wayland-kbd 0.2.1

Keyboard mapping utility for wayland-client using libxkbcommon.
use wayland::core::Serial;
use wayland::core::compositor::SurfaceId;
use wayland::core::seat::{Keyboard, KeyState, KeyboardId};

use std::ptr;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};

use mmap::{MemoryMap, MapOption};

use ffi;

pub struct KbState {
    xkb_contex: *mut ffi::xkb_context,
    xkb_keymap: *mut ffi::xkb_keymap,
    xkb_state: *mut ffi::xkb_state

unsafe impl Send for KbState {}

impl KbState {
    fn update_modifiers(&mut self, mods_depressed: u32, mods_latched: u32, mods_locked: u32, group: u32) {
        unsafe {
                self.xkb_state, mods_depressed, mods_latched, mods_locked, 0, 0, group);

    /// Tries to match this keycode as a key symbol according to current keyboard state.
    /// Returns 0 if not possible (meaning that this keycode maps to more than one key symbol).
    pub fn get_one_sym(&self, keycode: u32) -> u32 {
        unsafe { 
                self.xkb_state, keycode + 8)

    /// Tries to retrieve the generated keycode as an UTF8 sequence
    pub fn get_utf8(&self, keycode: u32) -> Option<String> {
        let size = unsafe {
            (XKBH.xkb_state_key_get_utf8)(self.xkb_state, keycode + 8, ptr::null_mut(), 0)
        } + 1;
        if size <= 1 { return None };
        let mut buffer = Vec::with_capacity(size as usize);
        unsafe {
            buffer.set_len(size as usize);
                self.xkb_state, keycode + 8, buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _, size as usize);
        // remove the final `\0`
        // libxkbcommon will always provide valid UTF8

impl Drop for KbState {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {

/// A wayland keyboard mapped to its keymap
pub struct MappedKeyboard {
    wkb: Keyboard,
    _state: Arc<Mutex<KbState>>,
    keyaction: Arc<Mutex<Box<Fn(&KbState, Serial, KeyboardId, u32, u32, KeyState) + Send + Sync + 'static>>>

impl MappedKeyboard {
    /// Creates a mapped keyboard from a regular wayland keyboard.
    /// Make sure the initialization phase of the keyboard is finished
    /// (with `Display::sync_roundtrip()` for example), otherwise the
    /// keymap won't be available.
    /// Will return Err() and hand back the untouched keyboard if 
    /// `libxkbcommon.so` is not available or the keyboard had no
    /// associated keymap.
    pub fn new(mut keyboard: Keyboard) -> Result<MappedKeyboard, Keyboard> {
        let xkbh = match ffi::XKBCOMMON_OPTION.as_ref() {
            Some(h) => h,
            None => return Err(keyboard)
        let xkb_context = unsafe {
        if xkb_context.is_null() { return Err(keyboard) }
        let (fd, size) = match keyboard.keymap_fd() {
            Some((fd, size)) => (fd, size),
            None => return Err(keyboard)

        let map = MemoryMap::new(
            size as usize,
            &[MapOption::MapReadable, MapOption::MapFd(fd)]

        let xkb_keymap = {
            unsafe {
                    map.data() as *const _,

        if xkb_keymap.is_null() {
            panic!("Failed to load keymap!");

        let xkb_state = unsafe {

        let state = Arc::new(Mutex::new(KbState {
            xkb_contex: xkb_context,
            xkb_keymap : xkb_keymap,
            xkb_state: xkb_state

        let sma_state = state.clone();
        keyboard.set_modifiers_action(move |_, _, mods_d, mods_la, mods_lo, group| {
            sma_state.lock().unwrap().update_modifiers(mods_d, mods_la, mods_lo, group)

        let keyaction = Arc::new(Mutex::new(
            Box::new(move |_: &_, _, _, _, _, _|{}) as Box<Fn(&KbState, Serial, KeyboardId, u32, u32, KeyState) + Send + Sync + 'static>
        let ska_action = keyaction.clone();
        let ska_state  = state.clone();
        keyboard.set_key_action(move |kbid, serial, time, keycode, keystate| {
            let state = ska_state.lock().unwrap();
            let action = ska_action.lock().unwrap();
            action(&*state, serial, kbid, time, keycode, keystate);

        Ok(MappedKeyboard {
            wkb: keyboard,
            _state: state,
            keyaction: keyaction

    /// Releases the keyboard from this MappedKeyboard and returns it.
    pub fn release(mut self) -> Keyboard {
        self.wkb.set_key_action(move |_, _, _, _, _| {});
        self.wkb.set_modifiers_action(move |_, _, _, _, _, _| {});

    /// Sets the action to perform when a key is pressed or released.
    /// The closure is given an handle to a `KbState` that will allow to
    /// translate the keycode into a key symbol or an UTF8 sequence.
    /// arguments are:
    /// - KbState handle
    /// - KeyboardId of the event
    /// - time of the event
    /// - raw keycode
    /// - new KeyState
    pub fn set_key_action<F>(&self, f: F)
        where F: Fn(&KbState, Serial, KeyboardId, u32, u32, KeyState) + Send + Sync + 'static
        let mut action = self.keyaction.lock().unwrap();
        *action = Box::new(f);

    /// Defines the action to be executed when a surface gains keyboard focus.
    /// Arguments are:
    /// - Id of the keyboard
    /// - Id of the surface
    /// - a slice of the keycodes of the currenlty pressed keys
    pub fn set_enter_action<F>(&mut self, f: F)
        where F: Fn(KeyboardId, Serial, SurfaceId, &[u32]) + 'static + Send + Sync

    /// Defines the action to be executed when a surface loses keyboard focus.
    /// This event is generated *before* the `enter` event is generated for the new
    /// surface the focus goes to.
    /// Arguments are:
    /// - Id of the keyboard
    /// - Id of the surface
    pub fn set_leave_action<F>(&mut self, f: F)
        where F: Fn(KeyboardId, Serial, SurfaceId) + 'static + Send + Sync
