weld 0.4.0

Weld is a language and runtime for improving the performance of data-intensive applications.
//! Applies macros and type aliases to an expression or program.
//! # Caveats
//! * Macros that reuse a parameter twice have its expansion appear twice, instead of
//! assigning it to a temporary as would happen with function application.

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::vec::Vec;

use super::parser::*;
use super::program::*;
use crate::ast::ExprKind::*;
use crate::ast::*;
use crate::error::*;
use crate::util::SymbolGenerator;

use crate::tests::print_expr_without_indent;

const MAX_MACRO_DEPTH: i32 = 30;

// thread_local instead of lazy_static because Rc on Symbol isn't Send.
thread_local! {
    /// Standard macros loaded once.
    static STANDARD_MACROS: Vec<Macro> = {
        let code = include_str!("../resources/standard_macros.weld");

/// Apply macros to a program, including the standard macros built into Weld.
pub fn process_program(program: &Program) -> WeldResult<Expr> {
    let mut all_macros = STANDARD_MACROS.with(|v| v.clone());
    let mut expr = process_macros(&program.body, &all_macros)?;
    process_type_aliases(&mut expr, program.type_aliases.clone())?;

/// Replace alias types in the AST with real ones.
pub fn process_type_aliases(expr: &mut Expr, type_aliases: Vec<TypeAlias>) -> WeldResult<()> {
    let mut type_map = HashMap::new();
    for alias in type_aliases.into_iter() {
        let (name, mut ty) = (alias.name, alias.ty);
        // This imposes the requirement that types are defined before they are used
        // in other aliases, which prevents confusing situations where nested aliases
        // are then redefined and the alias type becomes ambiguous.
        update_alias(&mut ty, &type_map)?;

        // Overrides name if its already in the type_map.
        type_map.insert(name, ty);
    type_alias_helper(expr, &type_map)

fn type_alias_helper(expr: &mut Expr, type_map: &HashMap<String, Type>) -> WeldResult<()> {
    // Expressions with types in them need to be handled here.
    match expr.kind {
        Lambda { ref mut params, .. } => {
            for p in params.iter_mut() {
                update_alias(&mut p.ty, type_map)?;
        CUDF {
            ref mut return_ty, ..
        } => {
            update_alias(return_ty, type_map)?;
        Deserialize {
            ref mut value_ty, ..
        } => {
            update_alias(value_ty, type_map)?;
        _ => (),

    update_alias(&mut expr.ty, type_map)?;

    for expr in expr.children_mut() {
        type_alias_helper(expr, type_map)?;

/// Update an aliased type with its real type using the type map.
/// If the type is not a `Type::Alias`, this function does nothing.
fn update_alias(ty: &mut Type, type_map: &HashMap<String, Type>) -> WeldResult<()> {
    let aliased = if let Type::Alias(ref name, _) = *ty {
    } else {

    if let Some(name) = aliased {
        let real_type = type_map.get(&name);
        if let Some(real_type) = real_type {
            *ty = real_type.clone();
        } else {
            return compile_err!("Unknown type or undefined type alias '{}'", name);

    // Recursely resolve aliases in subtypes.
    for ty in ty.children_mut() {
        update_alias(ty, type_map)?;


/// Apply a specific list of macros to an expression (does not load the standard macros).
pub fn process_macros(expr: &Expr, macros: &[Macro]) -> WeldResult<Expr> {
    let mut macro_map: HashMap<Symbol, &Macro> = HashMap::new();
    for m in macros {
        if macro_map.contains_key(&m.name) {
            return compile_err!("Duplicate macro: {}", m.name);
        } else {
            macro_map.insert(m.name.clone(), &m);

    let mut sym_gen = SymbolGenerator::from_expression(&expr);

    let mut expr = expr.clone();
    for _ in 1..MAX_MACRO_DEPTH {
        if !apply_macros(&mut expr, &macro_map, &mut sym_gen)? {
            return Ok(expr);

    compile_err!("Marco expansion recursed past {} levels", MAX_MACRO_DEPTH)

