websocket-lite 0.2.0

A fast, low-overhead WebSocket client
use std::mem;
use std::result;
use std::str::{self, Utf8Error};

use bytes::{BufMut, Bytes, BytesMut};
use tokio_codec::{Decoder, Encoder};

use super::{Error, Opcode, Result};
use super::frame::FrameHeader;
use super::mask::{Mask, Masker};

/// A text string, a block of binary data or a WebSocket control frame.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Message {
    opcode: Opcode,
    data: Bytes,

impl Message {
    /// Creates a message from a `Bytes` object.
    /// The message can be tagged as text or binary. When the `opcode` parameter is [`Opcode::Text`](enum.Opcode.html)
    /// this function validates the bytes in `data` and returns `Err` if they do not contain valid UTF-8 text.
    pub fn new<B: Into<Bytes>>(opcode: Opcode, data: B) -> result::Result<Self, Utf8Error> {
        let data = data.into();

        if opcode.is_text() {

        Ok(Message { opcode, data })

    /// Creates a text message from a `&str`.
    pub fn text(data: &str) -> Self {
        Message {
            opcode: Opcode::Text,
            data: data.into(),

    /// Creates a binary message from any type that can be converted to `Bytes`, such as `&[u8]` or `Vec<u8>`.
    pub fn binary<B: Into<Bytes>>(data: B) -> Self {
        Message {
            opcode: Opcode::Binary,
            data: data.into(),

    /// Creates a message that indicates the connection is about to be closed.
    /// The `reason` parameter is an optional numerical status code and text description. Valid reasons
    /// may be defined by a particular WebSocket server.
    pub fn close(reason: Option<(u16, &str)>) -> Self {
        let data = if let Some((code, reason)) = reason {
            let mut buf = BytesMut::new();
            buf.reserve(2 + reason.len());
        } else {

        Message {
            opcode: Opcode::Close,

    /// Creates a message requesting a pong response.
    /// The client can send one of these to request a pong response from the server.
    pub fn ping<B: Into<Bytes>>(data: B) -> Self {
        Message {
            opcode: Opcode::Ping,
            data: data.into(),

    /// Creates a response to a ping message.
    /// The client can send one of these in response to a ping from the server.
    pub fn pong<B: Into<Bytes>>(data: B) -> Self {
        Message {
            opcode: Opcode::Pong,
            data: data.into(),

    /// Returns this message's WebSocket opcode.
    pub fn opcode(&self) -> Opcode {

    /// Returns a reference to the data held in this message.
    pub fn data(&self) -> &Bytes {

    /// Consumes the message, returning its data.
    pub fn into_data(self) -> Bytes {

    /// For messages with opcode [`Opcode::Text`](enum.Opcode.html), returns a reference to the text.
    /// Returns `None` otherwise.
    pub fn as_text(&self) -> Option<&str> {
        if self.opcode.is_text() {
            Some(unsafe { str::from_utf8_unchecked(&self.data) })
        } else {

/// Tokio codec for WebSocket messages. This codec can send and receive [`Message`](struct.Message.html) structs.
/// A codec is part of the `Framed` struct returned by [`ClientBuilder`](struct.ClientBuilder.html).
/// You don't need to create one of these manually.
pub struct MessageCodec {
    masker: Masker,
    interrupted_message: Option<(Opcode, BytesMut)>,

impl MessageCodec {
    pub(crate) fn new() -> Self {
        MessageCodec {
            masker: Masker::new(),
            interrupted_message: None,

impl Decoder for MessageCodec {
    type Item = Message;
    type Error = Error;

    fn decode(&mut self, src: &mut BytesMut) -> Result<Option<Message>> {
        let mut state = mem::replace(&mut self.interrupted_message, None);
        loop {
            let (header, data_range) = if let Some(tuple) = FrameHeader::validate(&src)? {
            } else {
                self.interrupted_message = state;
                return Ok(None);

            if data_range.end > src.len() {
                self.interrupted_message = state;
                return Ok(None);

            let data = src.split_to(data_range.end)
                .slice(data_range.start, data_range.end);

            let data = if let Some(mask) = header.mask {
                // Note: clients never need decode masked messages because masking is only used for client -> server frames.
                // However this code is used to test round tripping of masked messages.
                self.masker.mask(data, mask)
            } else {

            state = if let Some((partial_opcode, mut partial_data)) = state {
                if let Some(opcode) = header.opcode {
                    if header.fin && opcode.is_control() {
                        self.interrupted_message = Some((partial_opcode, partial_data));
                        return Ok(Some(Message::new(opcode, data)?));

                    return Err(format!("continuation frame must have continuation opcode, not {:?}", opcode).into());
                } else {

                    if header.fin {
                        return Ok(Some(Message::new(partial_opcode, partial_data)?));

                    Some((partial_opcode, partial_data))
            } else if let Some(opcode) = header.opcode {
                if header.fin {
                    return Ok(Some(Message::new(opcode, data)?));

                if opcode.is_control() {
                    return Err("control frames must not be fragmented".into());

                Some((opcode, data.into()))
            } else {
                return Err("continuation must not be first frame".into());

impl Encoder for MessageCodec {
    type Item = Message;
    type Error = Error;

    fn encode(&mut self, item: Message, dst: &mut BytesMut) -> Result<()> {
        let mask = Mask::new();

        let header = FrameHeader {
            fin: true,
            opcode: Some(item.opcode),
            mask: Some(mask),
            len: item.data.len(),

        dst.put(self.masker.mask(item.data, mask));

mod tests {
    use bytes::{BufMut, BytesMut};
    use tokio_codec::{Decoder, Encoder};

    use super::{Message, MessageCodec};
    use frame::FrameHeader;
    use mask::Masker;
    use opcode::Opcode;

    fn round_trips(is_text: bool, data: String) {
        let message = if is_text {
        } else {
            Message::new(Opcode::Binary, data).unwrap()

        let mut bytes = BytesMut::new();
        MessageCodec::new().encode(message.clone(), &mut bytes).unwrap();

        let mut bytes = BytesMut::from(&bytes[..]);
        let message2 = MessageCodec::new().decode(&mut bytes).unwrap().unwrap();
        assert_eq!(0, bytes.len());
        assert_eq!(message, message2);

    fn round_trips_via_frame_header(is_text: bool, mask: Option<u32>, data: String) {
        let header = FrameHeader {
            fin: true, // TODO test messages split across frames
            opcode: Some(if is_text { Opcode::Text } else { Opcode::Binary }),
            mask: mask.map(|n| n.into()),
            len: data.len(),

        let mut bytes = BytesMut::new();
        header.write_to(&mut bytes);

            let data = data.as_bytes().into();
            let data = if let Some(mask) = header.mask {
                Masker::new().mask(data, mask)
            } else {


        let mut bytes = BytesMut::from(&bytes[..]);
        let message2 = MessageCodec::new().decode(&mut bytes).unwrap().unwrap();
        assert_eq!(0, bytes.len());
        assert_eq!(is_text, message2.as_text().is_some());
        assert_eq!(data.as_bytes(), message2.data());

    quickcheck! {
        fn qc_round_trips(is_text: bool, data: String) -> bool {
            round_trips(is_text, data);

        fn qc_round_trips_via_frame_header(is_text: bool, mask: Option<u32>, data: String) -> bool {
            round_trips_via_frame_header(is_text, mask, data);