wiremock 0.1.1

HTTP mocking to test Rust applications.
use async_std::prelude::*;
use http_types::headers::{HeaderName, HeaderValue};
use http_types::{Method, Url};
use std::collections::HashMap;

/// An incoming request to an instance of [`MockServer`].
/// Each matcher gets an immutable reference to a `Request` instance in the [`matches`] method
/// defined in the [`Match`] trait.
/// [`MockServer`]: struct.MockServer.html
/// [`matches`]: trait.Match.html
/// [`Match`]: trait.Match.html
/// ### Implementation notes:
/// We can't use `http_types::Request` directly in our `Match::matches` signature:
/// it requires having mutable access to the request to extract the body (which gets
/// consumed when read!).  
/// It would also require `matches` to be async, which is cumbersome due to the lack of async traits.
/// We introduce our `Request` type to perform this extraction once when the request
/// arrives in the mock serve, store the result and pass an immutable reference to it
/// to all our matchers.
pub struct Request {
    pub url: Url,
    pub method: Method,
    pub headers: HashMap<HeaderName, Vec<HeaderValue>>,
    pub body: Vec<u8>,

impl Request {
    pub async fn from(mut request: http_types::Request) -> Request {
        let method = request.method();
        let url = request.url().to_owned();

        let mut headers = HashMap::new();
        for (header_name, header_values) in &request {
            headers.insert(header_name.to_owned(), header_values.to_owned());

        let mut body: Vec<u8> = vec![];
            .read_to_end(&mut body)
            .expect("Failed to read body");

        Self {