wasmtime-runtime 5.0.0

Runtime library support for Wasmtime
//! Memory management for tables.
//! `Table` is to WebAssembly tables what `LinearMemory` is to WebAssembly linear memories.

use crate::vmcontext::{VMCallerCheckedAnyfunc, VMTableDefinition};
use crate::{Store, VMExternRef};
use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Error, Result};
use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
use std::ops::Range;
use std::ptr;
use wasmtime_environ::{TablePlan, Trap, WasmType, FUNCREF_INIT_BIT, FUNCREF_MASK};

/// An element going into or coming out of a table.
/// Table elements are stored as pointers and are default-initialized with `ptr::null_mut`.
pub enum TableElement {
    /// A `funcref`.
    FuncRef(*mut VMCallerCheckedAnyfunc),
    /// An `exrernref`.
    /// An uninitialized funcref value. This should never be exposed
    /// beyond the `wasmtime` crate boundary; the upper-level code
    /// (which has access to the info needed for lazy initialization)
    /// will replace it when fetched.

#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum TableElementType {

// The usage of `*mut VMCallerCheckedAnyfunc` is safe w.r.t. thread safety, this
// just relies on thread-safety of `VMExternRef` itself.
unsafe impl Send for TableElement where VMExternRef: Send {}
unsafe impl Sync for TableElement where VMExternRef: Sync {}

impl TableElement {
    /// Consumes the given raw table element value into a table element.
    /// # Safety
    /// This is unsafe as it will *not* clone any externref, leaving the reference count unchanged.
    /// This should only be used if the raw pointer is no longer in use.
    unsafe fn from_table_value(ty: TableElementType, ptr: usize) -> Self {
        match (ty, ptr) {
            (TableElementType::Func, 0) => Self::UninitFunc,
            (TableElementType::Func, ptr) => Self::FuncRef((ptr & FUNCREF_MASK) as _),
            (TableElementType::Extern, 0) => Self::ExternRef(None),
            (TableElementType::Extern, ptr) => {
                Self::ExternRef(Some(VMExternRef::from_raw(ptr as *mut u8)))

    /// Clones a table element from the underlying table element.
    /// # Safety
    /// This is unsafe as it will clone any externref, incrementing the reference count.
    unsafe fn clone_from_table_value(ty: TableElementType, ptr: usize) -> Self {
        match (ty, ptr) {
            (TableElementType::Func, 0) => Self::UninitFunc,
            (TableElementType::Func, ptr) => Self::FuncRef((ptr & FUNCREF_MASK) as _),
            (TableElementType::Extern, 0) => Self::ExternRef(None),
            (TableElementType::Extern, ptr) => {
                Self::ExternRef(Some(VMExternRef::clone_from_raw(ptr as *mut u8)))

    /// Consumes a table element into a raw table element value. This
    /// includes any tag bits or other storage details that we
    /// maintain in the table slot.
    /// # Safety
    /// This is unsafe as it will consume any underlying externref into a raw pointer without modifying
    /// the reference count.
    /// Use `from_raw` to properly drop any table elements stored as raw pointers.
    unsafe fn into_table_value(self) -> usize {
        match self {
            Self::UninitFunc => 0,
            Self::FuncRef(e) => (e as usize) | FUNCREF_INIT_BIT,
            Self::ExternRef(e) => e.map_or(0, |e| e.into_raw() as usize),

    /// Consumes a table element into a pointer/reference, as it
    /// exists outside the table itself. This strips off any tag bits
    /// or other information that only lives inside the table.
    /// Can only be done to an initialized table element; lazy init
    /// must occur first. (In other words, lazy values do not survive
    /// beyond the table, as every table read path initializes them.)
    /// # Safety
    /// The same warnings as for `into_table_values()` apply.
    pub(crate) unsafe fn into_ref_asserting_initialized(self) -> usize {
        match self {
            Self::FuncRef(e) => e as usize,
            Self::ExternRef(e) => e.map_or(0, |e| e.into_raw() as usize),
            Self::UninitFunc => panic!("Uninitialized table element value outside of table slot"),

