wayland-client 0.24.0

Bindings to the standard C implementation of the wayland protocol, client side.
extern crate byteorder;
extern crate tempfile;
extern crate wayland_client;

use std::cmp::min;
use std::io::Write;
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;

use byteorder::{NativeEndian, WriteBytesExt};

use wayland_client::protocol::{wl_compositor, wl_keyboard, wl_pointer, wl_seat, wl_shell, wl_shm};
use wayland_client::{Display, Filter, GlobalManager};

// declare an event enum containing the events we want to receive in the iterator
    Events |
    Pointer => wl_pointer::WlPointer,
    Keyboard => wl_keyboard::WlKeyboard

fn main() {
    let display = Display::connect_to_env().unwrap();

    let mut event_queue = display.create_event_queue();

    let attached_display = (*display).clone().attach(event_queue.get_token());

    let globals = GlobalManager::new(&attached_display);

    // roundtrip to retrieve the globals list
    event_queue.sync_roundtrip(|_, _| unreachable!()).unwrap();

     * Create a buffer with window contents

    // buffer (and window) width and height
    let buf_x: u32 = 320;
    let buf_y: u32 = 240;

    // create a tempfile to write the contents of the window on
    let mut tmp = tempfile::tempfile().ok().expect("Unable to create a tempfile.");
    // write the contents to it, lets put a nice color gradient
    for i in 0..(buf_x * buf_y) {
        let x = (i % buf_x) as u32;
        let y = (i / buf_x) as u32;
        let r: u32 = min(((buf_x - x) * 0xFF) / buf_x, ((buf_y - y) * 0xFF) / buf_y);
        let g: u32 = min((x * 0xFF) / buf_x, ((buf_y - y) * 0xFF) / buf_y);
        let b: u32 = min(((buf_x - x) * 0xFF) / buf_x, (y * 0xFF) / buf_y);
        let _ = tmp.write_u32::<NativeEndian>((0xFF << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b);
    let _ = tmp.flush();

     * Init wayland objects

    // The compositor allows us to creates surfaces
    let compositor = globals
    let surface = compositor.create_surface();

    // The SHM allows us to share memory with the server, and create buffers
    // on this shared memory to paint our surfaces
    let shm = globals.instantiate_exact::<wl_shm::WlShm>(1).unwrap();
    let pool = shm.create_pool(
        tmp.as_raw_fd(),            // RawFd to the tempfile serving as shared memory
        (buf_x * buf_y * 4) as i32, // size in bytes of the shared memory (4 bytes per pixel)
    let buffer = pool.create_buffer(
        0,                        // Start of the buffer in the pool
        buf_x as i32,             // width of the buffer in pixels
        buf_y as i32,             // height of the buffer in pixels
        (buf_x * 4) as i32,       // number of bytes between the beginning of two consecutive lines
        wl_shm::Format::Argb8888, // chosen encoding for the data

    // The shell allows us to define our surface as a "toplevel", meaning the
    // server will treat it as a window
    // NOTE: the wl_shell interface is actually deprecated in favour of the xdg_shell
    // protocol, available in wayland-protocols. But this will do for this example.
    let shell = globals
        .expect("Compositor does not support wl_shell");
    let shell_surface = shell.get_shell_surface(&surface);
    shell_surface.assign_mono(|shell_surface, event| {
        use wayland_client::protocol::wl_shell_surface::Event;
        // This ping/pong mechanism is used by the wayland server to detect
        // unresponsive applications
        if let Event::Ping { serial } = event {

    // Set our surface as toplevel and define its contents
    surface.attach(Some(&buffer), 0, 0);

    // initialize a seat to retrieve pointer & keyboard events
    // example of using a common filter to handle both pointer & keyboard events
    let common_filter = Filter::new(move |event, _| match event {
        Events::Pointer { event, .. } => match event {
            wl_pointer::Event::Enter {
                surface_x, surface_y, ..
            } => {
                println!("Pointer entered at ({}, {}).", surface_x, surface_y);
            wl_pointer::Event::Leave { .. } => {
                println!("Pointer left.");
            wl_pointer::Event::Motion {
                surface_x, surface_y, ..
            } => {
                println!("Pointer moved to ({}, {}).", surface_x, surface_y);
            wl_pointer::Event::Button { button, state, .. } => {
                println!("Button {} was {:?}.", button, state);
            _ => {}
        Events::Keyboard { event, .. } => match event {
            wl_keyboard::Event::Enter { .. } => {
                println!("Gained keyboard focus.");
            wl_keyboard::Event::Leave { .. } => {
                println!("Lost keyboard focus.");
            wl_keyboard::Event::Key { key, state, .. } => {
                println!("Key with id {} was {:?}.", key, state);
            _ => (),
    // to be handled properly this should be more dynamic, as more
    // than one seat can exist (and they can be created and destroyed
    // dynamically), however most "traditional" setups have a single
    // seat, so we'll keep it simple here
    let mut pointer_created = false;
    let mut keyboard_created = false;
        .assign_mono(move |seat, event| {
            // The capabilities of a seat are known at runtime and we retrieve
            // them via an events. 3 capabilities exists: pointer, keyboard, and touch
            // we are only interested in pointer & keyboard here
            use wayland_client::protocol::wl_seat::{Capability, Event as SeatEvent};

            if let SeatEvent::Capabilities { capabilities } = event {
                if !pointer_created && capabilities.contains(Capability::Pointer) {
                    // create the pointer only once
                    pointer_created = true;
                if !keyboard_created && capabilities.contains(Capability::Keyboard) {
                    // create the keyboard only once
                    keyboard_created = false;

        .sync_roundtrip(|_, _| { /* we ignore unfiltered messages */ })

    loop {
            .dispatch(|_, _| { /* we ignore unfiltered messages */ })