wasmer-engine-staticlib 2.0.0

Wasmer Staticlib Engine
use crate::StaticlibArtifact;
use loupe::MemoryUsage;
use std::io::Read;
use std::path::Path;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
#[cfg(feature = "compiler")]
use wasmer_compiler::Compiler;
use wasmer_compiler::{CompileError, Target};
use wasmer_engine::{Artifact, DeserializeError, Engine, EngineId, Tunables};
#[cfg(feature = "compiler")]
use wasmer_types::Features;
use wasmer_types::FunctionType;
use wasmer_vm::{
    FuncDataRegistry, SignatureRegistry, VMCallerCheckedAnyfunc, VMFuncRef, VMSharedSignatureIndex,

/// A WebAssembly `Staticlib` Engine.
#[derive(Clone, MemoryUsage)]
pub struct StaticlibEngine {
    inner: Arc<Mutex<StaticlibEngineInner>>,
    /// The target for the compiler
    target: Arc<Target>,
    engine_id: EngineId,

impl StaticlibEngine {
    /// Create a new `StaticlibEngine` with the given config
    #[cfg(feature = "compiler")]
    pub fn new(compiler: Box<dyn Compiler>, target: Target, features: Features) -> Self {
        Self {
            inner: Arc::new(Mutex::new(StaticlibEngineInner {
                compiler: Some(compiler),
                signatures: SignatureRegistry::new(),
                func_data: Arc::new(FuncDataRegistry::new()),
                prefixer: None,
            target: Arc::new(target),
            engine_id: EngineId::default(),

    /// Create a headless `StaticlibEngine`
    /// A headless engine is an engine without any compiler attached.
    /// This is useful for assuring a minimal runtime for running
    /// WebAssembly modules.
    /// For example, for running in IoT devices where compilers are very
    /// expensive, or also to optimize startup speed.
    /// # Important
    /// Headless engines can't compile or validate any modules,
    /// they just take already processed Modules (via `Module::serialize`).
    pub fn headless() -> Self {
        Self {
            inner: Arc::new(Mutex::new(StaticlibEngineInner {
                #[cfg(feature = "compiler")]
                compiler: None,
                #[cfg(feature = "compiler")]
                features: Features::default(),
                signatures: SignatureRegistry::new(),
                func_data: Arc::new(FuncDataRegistry::new()),
                prefixer: None,
            target: Arc::new(Target::default()),
            engine_id: EngineId::default(),

    /// Sets a prefixer for the Wasm module, so we can avoid any
    /// collisions in the exported function names on the generated
    /// object.
    /// This, allows us to rather than have functions named
    /// `wasmer_function_1` to be named `wasmer_function_PREFIX_1`.
    /// # Important
    /// This prefixer function should be deterministic, so the
    /// compilation remains deterministic.
    pub fn set_deterministic_prefixer<F>(&mut self, prefixer: F)
        F: Fn(&[u8]) -> String + Send + 'static,
        let mut inner = self.inner_mut();
        inner.prefixer = Some(Box::new(prefixer));

    pub(crate) fn inner(&self) -> std::sync::MutexGuard<'_, StaticlibEngineInner> {

    pub(crate) fn inner_mut(&self) -> std::sync::MutexGuard<'_, StaticlibEngineInner> {

impl Engine for StaticlibEngine {
    /// The target
    fn target(&self) -> &Target {

    /// Register a signature
    fn register_signature(&self, func_type: &FunctionType) -> VMSharedSignatureIndex {
        let compiler = self.inner();

    fn register_function_metadata(&self, func_data: VMCallerCheckedAnyfunc) -> VMFuncRef {
        let compiler = self.inner();

    /// Lookup a signature
    fn lookup_signature(&self, sig: VMSharedSignatureIndex) -> Option<FunctionType> {
        let compiler = self.inner();

    /// Validates a WebAssembly module
    fn validate(&self, binary: &[u8]) -> Result<(), CompileError> {

    /// Compile a WebAssembly binary
    #[cfg(feature = "compiler")]
    fn compile(
        binary: &[u8],
        tunables: &dyn Tunables,
    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn Artifact>, CompileError> {
        Ok(Arc::new(StaticlibArtifact::new(&self, binary, tunables)?))

    /// Compile a WebAssembly binary (it will fail because the `compiler` flag is disabled).
    #[cfg(not(feature = "compiler"))]
    fn compile(
        _binary: &[u8],
        _tunables: &dyn Tunables,
    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn Artifact>, CompileError> {
            "The `StaticlibEngine` is operating in headless mode, so it cannot compile a module."

    /// Deserializes a WebAssembly module (binary content of a static object file)
    unsafe fn deserialize(&self, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Arc<dyn Artifact>, DeserializeError> {
        Ok(Arc::new(StaticlibArtifact::deserialize(&self, &bytes)?))

    /// Deserializes a WebAssembly module from a path
    /// It should point to a static object file generated by this
    /// engine.
    unsafe fn deserialize_from_file(
        file_ref: &Path,
    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn Artifact>, DeserializeError> {
        let mut f = std::fs::File::open(file_ref)?;
        let mut vec = vec![];
        f.read_to_end(&mut vec)?;


    fn id(&self) -> &EngineId {

    fn cloned(&self) -> Arc<dyn Engine + Send + Sync> {

/// The inner contents of `StaticlibEngine`
pub struct StaticlibEngineInner {
    /// The compiler
    #[cfg(feature = "compiler")]
    compiler: Option<Box<dyn Compiler>>,

    /// The WebAssembly features to use
    #[cfg(feature = "compiler")]
    features: Features,

    /// The signature registry is used mainly to operate with trampolines
    /// performantly.
    signatures: SignatureRegistry,

    /// The backing storage of `VMFuncRef`s. This centralized store ensures that 2
    /// functions with the same `VMCallerCheckedAnyfunc` will have the same `VMFuncRef`.
    /// It also guarantees that the `VMFuncRef`s stay valid until the engine is dropped.
    func_data: Arc<FuncDataRegistry>,

    /// The prefixer returns the a String to prefix each of the
    /// functions in the static object generated by the
    /// `StaticlibEngine`, so we can assure no collisions.
    prefixer: Option<Box<dyn Fn(&[u8]) -> String + Send>>,

impl StaticlibEngineInner {
    /// Gets the compiler associated to this engine.
    #[cfg(feature = "compiler")]
    pub fn compiler(&self) -> Result<&dyn Compiler, CompileError> {
        if self.compiler.is_none() {
            return Err(CompileError::Codegen("The `StaticlibEngine` is operating in headless mode, so it can only execute already compiled Modules.".to_string()));
            .expect("Can't get compiler reference"))

    #[cfg(feature = "compiler")]
    pub(crate) fn get_prefix(&self, bytes: &[u8]) -> String {
        if let Some(prefixer) = &self.prefixer {
        } else {

    #[cfg(feature = "compiler")]
    pub(crate) fn features(&self) -> &Features {

    /// Validate the module
    #[cfg(feature = "compiler")]
    pub fn validate<'data>(&self, data: &'data [u8]) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
        self.compiler()?.validate_module(self.features(), data)

    /// Validate the module
    #[cfg(not(feature = "compiler"))]
    pub fn validate<'data>(&self, _data: &'data [u8]) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
            "The `StaticlibEngine` is not compiled with compiler support, which is required for validating".to_string(),

    /// Shared signature registry.
    pub fn signatures(&self) -> &SignatureRegistry {

    /// Shared func metadata registry.
    pub(crate) fn func_data(&self) -> &Arc<FuncDataRegistry> {