win-crypto-ng 0.4.0

Safe bindings to Windows Cryptography API: Next Generation
//! C-compatible dynamic inline structure

use crate::helpers::{AsBytes, FromBytes};

use core::alloc::Layout;
use core::{mem, ptr, slice};

/// C-compatible dynamic inline structure.
/// Can be used to house data with a header structure of a statically known size
/// but with trailing data of size dependent on the header field values.
/// # Layout
/// The structure is marked as `#[repr(C, packed)]` to be layout-compatible with
/// regular byte slice (`[u8]`) since it's mostly constructed from `Box<[u8]>`
/// via C FFI.
/// It's worth noting that heap allocation will often align to pointer size, so
/// no unaligned load should happen once the value is constructed from
/// heap-allocated bytes.
#[repr(C, packed)]
pub struct Blob<T: BlobLayout>(T::Header, [u8]);

/// Marker trait for dynamic struct layouts prefixed with `Self::Header` type
/// of a statically-known size. Used in tandem with `Blob`.
pub trait BlobLayout {
    type Header: AsBytes + FromBytes;

impl<'a, T: BlobLayout> Blob<T> {
    pub fn header(&self) -> &T::Header {
        // SAFETY: The only way to construct `Blob` is via
        // `Self::from_boxed`, which requires that the source reference is
        // aligned at least as `T::Header` and since `Blob` is
        // `#[repr(C)]` (and so is `T::Header`, because it  implements `AsBytes`
        // which requires being `#[repr(C)]`), so the reference to its first
        // field will be aligned at least as `T::Header`.
        unsafe { &self.0 }

    pub(crate) fn tail(&self) -> &[u8] {

    pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {

    // False positive for arbitrary self type
    // TODO: Remove once we bump MSRV to a newer clippy
    pub fn into_bytes(self: Box<Self>) -> Box<[u8]> {

    pub fn from_boxed(boxed: Box<[u8]>) -> Box<Self> {

    pub(crate) unsafe fn ref_cast<U: BlobLayout>(&self) -> &Blob<U> {

// SAFETY: The struct is `#[repr(C)]` and so is the header because it implements
// `AsBytes` as well, so the layout is well-defined and data can be converted to
// bytes
unsafe impl<T: BlobLayout> AsBytes for Blob<T> {}

unsafe impl<T: BlobLayout> FromBytes for Blob<T> {
    // Require that the allocation is at least as aligned as its header to
    // safely reference it as the first field. (despite
    // `Blob` being technically `#[repr(packed)]`)
    unsafe fn min_layout() -> Layout {

    unsafe fn ptr_cast(source: *const [u8]) -> *const Self {
        assert_ne!(source as *const (), ptr::null());
        // SAFETY: [u8] is 1-byte aligned so no need to check before deref
        let len = (&*source).len();
        let tail_len = len - mem::size_of::<T::Header>();

        // SAFETY: This assumes that the pointer to slices and slice-based DSTs
        // have the same metadata (verified by the compiler at compile-time)
        let slice = slice::from_raw_parts(source as *const T::Header, tail_len);
        slice as *const [T::Header] as *const _

/// Defines a trait for accessing dynamic fields (byte slices) for structs that
/// have a header of a known size which also defines the rest of the struct
/// layout.
/// Assumes a contiguous byte buffer.
macro_rules! blob {
        enum $wrapper_ident: ident {},
        header: $header: ty,
        view: struct ref $tail_ident: ident {
                $field: ident [$($len: tt)*],
    ) => {
        pub enum $wrapper_ident {}

        pub struct $tail_ident<'a> {
                pub $field: &'a [u8],

        impl<'a> $crate::helpers::BlobLayout for $wrapper_ident {
            type Header = $header;

        impl $crate::helpers::Blob<$wrapper_ident> {
            pub fn clone_from_parts(header: &$header, tail: &$tail_ident) -> Box<Self> {
                let header_len = core::mem::size_of_val(header);
                let tail_len: usize = 0 $( + blob! { size: header, $($len)*} )*;

                // NOTE: There's no trailing padding due to `Blob` being `repr(packed)`
                let mut boxed = vec![0u8; header_len + tail_len].into_boxed_slice();

                let header_bytes = $crate::helpers::AsBytes::as_bytes(header);
                &mut boxed[..header_len].copy_from_slice(header_bytes);
                let mut offset = header_len;
                    let field_len = blob! { size: header, $($len)*};
                    &mut boxed[offset..offset + field_len].copy_from_slice(tail.$field);
                    offset += field_len;


        impl $crate::helpers::Blob<$wrapper_ident> {
            blob! { fields: ;
                    $field [$($len)*],

    // Expand fields. Recursively expand each field, pushing the processed field
    //  identifier to a queue which is later used to calculate field offset for
    // subsequent fields
        fields: $($prev: ident,)* ;
        $curr: ident [$($curr_len: tt)*],
            $field: ident [$($field_len: tt)*],
    ) => {
        pub fn $curr(&self) -> &[u8] {
            let size: usize = blob! { size: self.header(), $($curr_len)* };
            let offset = 0 $(+ self.$prev().len())*;

            &self.tail()[offset..offset + size]

        // Once expanded, push the processed ident and recursively expand other
        // fields
        blob! {
            fields: $($prev,)* $curr, ;
                $field [$($field_len)*],
    // Stop after expanding every field
    (fields: $($prev: ident,)* ; ) => {};

    // Accept either header member values or arbitrary expressions (e.g. numeric
    // constants)
    (size: $this: expr, $ident: ident) => { $this.$ident as usize };
    (size: $this: expr, $expr: expr) => { $expr };


mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::helpers::bytes::Pod;

    fn test() {
        pub struct Header {
            count: u16,
        blob! {
            enum MyDynStruct {},
            header: Header,
            view: struct ref TailView {
                some_member[count], // Refers to run-time value of `count` field

        unsafe impl Pod for Header {}

        let inline = Blob::<MyDynStruct>::clone_from_parts(
            &Header { count: 4 },
            &TailView {
                some_member: &[1u8, 2, 3, 4],
        assert_eq!(6, mem::size_of_val(&*inline));

        let inline = Blob::<MyDynStruct>::clone_from_parts(
            &Header { count: 5 },
            &TailView {
                some_member: &[1u8, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        // *NO* trailing padding (Due to Blob being `#[repr(C, packed)])`
        assert_eq!(7, mem::size_of_val(&*inline));