wayland-client 0.7.7

Bindings to the standard C implementation of the wayland protocol, client side.
#[macro_use] extern crate wayland_client;

extern crate tempfile;

extern crate byteorder;
use byteorder::{WriteBytesExt, NativeEndian};

use std::cmp::min;
use std::io::Write;
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;

use wayland_client::{EventQueueHandle, EnvHandler};
use wayland_client::protocol::{wl_compositor, wl_shell, wl_shm, wl_shell_surface,
                               wl_seat, wl_pointer, wl_surface};

    compositor: wl_compositor::WlCompositor,
    seat: wl_seat::WlSeat,
    shell: wl_shell::WlShell,
    shm: wl_shm::WlShm

struct MyHandler;

impl wl_shell_surface::Handler for MyHandler {
    fn ping(&mut self, _: &mut EventQueueHandle, me: &wl_shell_surface::WlShellSurface, serial: u32) {
    // we ignore the other methods in this example, by default they do nothing

declare_handler!(MyHandler, wl_shell_surface::Handler, wl_shell_surface::WlShellSurface);

impl wl_pointer::Handler for MyHandler {
    fn enter(&mut self, _: &mut EventQueueHandle, _me: &wl_pointer::WlPointer,
             _serial: u32, _surface: &wl_surface::WlSurface, surface_x: f64, surface_y: f64) {
        println!("Pointer entered surface at ({},{}).", surface_x, surface_y);
    fn leave(&mut self, _: &mut EventQueueHandle, _me: &wl_pointer::WlPointer,
             _serial: u32, _surface: &wl_surface::WlSurface) {
        println!("Pointer left surface.");
    fn motion(&mut self, _: &mut EventQueueHandle, _me: &wl_pointer::WlPointer,
              _time: u32, surface_x: f64, surface_y: f64) {
        println!("Pointer moved to ({},{}).", surface_x, surface_y);
    fn button(&mut self, _: &mut EventQueueHandle, _me: &wl_pointer::WlPointer,
              _serial: u32, _time: u32, button: u32, state: wl_pointer::ButtonState) {
        println!("Button {} ({}) was {:?}.",
            match button {
                272 => "Left",
                273 => "Right",
                274 => "Middle",
                _ => "Unknown"
    // we ignore the other methods in this example, by default they do nothing

declare_handler!(MyHandler, wl_pointer::Handler, wl_pointer::WlPointer);

fn main() {
    let (display, mut event_queue) = match wayland_client::default_connect() {
        Ok(ret) => ret,
        Err(e) => panic!("Cannot connect to wayland server: {:?}", e)

    let registry = display.get_registry().expect("Display cannot be already destroyed.");
    event_queue.register::<_, EnvHandler<WaylandEnv>>(&registry,0);

    // buffer (and window) width and height
    let buf_x: u32 = 320;
    let buf_y: u32 = 240;

    // create a tempfile to write the conents of the window on
    let mut tmp = tempfile::tempfile().ok().expect("Unable to create a tempfile.");
    // write the contents to it, lets put a nice color gradient
    for i in 0..(buf_x * buf_y) {
        let x = (i % buf_x) as u32;
        let y = (i / buf_x) as u32;
        let r: u32 = min(((buf_x - x) * 0xFF) / buf_x, ((buf_y - y) * 0xFF) / buf_y);
        let g: u32 = min((         x  * 0xFF) / buf_x, ((buf_y - y) * 0xFF) / buf_y);
        let b: u32 = min(((buf_x - x) * 0xFF) / buf_x, (         y  * 0xFF) / buf_y);
        let _ = tmp.write_u32::<NativeEndian>(
            ( 0xFF << 24 ) + ( r << 16 ) + ( g << 8 ) + b
    let _ = tmp.flush();

    // prepare the wayland surface
    let (shell_surface, pointer) = {
        // introduce a new scope because .state() borrows the event_queue
        let state = event_queue.state();
        // retrieve the EnvHandler
        let env = state.get_handler::<EnvHandler<WaylandEnv>>(0);
        let surface = env.compositor.create_surface().expect("Compositor cannot be destroyed");
        let shell_surface = env.shell.get_shell_surface(&surface).expect("Shell cannot be destroyed");

        let pool = env.shm.create_pool(tmp.as_raw_fd(), (buf_x * buf_y * 4) as i32).expect("Shm cannot be destroyed");
        // match a buffer on the part we wrote on
        let buffer = pool.create_buffer(0, buf_x as i32, buf_y as i32, (buf_x * 4) as i32, wl_shm::Format::Argb8888).expect("The pool cannot be already dead");

        // make our surface as a toplevel one
        // attach the buffer to it
        surface.attach(Some(&buffer), 0, 0);
        // commit

        let pointer = env.seat.get_pointer().expect("Seat cannot be destroyed.");

        // we can let the other objects go out of scope
        // their associated wyland objects won't automatically be destroyed
        // and we don't need them in this example
        (shell_surface, pointer)

    event_queue.register::<_, MyHandler>(&shell_surface, 1);
    event_queue.register::<_, MyHandler>(&pointer, 1);

    loop {