wasmcloud-system-interface 0.1.0

wasmcloud system interface (frodobuf/midl)
package system;

@doc("Return value from actors and providers for health check status")
message HealthCheckResponse {

  @doc("A flag that indicates the the actor is healthy")
  bool healthy;

  @doc("A message containing additional information about the actors health")
  string message;

@doc("health check request parameter")
message HealthCheckRequest {
   // empty

@doc("required interface for actor")
service Actor {
    @doc("Perform health check. Called at regular intervals by host")
    rpc healthRequest(HealthCheckRequest) returns HealthCheckResponse;

@doc("Capability provider interface - required methods")
@codegen(client = false)   // do not generate client interface
service Provider {

    @doc("Perform health check. Called at regular intervals by host")
    rpc healthRequest(HealthCheckRequest) returns HealthCheckResponse;

    @doc("Instruction to bind actor")
    @doc("- param: string: actor id (public key)")
    rpc bindActor(string);

    @doc("Instruction to forget actor")
    @doc("- param: string: actor ID (public key)")
    rpc removeActor(string);