    /// Indicates whether this value is the "uninitialized element"
    /// value.
    pub(crate) fn is_uninit(&self) -> bool {
        match self {
            Self::UninitFunc => true,
            _ => false,

impl From<*mut VMCallerCheckedAnyfunc> for TableElement {
    fn from(f: *mut VMCallerCheckedAnyfunc) -> TableElement {

impl From<Option<VMExternRef>> for TableElement {
    fn from(x: Option<VMExternRef>) -> TableElement {

impl From<VMExternRef> for TableElement {
    fn from(x: VMExternRef) -> TableElement {

/// Represents an instance's table.
pub enum Table {
    /// A "static" table where storage space is managed externally, currently
    /// used with the pooling allocator.
    Static {
        /// Where data for this table is stored. The length of this list is the
        /// maximum size of the table.
        data: &'static mut [usize],
        /// The current size of the table.
        size: u32,
        /// The type of this table.
        ty: TableElementType,
    /// A "dynamic" table where table storage space is dynamically allocated via
    /// `malloc` (aka Rust's `Vec`).
    Dynamic {
        /// Dynamically managed storage space for this table. The length of this
        /// vector is the current size of the table.
        elements: Vec<usize>,
        /// The type of this table.
        ty: TableElementType,
        /// Maximum size that `elements` can grow to.
        maximum: Option<u32>,

fn wasm_to_table_type(ty: WasmType) -> Result<TableElementType> {
    match ty {
        WasmType::FuncRef => Ok(TableElementType::Func),
        WasmType::ExternRef => Ok(TableElementType::Extern),
        ty => bail!("invalid table element type {:?}", ty),

impl Table {
    /// Create a new dynamic (movable) table instance for the specified table plan.
    pub fn new_dynamic(plan: &TablePlan, store: &mut dyn Store) -> Result<Self> {
        Self::limit_new(plan, store)?;
        let elements = vec![0; plan.table.minimum as usize];
        let ty = wasm_to_table_type(plan.table.wasm_ty)?;
        let maximum = plan.table.maximum;

        Ok(Table::Dynamic {

    /// Create a new static (immovable) table instance for the specified table plan.
    pub fn new_static(
        plan: &TablePlan,
        data: &'static mut [usize],
        store: &mut dyn Store,
    ) -> Result<Self> {
        Self::limit_new(plan, store)?;
        let size = plan.table.minimum;
        let ty = wasm_to_table_type(plan.table.wasm_ty)?;
        if data.len() < (plan.table.minimum as usize) {
                "initial table size of {} exceeds the pooling allocator's \
                 configured maximum table size of {} elements",
        let data = match plan.table.maximum {
            Some(max) if (max as usize) < data.len() => &mut data[..max as usize],
            _ => data,

        Ok(Table::Static { data, size, ty })

    fn limit_new(plan: &TablePlan, store: &mut dyn Store) -> Result<()> {
        if !store.table_growing(0, plan.table.minimum, plan.table.maximum)? {
                "table minimum size of {} elements exceeds table limits",

    /// Returns the type of the elements in this table.
    pub fn element_type(&self) -> TableElementType {
        match self {
            Table::Static { ty, .. } => *ty,
            Table::Dynamic { ty, .. } => *ty,

    /// Returns whether or not the underlying storage of the table is "static".
    #[cfg(feature = "pooling-allocator")]
    pub(crate) fn is_static(&self) -> bool {
        if let Table::Static { .. } = self {
        } else {

    /// Returns the number of allocated elements.
    pub fn size(&self) -> u32 {
        match self {
            Table::Static { size, .. } => *size,
            Table::Dynamic { elements, .. } => elements.len().try_into().unwrap(),

    /// Returns the maximum number of elements at runtime.
    /// Returns `None` if the table is unbounded.
    /// The runtime maximum may not be equal to the maximum from the table's Wasm type
    /// when it is being constrained by an instance allocator.
    pub fn maximum(&self) -> Option<u32> {
        match self {
            Table::Static { data, .. } => Some(data.len() as u32),
            Table::Dynamic { maximum, .. } => maximum.clone(),

