wintun 0.2.1

Safe idiomatic bindings to the WinTun C library
/// Representation of a winton adapter with safe idiomatic bindings to the functionality provided by
/// the WintunAdapter* C functions.
/// The [`Adapter::create`] and [`Adapter::open`] functions serve as the entry point to using
/// wintun functionality
use crate::error;
use crate::session;
use crate::util;
use crate::util::UnsafeHandle;
use crate::wintun_raw;
use crate::Wintun;

use std::ptr;
use std::sync::Arc;

use itertools::Itertools;
use log::*;
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
use rand::Rng;

use widestring::U16CStr;
use widestring::U16CString;

use winapi::{
    um::{ipexport, iphlpapi, synchapi},

/// Wrapper around a <>
pub struct Adapter {
    adapter: UnsafeHandle<wintun_raw::WINTUN_ADAPTER_HANDLE>,
    wintun: Wintun,
    guid: u128,

fn encode_utf16(string: &str, max_characters: usize) -> Result<U16CString, error::WintunError> {
    let utf16 = U16CString::from_str(string)?;
    if utf16.len() >= max_characters {
        //max_characters is the maximum number of characters including the null terminator. And .len() measures the
        //number of characters (excluding the null terminator). Therefore we can hold a string with
        //max_characters - 1 because the null terminator sits in the last element. However a string
        //of length max_characters needs max_characters + 1 to store the null terminator the >=
        //check holds
            //TODO: Better error handling
            "Length too large. Size: {}, Max: {}",
    } else {

fn encode_pool_name(name: &str) -> Result<U16CString, error::WintunError> {
    encode_utf16(name, crate::MAX_POOL)

fn encode_adapter_name(name: &str) -> Result<U16CString, error::WintunError> {
    encode_utf16(name, crate::MAX_POOL)

fn get_adapter_luid(wintun: &Wintun, adapter: wintun_raw::WINTUN_ADAPTER_HANDLE) -> u64 {
    let mut luid: wintun_raw::NET_LUID = unsafe { std::mem::zeroed() };
    unsafe { wintun.WintunGetAdapterLUID(adapter, &mut luid as *mut wintun_raw::NET_LUID) };
    unsafe { std::mem::transmute(luid) }

impl Adapter {
    //TODO: Call get last error for error information on failure and improve error types

    /// Creates a new wintun adapter inside the pool `pool` with name `name`
    /// Optionally a GUID can be specified that will become the GUID of this adapter once created.
    /// Adapters obtained via this function will be able to return their adapter index via
    /// [`Adapter::get_adapter_index`]
    pub fn create(
        wintun: &Wintun,
        pool: &str,
        name: &str,
        guid: Option<u128>,
    ) -> Result<Arc<Adapter>, error::WintunError> {
        let pool_utf16 = encode_pool_name(pool)?;
        let name_utf16 = encode_adapter_name(name)?;

        let guid = match guid {
            Some(guid) => guid,
            None => {
                // Use random bytes so that we can identify this adapter in get_adapter_index
                let mut guid_bytes: [u8; 16] = [0u8; 16];
                rand::thread_rng().fill(&mut guid_bytes);
        //SAFETY: guid is a unique integer so transmuting either all zeroes or the user's preferred
        //guid to the winapi guid type is safe and will allow the windows kernel to see our GUID
        let guid_struct: wintun_raw::GUID = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(guid) };
        //TODO: The guid of the adapter once created might differ from the one provided because of
        //the byte order of the segments of the GUID struct that are larger than a byte. Verify
        //that this works as expected

        let guid_ptr = &guid_struct as *const wintun_raw::GUID;


        //SAFETY: the function is loaded from the wintun dll properly, we are providing valid
        //pointers, and all the strings are correct null terminated UTF-16. This safety rationale
        //applies for all Wintun* functions below
        let result = unsafe {
            wintun.WintunCreateAdapter(pool_utf16.as_ptr(), name_utf16.as_ptr(), guid_ptr)

        if result.is_null() {
            Err("Failed to crate adapter".into())
        } else {
            Ok(Arc::new(Adapter {
                adapter: UnsafeHandle(result),
                wintun: wintun.clone(),

