worker-cf-sentry 0.1.0

Sentry client for Cloudflare Workers
Crate for sending errors or events to Sentry. Assuming you have your Sentry creds, configure your worker: Configure wrangler.toml: ```toml [vars] SENTRY_DSN = ... SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT = ... SENTRY_CF_ACCESS_CLIENT_ID = ... ``` Add Cloudflare Access' secret token: ```ignore wrangler secret put SENTRY_CF_ACCESS_CLIENT_SECRET ``` Add the npm/yarn dependency: ```ignore yarn add toucan-js ``` Finally, use the Sentry client in worker using workers-rs: ```rust #[event(fetch)] pub async fn main(req: Request, env: Env, _ctx: worker::Context) -> Result { let sentry_config = sentry::SentryConfig::from_env(&env)?; let sentry = sentry::SentryClient::new(sentry_config, &req, &ctx); sentry.set_tag("colo", "LHR"); sentry.capture_message("this is a message"); sentry.capture_exception(&Err("this is a error")); todo!(); } ```