webidl 0.9.0

A WebIDL parser
#[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
mod grammar {
    // During the build step, `build.rs` will output the generated parser to `OUT_DIR` to avoid
    // adding it to the source directory, so we just directly include the generated parser here.
    // Even with `.gitignore` and the `exclude` in the `Cargo.toml`, the generated parser can still
    // end up in the source directory. This could happen when `cargo build` builds the file out of
    // the Cargo cache (`$HOME/.cargo/registrysrc`), and the build script would then put its output
    // in that cached source directory because of https://github.com/lalrpop/lalrpop/issues/280.
    // Later runs of `cargo vendor` then copy the source from that directory, including the 
    // generated file.
    include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/parser/grammar.rs"));

/// Contains all structures related to the AST for the WebIDL grammar.
pub mod ast;

/// Contains the visitor trait needed to traverse the AST and helper walk functions.
pub mod visitor;

pub use lalrpop_util::ParseError;

use lexer::{LexicalError, Token};

/// The result that is returned when an input string is parsed. If the parse succeeds, the `Ok`
/// result will be a vector of definitions representing the AST. If the parse fails, the `Err` will
/// be either an error from the lexer or the parser.
pub type ParseResult = Result<ast::AST, ParseError<usize, Token, LexicalError>>;

/// Parses a given input string and returns an AST.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use webidl::*;
/// use webidl::ast::*;
/// let result = parse_string("[Attribute] interface Node { };");
/// assert_eq!(result,
///            Ok(vec![Definition::Interface(Interface::NonPartial(NonPartialInterface {
///                 extended_attributes: vec![
///                     ExtendedAttribute::NoArguments(
///                         Other::Identifier("Attribute".to_string()))],
///                 inherits: None,
///                 members: vec![],
///                 name: "Node".to_string()
///            }))]));
/// ```
pub fn parse_string(input: &str) -> ParseResult {