    /// Attempts to open an existing wintun interface name `name`.
    /// Adapters opened via this call will have an unknown GUID meaning [`Adapter::get_adapter_index`]
    /// will always fail because knowing the adapter's GUID is required to determine its index.
    /// Currently a workaround is to delete and re-create a new adapter every time one is needed so
    /// that it gets created with a known GUID, allowing [`Adapter::get_adapter_index`] to works as
    /// expected. There is likely a way to get the GUID of our adapter using the Windows Registry
    /// or via the Win32 API, so PR's that solve this issue are always welcome!
    pub fn open(wintun: &Wintun, name: &str) -> Result<Arc<Adapter>, error::WintunError> {
        let name_utf16 = encode_adapter_name(name)?;


        let result = unsafe { wintun.WintunOpenAdapter(name_utf16.as_ptr()) };

        if result.is_null() {
            Err("WintunOpenAdapter failed".into())
        } else {
            Ok(Arc::new(Adapter {
                adapter: UnsafeHandle(result),
                wintun: wintun.clone(),
                // TODO: get GUID somehow
                guid: 0,

    /// Delete an adapter, consuming it in the process
    pub fn delete(self) -> Result<(), ()> {
        //Dropping an adapter closes it
        // Return a result here so that if later the API changes to be fallible, we can support it
        // without making a breaking change

    /// Initiates a new wintun session on the given adapter.
    /// Capacity is the size in bytes of the ring buffer used internally by the driver. Must be
    /// a power of two between [`crate::MIN_RING_CAPACITY`] and [`crate::MIN_RING_CAPACITY`].
    pub fn start_session(
        self: &Arc<Self>,
        capacity: u32,
    ) -> Result<session::Session, error::WintunError> {
        let range = crate::MIN_RING_CAPACITY..=crate::MAX_RING_CAPACITY;
        if !range.contains(&capacity) {
            return Err(Box::new(error::ApiError::CapacityOutOfRange(
                error::OutOfRangeData {
                    value: capacity,
        if !capacity.is_power_of_two() {
            return Err(Box::new(error::ApiError::CapacityNotPowerOfTwo(capacity)));

        let result = unsafe { self.wintun.WintunStartSession(self.adapter.0, capacity) };

        if result.is_null() {
            Err("WintunStartSession failed".into())
        } else {
            Ok(session::Session {
                session: UnsafeHandle(result),
                wintun: self.wintun.clone(),
                read_event: OnceCell::new(),
                shutdown_event: unsafe {
                    //SAFETY: We follow the contract required by CreateEventA. See MSDN
                    //(the pointers are allowed to be null, and 0 is okay for the others)
                adapter: Arc::clone(self),

    /// Returns the Win32 LUID for this adapter
    pub fn get_luid(&self) -> u64 {
        get_adapter_luid(&self.wintun, self.adapter.0)

    /// Returns the Win32 interface index of this adapter. Useful for specifying the interface
    /// when executing `netsh interface ip` commands
    pub fn get_adapter_index(&self) -> Result<u32, error::WintunError> {
        let mut buf_len: u32 = 0;
        //First figure out the size of the buffer needed to store the adapter info
        //SAFETY: We are upholding the contract of GetInterfaceInfo. buf_len is a valid pointer to
        //stack memory
        let result =
            unsafe { iphlpapi::GetInterfaceInfo(std::ptr::null_mut(), &mut buf_len as *mut u32) };
        if result != winerror::NO_ERROR && result != winerror::ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER {
            let err_msg = util::get_error_message(result);
            error!("Failed to get interface info: {}", err_msg);
            //TODO: Better error types
            return Err(format!("GetInterfaceInfo failed: {}", err_msg).into());

        //Allocate a buffer of the requested size
        //IP_INTERFACE_INFO must be aligned by at least 4 byte boundaries so use u32 as the
        //underlying data storage type
        let buf_elements = buf_len as usize / std::mem::size_of::<u32>() + 1;
        //Round up incase integer division truncated a byte that filled a partial element
        let mut buf: Vec<u32> = vec![0; buf_elements];

        let buf_bytes = buf.len() * std::mem::size_of::<u32>();
        assert!(buf_bytes >= buf_len as usize);