fn apply_macros(
    expr: &mut Expr,
    macros: &HashMap<Symbol, &Macro>,
    sym_gen: &mut SymbolGenerator,
) -> WeldResult<bool> {
    let mut new_expr = None;
    if let Apply {
        ref func,
        ref params,
    } = expr.kind
        if let Ident(ref name) = func.kind {
            if let Some(mac) = macros.get(name) {
                let mut new_body = mac.body.clone();
                if params.len() != mac.parameters.len() {
                    return compile_err!("Wrong number of parameters for macro {}", mac.name);
                update_defined_ids(&mut new_body, sym_gen);
                for (name, value) in mac.parameters.iter().zip(params) {
                    new_body.substitute(name, value);
                new_expr = Some(new_body);
    let mut changed = false;
    if let Some(new_expr) = new_expr {
        *expr = new_expr;
        changed = true;
    for c in expr.children_mut() {
        changed |= apply_macros(c, macros, sym_gen)?;

fn update_defined_ids(expr: &mut Expr, sym_gen: &mut SymbolGenerator) {
    if let Let {
        name: ref mut sym,
        ref value,
        ref mut body,
    } = expr.kind
        if sym.id() == 0 {
            let new_sym = sym_gen.new_symbol(&sym.name());
            let new_ident = Expr {
                kind: Ident(new_sym.clone()),
                ty: value.ty.clone(),
                annotations: Annotations::new(),
            body.substitute(sym, &new_ident);
            *sym = Symbol::new(sym.name(), new_sym.id());
    if let Lambda {
        ref mut params,
        ref mut body,
    } = expr.kind
        for param in params.iter_mut() {
            let sym = &mut param.name;
            if sym.id() == 0 {
                let new_sym = sym_gen.new_symbol(&sym.name());
                let new_ident = Expr {
                    kind: Ident(new_sym.clone()),
                    ty: param.ty.clone(),
                    annotations: Annotations::new(),
                body.substitute(sym, &new_ident);
                *sym = Symbol::new(sym.name(), new_sym.id());
    for c in expr.children_mut() {
        update_defined_ids(c, sym_gen);

fn basic_macros() {
    let macros = parse_macros("macro foo(a) = a + a;").unwrap();
    let expr = parse_expr("foo(b * b)").unwrap();
    let result = process_macros(&expr, &macros).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(print_expr_without_indent(&result).as_str(), "((b*b)+(b*b))");

    let macros = parse_macros("macro foo(a) = a + a;").unwrap();
    let expr = parse_expr("foo(foo(b))").unwrap();
    let result = process_macros(&expr, &macros).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(print_expr_without_indent(&result).as_str(), "((b+b)+(b+b))");

    // Macro whose parameter symbol is also used as an argument inside
    let macros = parse_macros("macro foo(a) = a + a;").unwrap();
    let expr = parse_expr("foo(a * a)").unwrap();
    let result = process_macros(&expr, &macros).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(print_expr_without_indent(&result).as_str(), "((a*a)+(a*a))");

    // Multiple macros
    let macros = parse_macros("macro foo(a) = a + a; macro bar(a, b) = a * b;").unwrap();
    let expr = parse_expr("foo(bar(a, b))").unwrap();
    let result = process_macros(&expr, &macros).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(print_expr_without_indent(&result).as_str(), "((a*b)+(a*b))");

fn basic_type_alias() {
    let aliases = parse_type_aliases("type int = i32;").unwrap();
    let mut expr = parse_expr("|a: int| a + 1").unwrap();
    process_type_aliases(&mut expr, aliases).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(print_expr_without_indent(&expr).as_str(), "|a:i32|(a+1)");

fn overwrite_type_alias() {
    let aliases = parse_type_aliases("type int = i32; type int = i64;").unwrap();
    let mut expr = parse_expr("|a: int| a + 1L").unwrap();
    process_type_aliases(&mut expr, aliases).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(print_expr_without_indent(&expr).as_str(), "|a:i64|(a+1L)");

