS,T> where [();DIMENSIONS as usize]:Copy{
    type SourceType = *mut crate::binds::MonoArray;
     // unless this function is abused, this argument should come from the mono runtime, so it should be always valid.
    fn get_rust_rep(arg:Self::SourceType)->Self{
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
        let marker = gc_unsafe_enter();
        use crate::exception::except_managed;
        let opt = unsafe{Self::from_ptr(arg)};
        let res = except_managed(opt,"Got null in an not nullable type. For nullable support use Option<Array>");
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
impl<T:InteropSend + InteropRecive + InteropClass, const DIMENSIONS:u32>  InteropSend for Array<DIMENSIONS,T> where [();DIMENSIONS as usize]:Copy{
    type TargetType = *mut crate::binds::MonoArray;
    fn get_mono_rep(arg:Self)->Self::TargetType{
impl<T:InteropSend + InteropRecive + InteropClass, const DIMENSIONS:u32>  InteropClass for Array<DIMENSIONS,T> where [();DIMENSIONS as usize]:Copy{
    fn get_mono_class()->Class{
use core::ptr::null_mut;
use crate::binds::MonoObject;
use crate::mstring::MString;
use crate::Exception;
impl<T:InteropSend + InteropRecive + InteropClass, const DIMENSIONS:u32>  crate::object::ObjectTrait for Array<DIMENSIONS,T> where [();DIMENSIONS as usize]:Copy{
    fn hash(&self)->i32{
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
        let marker = gc_unsafe_enter();
        let hash = unsafe{crate::binds::mono_object_hash(self.get_ptr() as *mut MonoObject)};
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
    fn get_domain(&self)->crate::domain::Domain{
         #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
        let marker = gc_unsafe_enter();
        let dom = unsafe{crate::domain::Domain::from_ptr(crate::binds::mono_object_get_domain(self.get_ptr() as *mut MonoObject))};
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
    fn get_size(&self)->u32{
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
        let marker = gc_unsafe_enter();
        let size = unsafe{crate::binds:: mono_object_get_size(self.get_ptr() as *mut MonoObject)};
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
    fn reflection_get_token(&self)->u32{
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
        let marker = gc_unsafe_enter();
        let token = unsafe{crate::binds::mono_reflection_get_token(self.get_ptr() as *mut MonoObject)};
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
    fn get_class(&self)->crate::class::Class{
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
        let marker = gc_unsafe_enter();
        let class = unsafe{crate::class::Class::from_ptr(
            crate::binds::mono_object_get_class(self.get_ptr() as *mut MonoObject)
        ).expect("Could not get class of an object")};
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
    fn to_mstring(&self)->Result<Option<MString>,Exception>{
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
        let marker = gc_unsafe_enter();
        let mut exc:*mut crate::binds::MonoException = core::ptr::null_mut();
        let res = unsafe{MString::from_ptr(
            crate::binds::mono_object_to_string(self.get_ptr() as *mut crate::binds::MonoObject,&mut exc as *mut *mut crate::binds::MonoException as *mut *mut crate::binds::MonoObject)
        let exc = unsafe{Exception::from_ptr(exc)};
        let res = match exc{
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
    fn cast_to_object(&self)->Object{
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
        let marker = gc_unsafe_enter();
        let obj = unsafe{Object::from_ptr(self.get_ptr() as *mut MonoObject)}.unwrap(); //impossible. If array exists, then object exists too.
        #[cfg(feature = "referneced_objects")]
    /// Cast [`Object`] to [`Array`]. Returns [`None`] if cast failed. 
    /// # Arguments
    /// |Name   |Type   |Description|
    /// |-------|-------|------|
    /// |object| &Object | object to cast from |
    fn cast_from_object(object:&Object)->Option<Array<DIMENSIONS,T>>{
        let sclass = object.get_class(); 
        let tclass = <Self as InteropClass>::get_mono_class();
        if sclass.get_element_class() != tclass.get_element_class(){
            return None;
        unsafe{Self::from_ptr(object.get_ptr() as *mut crate::binds::MonoArray)}
impl<T:InteropSend + InteropRecive + InteropClass, const DIMENSIONS:u32> InteropRecive for Option<Array<DIMENSIONS,T>> where [();DIMENSIONS as usize]:Copy{
    type SourceType = *mut crate::binds::MonoArray;
    // unless this function is abused, this argument should come from the mono runtime, so it should be always valid.
    fn get_rust_rep(arg:Self::SourceType)->Self{
impl<T:InteropSend + InteropRecive + InteropClass, const DIMENSIONS:u32> InteropSend for Option<Array<DIMENSIONS,T>> where [();DIMENSIONS as usize]:Copy{
    type TargetType = *mut crate::binds::MonoArray;
    fn get_mono_rep(arg:Self)->Self::TargetType{
        match arg{Some(arg)=>arg.get_ptr(),None=>null_mut()}
impl<T:InteropSend + InteropRecive + InteropClass, const DIMENSIONS:u32> Clone for Array<DIMENSIONS,T> where [();DIMENSIONS as usize]:Copy{
    fn clone(&self)->Self{
        unsafe{Self::from_ptr(self.get_ptr()).unwrap()}//If object exists then it can't be null
impl<const DIMENSIONS:u32,T:InteropSend + InteropRecive + InteropClass,O:ObjectTrait> PartialEq<O> for Array<DIMENSIONS, T> where [();DIMENSIONS as usize]:Copy{
    fn eq(&self,other:&O)->bool{
        self.get_ptr() as *mut _ == other.cast_to_object().get_ptr()
impl<T:InteropSend + InteropRecive + InteropClass + Clone> From<&[T]> for Array<1,T>{
    fn from(src:&[T])->Self{
        let size = src.len();
        let dom = Domain::get_current().expect("Can't create arrays before JIT starts!");
        let mut res:Array<1,T> = Array::new(&dom,&[size]);
        for (i, src) in src.iter().enumerate(){