wasmer-interface-types-fl 0.27.0

WebAssembly Interface Types library for Wasmer
//! The error module contains all the data structures that represent
//! an error.

use crate::IType;
use crate::IValue;
use crate::{ast::TypeKind, interpreter::Instruction};
use std::{
    fmt::{self, Display, Formatter},
    string::{self, ToString},

use it_lilo::lifter::LiError;
use it_lilo::lowerer::LoError;
use thiserror::Error as ThisError;

pub use fluence_it_types::WasmValueNativeCastError;
use it_memory_traits::MemoryAccessError;

/// A type alias for instruction's results.
pub type InstructionResult<T> = Result<T, InstructionError>;

/// A type alias for the interpreter result.
pub type InterpreterResult<T> = Result<T, InstructionError>;

/// Structure to represent the errors for instructions.
pub struct InstructionError {
    /// The instruction that raises the error.
    pub instruction: Instruction,

    /// The error kind.
    pub error_kind: InstructionErrorKind,

impl InstructionError {
    pub(crate) fn from_error_kind(
        instruction: Instruction,
        error_kind: InstructionErrorKind,
    ) -> Self {
        Self {

    pub(crate) fn from_li(instruction: Instruction, li: LiError) -> Self {
        let error_kind = InstructionErrorKind::LiError(li);
        Self::from_error_kind(instruction, error_kind)

    pub(crate) fn from_lo(instruction: Instruction, lo: LoError) -> Self {
        let error_kind = InstructionErrorKind::LoError(lo);
        Self::from_error_kind(instruction, error_kind)

    pub(crate) fn from_memory_access(
        instruction: Instruction,
        memory_access: MemoryAccessError,
    ) -> Self {
        match memory_access {
            MemoryAccessError::OutOfBounds {
            } => Self::from_error_kind(
                InstructionErrorKind::MemoryOutOfBoundsAccess {
                    index: offset + size,
                    length: memory_size,

impl Error for InstructionError {}

/// Allows you to shorten the expression creates a new InstructionError.
macro_rules! instr_error {
    ($instruction:expr, $error_kind:expr) => {

impl Display for InstructionError {
    fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
            "`{}` {}",

/// The kind of instruction errors.
#[derive(ThisError, Debug)]
pub enum InstructionErrorKind {
    /// The instruction needs to read an invocation input at index `index`, but it's missing.
    #[error("cannot access invocation inputs #{index} because it doesn't exist")]
    InvocationInputIsMissing {
        /// The invocation input index.
        index: u32,

    /// Failed to cast from a WIT value to a native value.
    #[error("failed to cast the WIT value `{0}` to its native type")]
    ToNative(#[from] WasmValueNativeCastError),

    /// Failed to cast from `from` to `to`.
    #[error("failed to cast `{from:?}` to `{to:?}`")]
    LoweringLifting {
        /// The initial type.
        from: IType,

        /// The targeted type.
        to: IType,

    /// Read a value from the stack, but it doesn't have the expected
    /// type.
    #[error("read a value `{expected_type:?}` from the stack, that can't be converted to `{received_value:?}`")]
    InvalidValueOnTheStack {
        /// The expected type.
        expected_type: IType,

        /// The received type.
        received_value: IValue,

    /// Need to read some values from the stack, but it doesn't
    /// contain enough data.
        "needed to read `{needed}` value(s) from the stack, but it doesn't contain enough data"
    StackIsTooSmall {
        /// The number of values that were needed.
        needed: usize,

    /// The local or import function doesn't exist.
    #[error("the local or import function `{function_index}` doesn't exist")]
    LocalOrImportIsMissing {
        /// The local or import function index.
        function_index: u32,

    /// Values given to a local or import function doesn't match the
    /// function signature.
        "the local or import function `{function_index}` has the signature\
             `{:?} -> {:?}`\
             but it received values of kind `{:?} -> {:?}`",
        .expected.0, .expected.1, .received.0, .received.1,
    LocalOrImportSignatureMismatch {
        /// The local or import function index.
        function_index: u32,

        /// The expected signature.
        expected: (Vec<IType>, Vec<IType>),

        /// The received signature.
        received: (Vec<IType>, Vec<IType>),

    /// Failed to call a local or import function.
    #[error("failed while calling the local or import function `{function_name}`: {reason}")]
    LocalOrImportCall {
        /// The local or import function name that has been called.
        function_name: String,

        /// Error returned by the local or import call
        reason: anyhow::Error,

    /// The memory doesn't exist.
    #[error("memory `{memory_index}` does not exist")]
    MemoryIsMissing {
        /// The memory index.
        memory_index: usize,

    /// Tried to read out of bounds of the memory.
    #[error("read out of the memory bounds (index {index} > memory length {length})")]
    MemoryOutOfBoundsAccess {
        /// The access index.
        index: u32,

        /// The memory length.
        length: u32,

    /// The string contains invalid UTF-8 encoding.

    /// Out of range integral type conversion attempted.
    #[error("attempted to convert `{subject}`, but it appears to be a negative value")]
    NegativeValue {
        /// The variable name that triggered the error.
        subject: &'static str,

    /// The type doesn't exist.
    #[error("the type `{type_index}` doesn't exist")]
    TypeIsMissing {
        /// The type index.
        type_index: u32,

    /// The searched by id type doesn't exist.
    #[error("type with `{record_type_id}` is missing in a Wasm binary")]
    RecordTypeByNameIsMissing {
        /// The record type name.
        record_type_id: u64,

    /// Corrupted array's been popped from the stack.

    /// Corrupted record's been popped from the stack.

    /// Read a type that has an unexpected type.
        "read a type of kind `{received_kind:?}`,\
             but the kind `{expected_kind:?}` was expected"
    InvalidTypeKind {
        /// The expected kind.
        expected_kind: TypeKind,

        /// The received kind.
        received_kind: TypeKind,

    /// Errors related to Serialization/deserialization of record.
    #[error("serde error: {0}")]

    /// Errors related to lifting/lowering records.
    LiError(#[from] LiError),

    /// Errors related to incorrect writing to memory.
    LoError(#[from] LoError),

impl From<(TryFromIntError, &'static str)> for InstructionErrorKind {
    fn from((_, subject): (TryFromIntError, &'static str)) -> Self {
        InstructionErrorKind::NegativeValue { subject }