    /// Fill `table[dst..]` with values from `items`
    /// Returns a trap error on out-of-bounds accesses.
    pub fn init_funcs(
        &mut self,
        dst: u32,
        items: impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = *mut VMCallerCheckedAnyfunc>,
    ) -> Result<(), Trap> {
        assert!(self.element_type() == TableElementType::Func);

        let elements = match self
            .and_then(|s| s.get_mut(..items.len()))
            Some(elements) => elements,
            None => return Err(Trap::TableOutOfBounds),

        for (item, slot) in items.zip(elements) {
            unsafe {
                *slot = TableElement::FuncRef(item).into_table_value();

    /// Fill `table[dst..dst + len]` with `val`.
    /// Returns a trap error on out-of-bounds accesses.
    pub fn fill(&mut self, dst: u32, val: TableElement, len: u32) -> Result<(), Trap> {
        let start = dst as usize;
        let end = start
            .checked_add(len as usize)
            .ok_or_else(|| Trap::TableOutOfBounds)?;

        if end > self.size() as usize {
            return Err(Trap::TableOutOfBounds);


        let ty = self.element_type();
        if let Some((last, elements)) = self.elements_mut()[start..end].split_last_mut() {
            for e in elements {
                Self::set_raw(ty, e, val.clone());

            Self::set_raw(ty, last, val);


    /// Grow table by the specified amount of elements.
    /// Returns the previous size of the table if growth is successful.
    /// Returns `None` if table can't be grown by the specified amount of
    /// elements, or if the `init_value` is the wrong kind of table element.
    /// # Unsafety
    /// Resizing the table can reallocate its internal elements buffer. This
    /// table's instance's `VMContext` has raw pointers to the elements buffer
    /// that are used by Wasm, and they need to be fixed up before we call into
    /// Wasm again. Failure to do so will result in use-after-free inside Wasm.
    /// Generally, prefer using `InstanceHandle::table_grow`, which encapsulates
    /// this unsafety.
    pub unsafe fn grow(
        &mut self,
        delta: u32,
        init_value: TableElement,
        store: &mut dyn Store,
    ) -> Result<Option<u32>, Error> {
        let old_size = self.size();
        let new_size = match old_size.checked_add(delta) {
            Some(s) => s,
            None => return Ok(None),

        if !store.table_growing(old_size, new_size, self.maximum())? {
            return Ok(None);

        if let Some(max) = self.maximum() {
            if new_size > max {
                store.table_grow_failed(&format_err!("Table maximum size exceeded"));
                return Ok(None);


        // First resize the storage and then fill with the init value
        match self {
            Table::Static { size, data, .. } => {
                debug_assert!(data[*size as usize..new_size as usize]
                    .all(|x| *x == 0));
                *size = new_size;
            Table::Dynamic { elements, .. } => {
                elements.resize(new_size as usize, 0);

        self.fill(old_size, init_value, delta)
            .expect("table should not be out of bounds");


    /// Get reference to the specified element.
    /// Returns `None` if the index is out of bounds.
    pub fn get(&self, index: u32) -> Option<TableElement> {
            .get(index as usize)
            .map(|p| unsafe { TableElement::clone_from_table_value(self.element_type(), *p) })

    /// Set reference to the specified element.
    /// # Errors
    /// Returns an error if `index` is out of bounds or if this table type does
    /// not match the element type.
    pub fn set(&mut self, index: u32, elem: TableElement) -> Result<(), ()> {
        if !self.type_matches(&elem) {
            return Err(());

        let ty = self.element_type();
        let e = self.elements_mut().get_mut(index as usize).ok_or(())?;
        Self::set_raw(ty, e, elem);

    /// Copy `len` elements from `src_table[src_index..]` into `dst_table[dst_index..]`.
    /// # Errors
    /// Returns an error if the range is out of bounds of either the source or
    /// destination tables.
    pub unsafe fn copy(
        dst_table: *mut Self,
        src_table: *mut Self,
        dst_index: u32,
        src_index: u32,
        len: u32,
    ) -> Result<(), Trap> {
        // https://webassembly.github.io/bulk-memory-operations/core/exec/instructions.html#exec-table-copy

        if src_index
            .map_or(true, |n| n > (*src_table).size())
            || dst_index
                .map_or(true, |m| m > (*dst_table).size())
            return Err(Trap::TableOutOfBounds);

