pub unsafe extern "C" fn FspFileSystemEnumerateEa(
    FileSystem: *mut FSP_FILE_SYSTEM,
    EnumerateEa: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(FileSystem: *mut FSP_FILE_SYSTEM, Context: PVOID, SingleEa: PFILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION) -> NTSTATUS>,
    Context: PVOID,
    EaLength: ULONG
Expand description

Enumerate extended attributes in a buffer.

This is a helper for implementing the CreateEx and SetEa operations in file systems that support extended attributes.

@param FileSystem The file system object. @param EnumerateEa Pointer to function that receives a single extended attribute. The function should return STATUS_SUCCESS or an error code if unsuccessful. @param Context User context to supply to EnumEa. @param Ea Extended attributes buffer. @param EaLength Extended attributes buffer length. @return STATUS_SUCCESS or error code from EnumerateEa.