walkdir 1.0.6

Recursively walk a directory.
Crate `walkdir` provides an efficient and cross platform implementation
of recursive directory traversal. Several options are exposed to control
iteration, such as whether to follow symbolic links (default off), limit the
maximum number of simultaneous open file descriptors and the ability to
efficiently skip descending into directories.

To use this crate, add `walkdir` as a dependency to your project's

walkdir = "1"

# From the top

The `WalkDir` type builds iterators. The `WalkDirIterator` trait provides
methods for directory iterator adapters, such as efficiently pruning entries
during traversal. The `DirEntry` type describes values yielded by the iterator.
Finally, the `Error` type is a small wrapper around `std::io::Error` with
additional information, such as if a loop was detected while following symbolic
links (not enabled by default).

# Example

The following code recursively iterates over the directory given and prints
the path for each entry:

use walkdir::WalkDir;

for entry in WalkDir::new("foo") {
    let entry = entry.unwrap();
    println!("{}", entry.path().display());

Or, if you'd like to iterate over all entries and ignore any errors that may
arise, use `filter_map`. (e.g., This code below will silently skip directories
that the owner of the running process does not have permission to access.)

use walkdir::WalkDir;

for entry in WalkDir::new("foo").into_iter().filter_map(|e| e.ok()) {
    println!("{}", entry.path().display());

# Example: follow symbolic links

The same code as above, except `follow_links` is enabled:

use walkdir::WalkDir;

for entry in WalkDir::new("foo").follow_links(true) {
    let entry = entry.unwrap();
    println!("{}", entry.path().display());

# Example: skip hidden files and directories efficiently on unix

This uses the `filter_entry` iterator adapter to avoid yielding hidden files
and directories efficiently:

use walkdir::{DirEntry, WalkDir, WalkDirIterator};

fn is_hidden(entry: &DirEntry) -> bool {
         .map(|s| s.starts_with("."))

let walker = WalkDir::new("foo").into_iter();
for entry in walker.filter_entry(|e| !is_hidden(e)) {
    let entry = entry.unwrap();
    println!("{}", entry.path().display());

#[cfg(windows)] extern crate kernel32;
#[cfg(windows)] extern crate winapi;
#[cfg(test)] extern crate quickcheck;
#[cfg(test)] extern crate rand;
extern crate same_file;

use std::cmp::{Ordering, min};
use std::error;
use std::fmt;
use std::fs::{self, FileType, ReadDir};
use std::io;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::result;
use std::vec;

pub use same_file::is_same_file;

#[cfg(test)] mod tests;

/// Like try, but for iterators that return `Option<Result<_, _>>`.
macro_rules! itry {
    ($e:expr) => {
        match $e {
            Ok(v) => v,
            Err(err) => return Some(Err(From::from(err))),

/// A result type for walkdir operations.
/// Note that this result type embeds the error type in this crate. This
/// is only useful if you care about the additional information provided by
/// the error (such as the path associated with the error or whether a loop
/// was dectected). If you want things to Just Work, then you can use
/// `io::Result` instead since the error type in this package will
/// automatically convert to an `io::Result` when using the `try!` macro.
pub type Result<T> = ::std::result::Result<T, Error>;

/// A builder to create an iterator for recursively walking a directory.
/// Results are returned in depth first fashion, with directories yielded
/// before their contents. The order is unspecified. Directory entries `.`
/// and `..` are always omitted.
/// If an error occurs at any point during iteration, then it is returned in
/// place of its corresponding directory entry and iteration continues as
/// normal. If an error occurs while opening a directory for reading, it
/// is skipped. Iteration may be stopped at any time. When the iterator is
/// destroyed, all resources associated with it are freed.
/// # Usage
/// This type implements `IntoIterator` so that it may be used as the subject
/// of a `for` loop. You may need to call `into_iter` explicitly if you want
/// to use iterator adapters such as `filter_entry`.
/// Idiomatic use of this type should use method chaining to set desired
/// options. For example, this only shows entries with a depth of `1`, `2`
/// or `3` (relative to `foo`):
/// ```rust,no_run
/// use walkdir::WalkDir;
/// for entry in WalkDir::new("foo").min_depth(1).max_depth(3) {
///     let entry = entry.unwrap();
///     println!("{}", entry.path().display());
/// }
/// ```
/// Note that the iterator by default includes the top-most directory. Since
/// this is the only directory yielded with depth `0`, it is easy to ignore it
/// with the `min_depth` setting:
/// ```rust,no_run
/// use walkdir::WalkDir;
/// for entry in WalkDir::new("foo").min_depth(1) {
///     let entry = entry.unwrap();
///     println!("{}", entry.path().display());
/// }
/// ```
/// This will only return descendents of the `foo` directory and not `foo`
/// itself.
/// # Loops
/// This iterator (like most/all recursive directory iterators) assumes that
/// no loops can be made with *hard* links on your file system. In particular,
/// this would require creating a hard link to a directory such that it creates
/// a loop. On most platforms, this operation is illegal.
/// Note that when following symbolic/soft links, loops are detected and an
/// error is reported.
pub struct WalkDir {
    opts: WalkDirOptions,
    root: PathBuf,

