wgpu-core 0.19.2

WebGPU core logic on wgpu-hal

This library safely implements WebGPU on native platforms. It is designed for integration into browsers, as well as wrapping into other language-specific user-friendly libraries.

Feature flags

  • api_log_info --- Log all API entry points at info instead of trace level.
  • resource_log_info --- Log resource lifecycle management at info instead of trace level.
  • link (enabled by default) --- Use static linking for libraries. Disale to manually link. Enabled by default.
  • renderdoc --- Support the Renderdoc graphics debugger: https://renderdoc.org/
  • strict_asserts --- Apply run-time checks, even in release builds. These are in addition to the validation carried out at public APIs in all builds.
  • trace --- Enable API tracing.
  • replay --- Enable API replaying
  • serial-pass --- Enable serializable compute/render passes, and bundle encoders.
  • wgsl --- Enable ShaderModuleSource::Wgsl
  • fragile-send-sync-non-atomic-wasm --- Implement Send and Sync on Wasm, but only if atomics are not enabled.

WebGL/WebGPU objects can not be shared between threads. However, it can be useful to artificially mark them as Send and Sync anyways to make it easier to write cross-platform code. This is technically very unsafe in a multithreaded environment, but on a wasm binary compiled without atomics we know we are definitely not in a multithreaded environment.

Backends, passed through to wgpu-hal

  • metal --- Enable the metal backend.
  • vulkan --- Enable the vulkan backend.
  • gles --- Enable the GLES backend.

This is used for all of GLES, OpenGL, and WebGL.

  • dx12 --- Enable the dx12 backend.