        //  1. We are upholding the contract of GetInterfaceInfo.
        //  2. `final_buf_len` is an aligned, valid pointer to stack memory
        //  3. buf is a valid, non-null pointer to at least `buf_len` bytes of heap memory,
        //     aligned to at least 4 byte boundaries
        //Get the info
        let mut final_buf_len: u32 = buf_len;
        let result = unsafe {
                buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut ipexport::IP_INTERFACE_INFO,
                &mut final_buf_len as *mut u32,
        if result != winerror::NO_ERROR {
            let err_msg = util::get_error_message(result);
            //TODO: maybe over allocate the buffer in case the needed size changes between the two
            //calls to GetInterfaceInfo if another adapter is added
                "Failed to get interface info a second time: {}. Original len: {}, final len: {}",
                err_msg, buf_len, final_buf_len
            return Err(format!("GetInterfaceInfo failed a second time: {}", err_msg).into());
        let info = buf.as_mut_ptr() as *const ipexport::IP_INTERFACE_INFO;
        // info is a valid, non-null, at least 4 byte aligned pointer obtained from
        // Vec::with_capacity that is readable for up to `buf_len` bytes which is guaranteed to be
        // larger than on IP_INTERFACE_INFO struct as the kernel would never ask for less memory then
        // what it will write. The largest type inside IP_INTERFACE_INFO is a u32 therefore
        // a painter to IP_INTERFACE_INFO requires an alignment of at leant 4 bytes, which
        // Vec<u32>::as_mut_ptr() provides
        let adapter_base = unsafe { &*info };
        let adapter_count = adapter_base.NumAdapters;
        let first_adapter = &adapter_base.Adapter as *const ipexport::IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP;

        // SAFETY:
        //  1. first_adapter is a valid, non null pointer, aligned to at least 4 byte boundaries
        //     obtained from moving a multiple of 4 offset into the buf given by Vec::with_capacity.
        //  2. We gave GetInterfaceInfo a buffer of at least least `buf_len` bytes to work with and it
        //     succeeded in writing the adapter information within the bounds of that buffer, otherwise
        //     it would've failed. Because the operation succeeded, we know that reading n=NumAdapters
        //     IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP structs stays within the bounds of buf's buffer
        let interfaces =
            unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(first_adapter, adapter_count as usize) };

        for interface in interfaces {
            let name =
                unsafe { U16CStr::from_ptr_str(&interface.Name as *const u16).to_string_lossy() };
            //Nam is something like: \DEVICE\TCPIP_{29C47F55-C7BD-433A-8BF7-408DFD3B3390}
            //where the GUID is the {29C4...90}, separated by dashes
            let open = name.chars().position(|c| c == '{').ok_or(format!(
                "Failed to find {{ character inside adapter name: {}",
            let close = name.chars().position(|c| c == '}').ok_or(format!(
                "Failed to find }} character inside adapter name: {}",
            let digits: Vec<u8> = name[open..close]
                .filter(|c| c.is_digit(16))
                .filter_map(|mut chunk| {
                    //Filter out chunks that have < 2 digits
                    if let Some(a) = {
                        if let Some(b) = {
                            return Some((a, b));
                .map(|digits| {
                    let chars: [u8; 2] = [digits.0 as u8, digits.1 as u8];
                    let s = std::str::from_utf8(&chars).unwrap();
                    u8::from_str_radix(s, 16).unwrap()

            //Our index is the adapter which has a guid in its name that matches ours
            //For now we just check for a guid with the same hex bytes in any order
            //TODO: byte swap GUID from name so that we can compare self.guid with the parsed GUID
            let mut match_count = 0;
            for byte in self.guid.to_ne_bytes() {
                if digits.contains(&byte) {
                    match_count += 1;
            if match_count == digits.len() {
                return Ok(interface.Index);
        Err("Unable to find matching GUID".into())

impl Drop for Adapter {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        //Close adapter on drop
        //This is why we need an Arc of wintun
        unsafe { self.wintun.WintunCloseAdapter(self.adapter.0) };
        self.adapter = UnsafeHandle(ptr::null_mut());