            (*dst_table).element_type() == (*src_table).element_type(),
            "table element type mismatch"

        let src_range = src_index as usize..src_index as usize + len as usize;
        let dst_range = dst_index as usize..dst_index as usize + len as usize;

        // Check if the tables are the same as we cannot mutably borrow and also borrow the same `RefCell`
        if ptr::eq(dst_table, src_table) {
            (*dst_table).copy_elements_within(dst_range, src_range);
        } else {
            Self::copy_elements(&mut *dst_table, &*src_table, dst_range, src_range);


    /// Return a `VMTableDefinition` for exposing the table to compiled wasm code.
    pub fn vmtable(&mut self) -> VMTableDefinition {
        match self {
            Table::Static { data, size, .. } => VMTableDefinition {
                base: data.as_mut_ptr().cast(),
                current_elements: *size,
            Table::Dynamic { elements, .. } => VMTableDefinition {
                base: elements.as_mut_ptr().cast(),
                current_elements: elements.len().try_into().unwrap(),

    fn type_matches(&self, val: &TableElement) -> bool {
        match (&val, self.element_type()) {
            (TableElement::FuncRef(_), TableElementType::Func) => true,
            (TableElement::ExternRef(_), TableElementType::Extern) => true,
            _ => false,

    fn elements(&self) -> &[usize] {
        match self {
            Table::Static { data, size, .. } => &data[..*size as usize],
            Table::Dynamic { elements, .. } => &elements[..],

    fn elements_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [usize] {
        match self {
            Table::Static { data, size, .. } => &mut data[..*size as usize],
            Table::Dynamic { elements, .. } => &mut elements[..],

    fn set_raw(ty: TableElementType, elem: &mut usize, val: TableElement) {
        unsafe {
            let old = *elem;
            *elem = val.into_table_value();

            // Drop the old element
            let _ = TableElement::from_table_value(ty, old);

    fn copy_elements(
        dst_table: &mut Self,
        src_table: &Self,
        dst_range: Range<usize>,
        src_range: Range<usize>,
    ) {
        // This can only be used when copying between different tables
        debug_assert!(!ptr::eq(dst_table, src_table));

        let ty = dst_table.element_type();

        match ty {
            TableElementType::Func => {
                // `funcref` are `Copy`, so just do a mempcy
            TableElementType::Extern => {
                // We need to clone each `externref`
                let dst = dst_table.elements_mut();
                let src = src_table.elements();
                for (s, d) in src_range.zip(dst_range) {
                    let elem = unsafe { TableElement::clone_from_table_value(ty, src[s]) };
                    Self::set_raw(ty, &mut dst[d], elem);

    fn copy_elements_within(&mut self, dst_range: Range<usize>, src_range: Range<usize>) {
        let ty = self.element_type();
        let dst = self.elements_mut();
        match ty {
            TableElementType::Func => {
                // `funcref` are `Copy`, so just do a memmove
                dst.copy_within(src_range, dst_range.start);
            TableElementType::Extern => {
                // We need to clone each `externref` while handling overlapping
                // ranges
                if dst_range.start <= src_range.start {
                    for (s, d) in src_range.zip(dst_range) {
                        let elem = unsafe { TableElement::clone_from_table_value(ty, dst[s]) };
                        Self::set_raw(ty, &mut dst[d], elem);
                } else {
                    for (s, d) in src_range.rev().zip(dst_range.rev()) {
                        let elem = unsafe { TableElement::clone_from_table_value(ty, dst[s]) };
                        Self::set_raw(ty, &mut dst[d], elem);

impl Drop for Table {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        let ty = self.element_type();

        // funcref tables can skip this
        if let TableElementType::Func = ty {

        // Properly drop any table elements stored in the table
        for element in self.elements() {
            drop(unsafe { TableElement::from_table_value(ty, *element) });

// The default table representation is an empty funcref table that cannot grow.
impl Default for Table {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Table::Static {
            data: &mut [],
            size: 0,
            ty: TableElementType::Func,