wasmer-types 4.0.0-beta.2

Wasmer Common Types
use rkyv::{Archive, Deserialize as RkyvDeserialize, Serialize as RkyvSerialize};
#[cfg(feature = "enable-serde")]
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

/// Controls which experimental features will be enabled.
/// Features usually have a corresponding [WebAssembly proposal].
/// [WebAssembly proposal]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/proposals
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, rkyv::CheckBytes)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[derive(RkyvSerialize, RkyvDeserialize, Archive)]
#[archive(as = "Self")]
pub struct Features {
    /// Threads proposal should be enabled
    pub threads: bool,
    /// Reference Types proposal should be enabled
    pub reference_types: bool,
    /// SIMD proposal should be enabled
    pub simd: bool,
    /// Bulk Memory proposal should be enabled
    pub bulk_memory: bool,
    /// Multi Value proposal should be enabled
    pub multi_value: bool,
    /// Tail call proposal should be enabled
    pub tail_call: bool,
    /// Module Linking proposal should be enabled
    pub module_linking: bool,
    /// Multi Memory proposal should be enabled
    pub multi_memory: bool,
    /// 64-bit Memory proposal should be enabled
    pub memory64: bool,
    /// Wasm exceptions proposal should be enabled
    pub exceptions: bool,
    /// Relaxed SIMD proposal should be enabled
    pub relaxed_simd: bool,
    /// Extended constant expressions proposal should be enabled
    pub extended_const: bool,

impl Features {
    /// Create a new feature
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            threads: true,
            // Reference types should be on by default
            reference_types: true,
            // SIMD should be on by default
            simd: true,
            // Bulk Memory should be on by default
            bulk_memory: true,
            // Multivalue should be on by default
            multi_value: true,
            tail_call: false,
            module_linking: false,
            multi_memory: false,
            memory64: false,
            exceptions: false,
            relaxed_simd: false,
            extended_const: false,

    /// Configures whether the WebAssembly threads proposal will be enabled.
    /// The [WebAssembly threads proposal][threads] is not currently fully
    /// standardized and is undergoing development. Support for this feature can
    /// be enabled through this method for appropriate WebAssembly modules.
    /// This feature gates items such as shared memories and atomic
    /// instructions.
    /// This is `false` by default.
    /// [threads]: https://github.com/webassembly/threads
    pub fn threads(&mut self, enable: bool) -> &mut Self {
        self.threads = enable;

    /// Configures whether the WebAssembly reference types proposal will be
    /// enabled.
    /// The [WebAssembly reference types proposal][proposal] is now
    /// fully standardized and enabled by default.
    /// This feature gates items such as the `externref` type and multiple tables
    /// being in a module. Note that enabling the reference types feature will
    /// also enable the bulk memory feature.
    /// This is `true` by default.
    /// [proposal]: https://github.com/webassembly/reference-types
    pub fn reference_types(&mut self, enable: bool) -> &mut Self {
        self.reference_types = enable;
        // The reference types proposal depends on the bulk memory proposal
        if enable {

    /// Configures whether the WebAssembly SIMD proposal will be
    /// enabled.
    /// The [WebAssembly SIMD proposal][proposal] is not currently
    /// fully standardized and is undergoing development. Support for this
    /// feature can be enabled through this method for appropriate WebAssembly
    /// modules.
    /// This feature gates items such as the `v128` type and all of its
    /// operators being in a module.
    /// This is `false` by default.
    /// [proposal]: https://github.com/webassembly/simd
    pub fn simd(&mut self, enable: bool) -> &mut Self {
        self.simd = enable;

    /// Configures whether the WebAssembly bulk memory operations proposal will
    /// be enabled.
    /// The [WebAssembly bulk memory operations proposal][proposal] is now
    /// fully standardized and enabled by default.
    /// This feature gates items such as the `memory.copy` instruction, passive
    /// data/table segments, etc, being in a module.
    /// This is `true` by default.
    /// [proposal]: https://github.com/webassembly/bulk-memory-operations
    pub fn bulk_memory(&mut self, enable: bool) -> &mut Self {
        self.bulk_memory = enable;
        // In case is false, we disable both threads and reference types
        // since they both depend on bulk memory
        if !enable {

