web-glitz 0.1.0

Rusty low-level web-graphics library on top of WebGL 2.0.

WebGlitz is a low level graphics framework for the web build on top of WebGL 2 through wasm-bindgen. It intends to be easier to use by providing a more declarative interface (as opposed to WebGL's very procedural and stateful interface) that is memory safe and does not expose undefined behaviour.

Execution model

WebGlitz uses a stateless computation-as-data model, where rather than calling functions that directly cause an effect, you instead construct "task" values. Only when this task is submitted will it produce its effects. See the documentation for the [task] module for details on how tasks are constructed by combining commands and on how tasks are submitted to a runtime.


WebGlitz currently only implements a single threaded runtime, see [runtime::single_threaded]. With this runtime, tasks may only be submitted from the same thread as the thread in which the runtime was initialized. Submitting a task to the single threaded runtime typically does not result in dynamic dispatch (unless the task involves waiting on a GPU fence), which should mostly make the task model a zero/low cost abstraction when used with this runtime.

The task model should also make is possible to implement a thread-safe runtime, where tasks may also be submitted from other threads/(web-)workers. This is currently not yet implemented pending further details on WASM threads/workers and their implementation in wasm-bindgen. Submitting a task to this runtime will always involve dynamic dispatch, which may impose a (slight) performance cost on a task. However, it may also allow you to spread the work involved in task construction across multiple threads. How this trade-off affects overall performance will depend on your application.