pub unsafe extern "C" fn FspSetSecurityDescriptor(
    InputDescriptor: PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR,
    SecurityInformation: SECURITY_INFORMATION,
    ModificationDescriptor: PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR,
    PSecurityDescriptor: *mut PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
Expand description

Modify security descriptor.

This is a helper for implementing the SetSecurity operation.

@param InputDescriptor The input security descriptor to be modified. @param SecurityInformation Describes what parts of the InputDescriptor should be modified. This should contain the same value passed to the SetSecurity SecurityInformation parameter. @param ModificationDescriptor Describes the modifications to apply to the InputDescriptor. This should contain the same value passed to the SetSecurity ModificationDescriptor parameter. @param PSecurityDescriptor [out] Pointer to a memory location that will receive the resulting security descriptor. This security descriptor can be later freed using FspDeleteSecurityDescriptor. @return STATUS_SUCCESS or error code. @see SetSecurity FspDeleteSecurityDescriptor