wintun 0.2.1

Safe idiomatic bindings to the WinTun C library
extern crate winapi;

use crate::packet;
use crate::util::UnsafeHandle;
use crate::wintun_raw;
use crate::Adapter;
use crate::Wintun;

use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;

use winapi::shared::winerror;
use winapi::um::errhandlingapi::GetLastError;
use winapi::um::handleapi;
use winapi::um::synchapi;
use winapi::um::winbase;
use winapi::um::winnt;

use std::sync::Arc;
use std::{ptr, slice};

/// Wrapper around a <>
pub struct Session {
    /// The session handle given to us by WintunStartSession
    pub(crate) session: UnsafeHandle<wintun_raw::WINTUN_SESSION_HANDLE>,

    /// Shared dll for required wintun driver functions
    pub(crate) wintun: Wintun,

    /// Windows event handle that is signaled by the wintun driver when data becomes available to
    /// read
    pub(crate) read_event: OnceCell<UnsafeHandle<winnt::HANDLE>>,

    /// Windows event handle that is signaled when [`Session::shutdown`] is called force blocking
    /// readers to exit
    pub(crate) shutdown_event: UnsafeHandle<winnt::HANDLE>,

    /// The adapter that owns this session
    pub(crate) adapter: Arc<Adapter>,

impl Session {
    /// Allocates a send packet of the specified size. Wraps WintunAllocateSendPacket
    /// All packets returned from this function must be sent using [`Session::send_packet`] because
    /// wintun establishes the send packet order based on the invocation order of this function.
    /// Therefore if a packet is allocated using this function, and then never sent, it will hold
    /// up the send queue for all other packets allocated in the future. It is okay for the session
    /// to shutdown with allocated packets that have not yet been sent
    pub fn allocate_send_packet(self: &Arc<Self>, size: u16) -> Result<packet::Packet, ()> {
        let ptr = unsafe {
                .WintunAllocateSendPacket(self.session.0, size as u32)
        if ptr.is_null() {
        } else {
            Ok(packet::Packet {
                //SAFETY: ptr is non null, aligned for u8, and readable for up to size bytes (which
                //must be less than isize::MAX because bytes is a u16
                bytes: unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, size as usize) },
                session: self.clone(),
                kind: packet::Kind::SendPacketPending,

    /// Sends a packet previously allocated with [`Session::allocate_send_packet`]
    pub fn send_packet(&self, mut packet: packet::Packet) {
        assert!(matches!(packet.kind, packet::Kind::SendPacketPending));

        unsafe {
                .WintunSendPacket(self.session.0, packet.bytes.as_ptr())
        //Mark the packet at sent
        packet.kind = packet::Kind::SendPacketSent;

    /// Attempts to receive a packet from the virtual interface without blocking.
    /// If there are no packets currently in the receive queue, this function returns Ok(None)
    /// without blocking. If blocking until a packet is desirable, use [`Session::receive_blocking`]
    pub fn try_receive(self: &Arc<Self>) -> Result<Option<packet::Packet>, ()> {
        let mut size = 0u32;

        let ptr = unsafe {
                .WintunReceivePacket(self.session.0, &mut size as *mut u32)

        debug_assert!(size <= u16::MAX as u32);
        if ptr.is_null() {
            //Wintun returns ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS instead of blocking if packets are not available
            let last_error = unsafe { GetLastError() };
            if last_error == winerror::ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS {
            } else {
        } else {
            Ok(Some(packet::Packet {
                kind: packet::Kind::ReceivePacket,
                //SAFETY: ptr is non null, aligned for u8, and readable for up to size bytes (which
                //must be less than isize::MAX because bytes is a u16
                bytes: unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, size as usize) },
                session: self.clone(),

    /// Returns the low level read event handle that is signaled when more data becomes available
    /// to read
    pub(crate) fn get_read_wait_event(&self) -> Result<winnt::HANDLE, ()> {
            .get_or_init(|| unsafe {
                UnsafeHandle(self.wintun.WintunGetReadWaitEvent(self.session.0) as winnt::HANDLE)

    /// Blocks until a packet is available, returning the next packet in the receive queue once this happens.
    /// If the session is closed via [`Session::shutdown`] all threads currently blocking inside this function
    /// will return Err(())
    pub fn receive_blocking(self: &Arc<Self>) -> Result<packet::Packet, ()> {
        loop {
            //Try 5 times to receive without blocking so we don't have to issue a syscall to wait
            //for the event if packets are being received at a rapid rate
            for _ in 0..5 {
                match self.try_receive() {
                    Err(err) => return Err(err),
                    Ok(Some(packet)) => return Ok(packet),
                    Ok(None) => {
                        //Try again
            //Wait on both the read handle and the shutdown handle so that we stop when requested
            let handles = [self.get_read_wait_event()?, self.shutdown_event.0];
            let result = unsafe {
                //SAFETY: We abide by the requirements of WaitForMultipleObjects, handles is a
                //pointer to valid, aligned, stack memory
                    &handles as *const winnt::HANDLE,
            match result {
                winbase::WAIT_FAILED => return Err(()),
                _ => {
                    if result == winbase::WAIT_OBJECT_0 {
                        //We have data!
                    } else if result == winbase::WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 {
                        //Shutdown event triggered
                        return Err(());

    /// Cancels any active calls to [`Session::receive_blocking`] making them instantly return Err(_) so that session can be shutdown cleanly
    pub fn shutdown(&self) {
        let _ = unsafe { synchapi::SetEvent(self.shutdown_event.0) };
        let _ = unsafe { handleapi::CloseHandle(self.shutdown_event.0) };

impl Drop for Session {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        let _ = Arc::clone(&self.adapter);
        unsafe { self.wintun.WintunEndSession(self.session.0) };
        self.session.0 = ptr::null_mut();

        //Adapter must be dropped after we call `WintunEndSession`,
        //if `self.adapter is the last reference