[][src]Trait web_glitz::pipeline::graphics::Vertex

Trait implemented for types that provide attribute data for a vertex buffer.

[Buffer]s that contain an array of a type that implements this trait can act as vertex buffers for a graphics pipeline without additional runtime checks, see also TypedVertexBuffers.


If this trait is implemented for a type, then the [ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTORS] must be a set of VertexAttributeDescriptors that can be validly applied to any instance of the type: for every VertexAttributeDescriptor there must be data that can be interpreted as the VertexAttributeDescriptor::format at the VertexAttributeDescriptor::offset_in_bytes relative to start of the instance's memory.


This trait may be automatically derived safely for struct types. Any field that defines an attribute must be marked with #[vertex_attribute(...)], other fields will be ignored. A vertex attribute has to declare a location and a format. The location defines the location of the attribute slot that will be bound to in a graphics pipeline. The format must be the name of one of the [VertexAttributeFormatIdentifier] types defined in the attribute_format module:

#[derive(web_glitz::derive::Vertex, Clone, Copy)]
struct Vertex {
    #[vertex_attribute(location = 0, format = "Float2_f32")]
    position: [f32; 2],

    #[vertex_attribute(location = 1, format = "Float3_u8_norm")]
    color: [u8; 3],

The type of a struct field marked with #[vertex_attribute(...)] must be [VertexAttributeFormatCompatible] with the [AttributeFormatIdentifier] format declared for the attribute, otherwise the struct will fail to compile. For example, in the example above [f32; 2] must implement VertexAttributeFormatCompatible<Float2_f32> (which it does) and [u8;3 ] must implement VertexAttributeFormatCompatible<Float3_u8_norm> (which it does).

Note that in this example we also derive Clone and Copy. This is not strictly required to derive the Vertex trait, however, a [Buffer] can only store an array of a type that implements the Copy trait. Therefor if we intend to create [Buffer] with our Vertex type, then we must derive Copy. As Clone is a supertrait of Copy, we must also derive Clone.

Associated Constants

const INPUT_RATE: InputRate

const ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTORS: &'static [VertexAttributeDescriptor]

A set of VertexAttributeDescriptors that describe how attribute data for this type is to be bound to the attribute slots of a graphics pipeline.

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