Crate wasmtime_wasi_nn

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  • Define the Rust interface a backend must implement in order to be used by this crate. The Box<dyn ...> types returned by these interfaces allow implementations to maintain backend-specific state between calls.
  • This is testing-specific code–it is public only so that it can be accessible both in unit and integration tests.
  • Implements the wasi-nn API for the WIT (“preview2”) ABI.
  • Implements the wasi-nn API for the WITX (“preview1”) ABI.


  • Early-return from a test if the test environment is not met. If the CI or FORCE_WASINN_TEST_CHECK environment variables are set, though, this will return an error instead.




  • Construct an in-memory registry from the available backends and a list of (<backend name>, <graph directory>). This assumes graphs can be loaded from a local directory, which is a safe assumption currently for the current model types.