wasmtime-wasi-nn 20.0.2

Wasmtime implementation of the wasi-nn API


This crate enables support for the wasi-nn API in Wasmtime. Currently it contains an implementation of wasi-nn using OpenVINO™ but in the future it could support multiple machine learning backends. Since the wasi-nn API is expected to be an optional feature of WASI, this crate is currently separate from the wasi-common crate. This crate is experimental and its API, functionality, and location could quickly change.


Use the Wasmtime APIs to instantiate a Wasm module and link in the wasi-nn implementation as follows:

let wasi_nn = WasiNnCtx::new()?;


$ cargo build

To use the WIT-based ABI, compile with --features component-model and use wasmtime_wasi_nn::wit::add_to_linker.


An end-to-end example demonstrating ML classification is included in examples: examples/classification-example contains a standalone Rust project that uses the wasi-nn APIs and is compiled to the wasm32-wasi target using the high-level wasi-nn bindings.