    /// Configures whether the WebAssembly multi-value proposal will
    /// be enabled.
    /// The [WebAssembly multi-value proposal][proposal] is now fully
    /// standardized and enabled by default, except with the singlepass
    /// compiler which does not support it.
    /// This feature gates functions and blocks returning multiple values in a
    /// module, for example.
    /// This is `true` by default.
    /// [proposal]: https://github.com/webassembly/multi-value
    pub fn multi_value(&mut self, enable: bool) -> &mut Self {
        self.multi_value = enable;

    /// Configures whether the WebAssembly tail-call proposal will
    /// be enabled.
    /// The [WebAssembly tail-call proposal][proposal] is not
    /// currently fully standardized and is undergoing development.
    /// Support for this feature can be enabled through this method for
    /// appropriate WebAssembly modules.
    /// This feature gates tail-call functions in WebAssembly.
    /// This is `false` by default.
    /// [proposal]: https://github.com/webassembly/tail-call
    pub fn tail_call(&mut self, enable: bool) -> &mut Self {
        self.tail_call = enable;

    /// Configures whether the WebAssembly module linking proposal will
    /// be enabled.
    /// The [WebAssembly module linking proposal][proposal] is not
    /// currently fully standardized and is undergoing development.
    /// Support for this feature can be enabled through this method for
    /// appropriate WebAssembly modules.
    /// This feature allows WebAssembly modules to define, import and
    /// export modules and instances.
    /// This is `false` by default.
    /// [proposal]: https://github.com/webassembly/module-linking
    pub fn module_linking(&mut self, enable: bool) -> &mut Self {
        self.module_linking = enable;

    /// Configures whether the WebAssembly multi-memory proposal will
    /// be enabled.
    /// The [WebAssembly multi-memory proposal][proposal] is not
    /// currently fully standardized and is undergoing development.
    /// Support for this feature can be enabled through this method for
    /// appropriate WebAssembly modules.
    /// This feature adds the ability to use multiple memories within a
    /// single Wasm module.
    /// This is `false` by default.
    /// [proposal]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/multi-memory
    pub fn multi_memory(&mut self, enable: bool) -> &mut Self {
        self.multi_memory = enable;

    /// Configures whether the WebAssembly 64-bit memory proposal will
    /// be enabled.
    /// The [WebAssembly 64-bit memory proposal][proposal] is not
    /// currently fully standardized and is undergoing development.
    /// Support for this feature can be enabled through this method for
    /// appropriate WebAssembly modules.
    /// This feature gates support for linear memory of sizes larger than
    /// 2^32 bits.
    /// This is `false` by default.
    /// [proposal]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/memory64
    pub fn memory64(&mut self, enable: bool) -> &mut Self {
        self.memory64 = enable;

impl Default for Features {
    fn default() -> Self {

mod test_features {
    use super::*;
    fn default_features() {
        let default = Features::default();
            Features {
                threads: true,
                reference_types: true,
                simd: true,
                bulk_memory: true,
                multi_value: true,
                tail_call: false,
                module_linking: false,
                multi_memory: false,
                memory64: false,
                exceptions: false,
                relaxed_simd: false,
                extended_const: false,

    fn enable_threads() {
        let mut features = Features::new();


    fn enable_reference_types() {
        let mut features = Features::new();

    fn enable_simd() {
        let mut features = Features::new();

    fn enable_multi_value() {
        let mut features = Features::new();

    fn enable_bulk_memory() {
        let mut features = Features::new();

    fn disable_bulk_memory() {
        let mut features = Features::new();

    fn enable_tail_call() {
        let mut features = Features::new();

    fn enable_module_linking() {
        let mut features = Features::new();

    fn enable_multi_memory() {
        let mut features = Features::new();

    fn enable_memory64() {
        let mut features = Features::new();