weak_static 0.1.1

A macro for declaring lazy droppable statics.
//! This crate provides a macro to create a static value that gets created when needed
//! and dropped as soon as its not needed anymore.
//! It requires the `lazy_static` macro to be imported.
//! # Example
//! ```rust
//! #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static;
//! #[macro_use] extern crate weak_static;
//! struct Foo;
//! impl Foo {
//!     fn new() -> Self {
//!         println!("new");
//!         Foo
//!     }
//! }
//! impl Drop for Foo {
//!     fn drop(&mut self) {
//!         println!("drop");
//!     }
//! }
//! weak_static! {
//!     static FOO: Foo = Foo::new();
//! }
//! fn main() {
//!     {
//!         let _foo1 = FOO();
//!         let _foo2 = FOO();
//!         let _foo3 = FOO();
//!     }
//!     {
//!         let _foo4 = FOO();
//!         let _foo5 = FOO();
//!         let _foo6 = FOO();
//!     }
//! }
//! ```
//! Outputs:
//! ```text
//! new
//! drop
//! new
//! drop
//! ```
//! The `new` prints corresponds to the `FOO()` calls of `_foo1` and `_foo4`.
//! The `drop` prints correspond to the last FOO reference being dropped.

macro_rules! weak_static {
    (static $ident:ident : $typ:ty = $init:expr; ) => (
        fn $ident() -> ::std::sync::Arc<$typ> {
                lazy_static! {
                    static ref VALUE: ::std::sync::Mutex<::std::sync::Weak<$typ>> =
                let mut value = VALUE.lock().unwrap();
                value.upgrade().unwrap_or_else(|| {
                    let new_value = ::std::sync::Arc::new($init);

                    *value = ::std::sync::Arc::downgrade(&new_value);