fn invalid_type_alias() {
    let aliases = parse_type_aliases("type int = i32;").unwrap();
    let mut expr = parse_expr("|a: otherInt| a + 1").unwrap();
    process_type_aliases(&mut expr, aliases)
        .expect_err("Type alises processing should fail with unknown type");

fn type_alias_in_type_alias() {
    let aliases = parse_type_aliases("type int = i32; type pair = {int,int};").unwrap();
    let mut expr = parse_expr("|a: pair| a.$0 + 1").unwrap();
    process_type_aliases(&mut expr, aliases).unwrap();

fn redefinition_with_type_alias_in_type_alias() {
    // Types are defined in order: redefining a type shouldn't redefine
    // types that occur before it.
    let aliases = parse_type_aliases(
        "type int = i32;
                                     type pair = {int,int};
                                     type int = i64;",
    let mut expr = parse_expr("|a: pair| a").unwrap();
    process_type_aliases(&mut expr, aliases).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(print_expr_without_indent(&expr).as_str(), "|a:{i32,i32}|a");

fn invalid_type_alias_in_type_alias() {
    // Aliases must be defined in order.
    let aliases = parse_type_aliases("type pair = {int,int}; type int = i32;").unwrap();
    let mut expr = parse_expr("|a: pair| a.$0 + 1").unwrap();
    process_type_aliases(&mut expr, aliases)
        .expect_err("Type alises processing should fail with unknown type");

fn nested_type_alias() {
    let aliases = parse_type_aliases("type int = i32;").unwrap();
    let mut expr = parse_expr("|a: vec[int]| lookup(a, 0L) + 1").unwrap();
    process_type_aliases(&mut expr, aliases).unwrap();

fn expr_with_type_alias() {
    let aliases = parse_type_aliases("type pair = {i32,i32};").unwrap();
    let mut expr = parse_expr("|a: i32| cudf[i32ToPair,pair](a)").unwrap();
    process_type_aliases(&mut expr, aliases).unwrap();

fn macros_introducing_symbols() {
    // If the parameter passed to the macro uses a symbol that we define in its body (x here),
    // we should replace that with a new symbol.
    let macros = parse_macros("macro adder(a) = |x| x+a;").unwrap();
    let expr = parse_expr("adder(x)").unwrap();
    let result = process_macros(&expr, &macros).unwrap();

    // Same case as above except we define a symbol in a Let instead of Lambda.
    let macros = parse_macros("macro twice(a) = (let x = a; x+x);").unwrap();
    let expr = parse_expr("twice(x)").unwrap();
    let result = process_macros(&expr, &macros).unwrap();
        "(let x__1=(x);(x__1+x__1))"

    // On the other hand, if x is not used in the parameter, keep its ID as is.
    let macros = parse_macros("macro adder(a) = |x| x+a;").unwrap();
    let expr = parse_expr("adder(b)").unwrap();
    let result = process_macros(&expr, &macros).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(print_expr_without_indent(&result).as_str(), "|x:?|(x+b)");

    // Same case as above except we define a symbol in a Let instead of Lambda.
    let macros = parse_macros("macro twice(a) = (let x = a; x+x);").unwrap();
    let expr = parse_expr("twice(b)").unwrap();
    let result = process_macros(&expr, &macros).unwrap();
        "(let x=(b);(x+x))"

    // If a symbol is used multiple times during macro substitution, replace it with distinct IDs.
    let macros = parse_macros("macro adder(a) = |x| x+a;").unwrap();
    let expr = parse_expr("adder(x+adder(x)(1))").unwrap();
    let result = process_macros(&expr, &macros).unwrap();

    // Similar case with multiple macros.
    let macros = parse_macros("macro adder(a)=|x|x+a; macro twice(a)=(let x=a; x+x);").unwrap();
    let expr = parse_expr("adder(twice(x))").unwrap();
    let result = process_macros(&expr, &macros).unwrap();
        "|x__1:?|(x__1+(let x__2=(x);(x__2+x__2)))"

fn standard_macros() {
    // Check that the standard macros file is loaded
    let program = parse_program("map([1,2,3], |a|a+1)").unwrap();
    let result = process_program(&program).unwrap();