winping 0.10.1

An easy-to-use ICMP Echo API for Windows programs without requiring elevated rights
use static_assertions::{assert_impl_all, const_assert, const_assert_eq};
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
use winapi::um::ipexport::ICMP_ECHO_REPLY32;
use winapi::{
    um::ipexport::{ICMPV6_ECHO_REPLY, ICMP_ECHO_REPLY},

use std::{
    mem::{self, align_of, size_of},
    net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr},

// Chunk is a lump of u8, apropriately sized and aligned
// for the necessary ICMP(V6)_ECHO_REPLY(32) types on
// 32 and 64 bit platforms.
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
#[repr(C, align(8))]
struct Chunk([u8; 8]);
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
#[repr(C, align(4))]
struct Chunk([u8; 4]);
// Prove it
const CHUNK_SIZE: usize = size_of::<Chunk>();
const_assert_eq!(CHUNK_SIZE, align_of::<Chunk>());
const_assert_eq!(CHUNK_SIZE, align_of::<ICMP_ECHO_REPLY>());
const_assert!(CHUNK_SIZE >= align_of::<ICMPV6_ECHO_REPLY>());
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
const_assert!(CHUNK_SIZE >= align_of::<ICMP_ECHO_REPLY32>());
/// A buffer for request and reply data.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Buffer {
    pub request_data: Vec<u8>,
    reply_data: Vec<Chunk>,
    state: ReplyState,
assert_impl_all!(Buffer: Send, Sync);
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
enum ReplyState {
    Filled4 { data_len: usize },
    Filled6 { data_len: usize },

impl Default for Buffer {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl Buffer {
    /// Creates a new, empty buffer with no request data.
    pub const fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            request_data: Vec::new(),
            reply_data: Vec::new(),
            state: ReplyState::Empty,
    /// Creates a new buffer with the provided request data.
    pub const fn with_data(request_data: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
        Self {
            reply_data: Vec::new(),
            state: ReplyState::Empty,

    pub(crate) fn init_for_send(&mut self) {
        // Reply buffer must be large enough for:
        // 1. Any possible ICMP_ECHO(V6)_REPLY(32) type +
        // 2. An ICMP error (8 bytes) +
        // 3. An IO_STATUS_BLOCK (up to 16 bytes) +
        // 4. The length of the request data
        #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
        const MIN_ECHO_REPLY_SIZE: usize = {
            const_assert!(size_of::<ICMPV6_ECHO_REPLY>() <= size_of::<ICMP_ECHO_REPLY>());
            const_assert!(size_of::<ICMP_ECHO_REPLY32>() <= size_of::<ICMP_ECHO_REPLY>());
        #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
        const MIN_ECHO_REPLY_SIZE: usize = {
            const_assert!(size_of::<ICMP_ECHO_REPLY>() <= size_of::<ICMPV6_ECHO_REPLY>());
        const BASE_SIZE: usize = MIN_ECHO_REPLY_SIZE + 24;
        let size = BASE_SIZE + self.request_data.len();

        let chunks = size / CHUNK_SIZE
            + match size % CHUNK_SIZE {
                0 => 0,
                _ => 1,
        self.reply_data.resize(chunks, Chunk([0; CHUNK_SIZE]));
        self.state = ReplyState::Empty;
    pub(crate) fn request_data_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut VOID {
        let ptr: *mut u8 = self.request_data.as_mut_ptr();
        ptr as *mut VOID
    pub(crate) fn request_data_len(&self) -> u16 {
        self.request_data.len() as u16
    pub(crate) fn reply_data_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut VOID {
        let ptr: *mut Chunk = self.reply_data.as_mut_ptr();
        ptr as *mut VOID
    fn reply_data_ptr_const(&self) -> *const VOID {
        let ptr: *const Chunk = self.reply_data.as_ptr();
        ptr as *const VOID
    pub(crate) fn reply_data_len(&self) -> u32 {
        (self.reply_data.len() * CHUNK_SIZE) as u32
    pub(crate) fn as_echo_reply(&self) -> Option<&ICMP_ECHO_REPLY> {
        if self.reply_data_len() as usize >= size_of::<ICMP_ECHO_REPLY>() {
            // Safety:
            // We've ensured we have enough bytes, and they must be init.
            // The definition of Chunk ensures we have correct alignment.
            // Everything is Copy.
            Some(unsafe { &*self.reply_data_ptr_const().cast() })
        } else {
    #[cfg(all(target_pointer_width = "64", feature = "async"))]
    pub(crate) fn as_echo_reply32(&self) -> Option<&ICMP_ECHO_REPLY32> {
        if self.reply_data_len() as usize >= size_of::<ICMP_ECHO_REPLY32>() {
            Some(unsafe { &*self.reply_data_ptr_const().cast() })
        } else {
    pub(crate) fn as_echo_reply6(&self) -> Option<&ICMPV6_ECHO_REPLY> {
        if self.reply_data_len() as usize >= size_of::<ICMPV6_ECHO_REPLY>() {
            // Safety:
            // We've ensured we have enough bytes, and they must be init.
            // The definition of Chunk ensures we have correct alignment.
            // Everything is Copy.
            Some(unsafe { &*self.reply_data_ptr_const().cast() })
        } else {
    pub(crate) fn set_filled4(&mut self) {
        let data_len = self.as_echo_reply().unwrap().DataSize as usize;
        self.state = ReplyState::Filled4 { data_len }
    pub(crate) fn set_filled6(&mut self) {
        // RFC 4443, section 4.2, reply data MUST be same as request data
        let data_len = self.request_data.len();
        self.state = ReplyState::Filled6 { data_len }
    /// Gets the reply data from the last ping this buffer was used in. The reply data may be empty
    /// if a reuqest was not send with this buffer, or if there was no reply to the sent request.
    pub fn reply_data(&self) -> &[u8] {
        let (len, offset) = match self.state {
            ReplyState::Empty => (0, 0),
            ReplyState::Filled4 { data_len } => {
                // No need to treat ICMP_ECHO_REPLY32 separately.
                // IcmpParseReplies does not move the reply data when
                // converting ICMP_ECHO_REPLY to ICMP_ECHO_REPLY32,
                // so offset is still size of ICMP_ECHO_REPLY.
                (data_len, size_of::<ICMP_ECHO_REPLY>())
            ReplyState::Filled6 { data_len } => (data_len, size_of::<ICMPV6_ECHO_REPLY>()),

        if len == 0 || offset + len > self.reply_data_len() as usize {
        } else {
            unsafe {
    /// Gets the responding Ipv6Addr from the last request this buffer was involved in. Returns None
    /// if the last request was v6, the buffer wasn't used in a request, or there was no reply.
    pub fn responding_ipv4(&self) -> Option<Ipv4Addr> {
        let addr = match self.state {
            ReplyState::Filled4 { .. } => self.as_echo_reply().unwrap().Address,
            _ => return None,
        Some(unsafe { mem::transmute(addr) })
    /// Gets the responding Ipv6Addr from the last request this buffer was involved in. Returns None
    /// if the last request was v4, the buffer wasn't used in a request, or there was no reply.
    pub fn responding_ipv6(&self) -> Option<Ipv6Addr> {
        let addr = match self.state {
            ReplyState::Filled6 { .. } => self.as_echo_reply6().unwrap().Address.sin6_addr,
            _ => return None,
        Some(unsafe { mem::transmute(addr) })
    /// Gets the responding IpAddr from the last request this buffer was involved in. Returns None
    /// if the buffer wasn't used in a request, or there was no reply.
    pub fn responding_ip(&self) -> Option<IpAddr> {
            .or_else(|| self.responding_ipv6().map(IpAddr::V6))