struct WalkDirOptions {
    follow_links: bool,
    max_open: usize,
    min_depth: usize,
    max_depth: usize,
    sorter: Option<Box<FnMut(&OsString,&OsString) -> Ordering + 'static>>,

impl WalkDir {
    /// Create a builder for a recursive directory iterator starting at the
    /// file path `root`. If `root` is a directory, then it is the first item
    /// yielded by the iterator. If `root` is a file, then it is the first
    /// and only item yielded by the iterator. If `root` is a symlink, then it
    /// is always followed.
    pub fn new<P: AsRef<Path>>(root: P) -> Self {
        WalkDir {
            opts: WalkDirOptions {
                follow_links: false,
                max_open: 10,
                min_depth: 0,
                max_depth: ::std::usize::MAX,
                sorter: None,
            root: root.as_ref().to_path_buf(),

    /// Set the minimum depth of entries yielded by the iterator.
    /// The smallest depth is `0` and always corresponds to the path given
    /// to the `new` function on this type. Its direct descendents have depth
    /// `1`, and their descendents have depth `2`, and so on.
    pub fn min_depth(mut self, depth: usize) -> Self {
        self.opts.min_depth = depth;
        if self.opts.min_depth > self.opts.max_depth {
            self.opts.min_depth = self.opts.max_depth;

    /// Set the maximum depth of entries yield by the iterator.
    /// The smallest depth is `0` and always corresponds to the path given
    /// to the `new` function on this type. Its direct descendents have depth
    /// `1`, and their descendents have depth `2`, and so on.
    /// Note that this will not simply filter the entries of the iterator, but
    /// it will actually avoid descending into directories when the depth is
    /// exceeded.
    pub fn max_depth(mut self, depth: usize) -> Self {
        self.opts.max_depth = depth;
        if self.opts.max_depth < self.opts.min_depth {
            self.opts.max_depth = self.opts.min_depth;

    /// Follow symbolic links. By default, this is disabled.
    /// When `yes` is `true`, symbolic links are followed as if they were
    /// normal directories and files. If a symbolic link is broken or is
    /// involved in a loop, an error is yielded.
    /// When enabled, the yielded `DirEntry` values represent the target of
    /// the link while the path corresponds to the link. See the `DirEntry`
    /// type for more details.
    pub fn follow_links(mut self, yes: bool) -> Self {
        self.opts.follow_links = yes;

    /// Set the maximum number of simultaneously open file descriptors used
    /// by the iterator.
    /// `n` must be greater than or equal to `1`. If `n` is `0`, then it is set
    /// to `1` automatically. If this is not set, then it defaults to some
    /// reasonably low number.
    /// This setting has no impact on the results yielded by the iterator
    /// (even when `n` is `1`). Instead, this setting represents a trade off
    /// between scarce resources (file descriptors) and memory. Namely, when
    /// the maximum number of file descriptors is reached and a new directory
    /// needs to be opened to continue iteration, then a previous directory
    /// handle is closed and has its unyielded entries stored in memory. In
    /// practice, this is a satisfying trade off because it scales with respect
    /// to the *depth* of your file tree. Therefore, low values (even `1`) are
    /// acceptable.
    /// Note that this value does not impact the number of system calls made by
    /// an exhausted iterator.
    pub fn max_open(mut self, mut n: usize) -> Self {
        if n == 0 {
            n = 1;
        self.opts.max_open = n;

    /// Set a function for sorting directory entries.
    /// If a compare function is set, the resulting iterator will return all
    /// paths in sorted order. The compare function will be called to compare
    /// names from entries from the same directory using only the name of the
    /// entry.
    /// ```rust,no-run
    /// use std::cmp;
    /// use std::ffi::OsString;
    /// use walkdir::WalkDir;
    /// WalkDir::new("foo").sort_by(|a,b| a.cmp(b));
    /// ```
    pub fn sort_by<F>(mut self, cmp: F) -> Self
            where F: FnMut(&OsString, &OsString) -> Ordering + 'static {
        self.opts.sorter = Some(Box::new(cmp));

impl IntoIterator for WalkDir {
    type Item = Result<DirEntry>;
    type IntoIter = Iter;

    fn into_iter(self) -> Iter {
        Iter {
            opts: self.opts,
            start: Some(self.root),
            stack_list: vec![],
            stack_path: vec![],
            oldest_opened: 0,
            depth: 0,

/// A trait for recursive directory iterators.
pub trait WalkDirIterator: Iterator {
    /// Skips the current directory.
    /// This causes the iterator to stop traversing the contents of the least
    /// recently yielded directory. This means any remaining entries in that
    /// directory will be skipped (including sub-directories).
    /// Note that the ergnomics of this method are questionable since it
    /// borrows the iterator mutably. Namely, you must write out the looping
    /// condition manually. For example, to skip hidden entries efficiently on
    /// unix systems:
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// use walkdir::{DirEntry, WalkDir, WalkDirIterator};
    /// fn is_hidden(entry: &DirEntry) -> bool {
    ///     entry.file_name()
    ///          .to_str()
    ///          .map(|s| s.starts_with("."))
    ///          .unwrap_or(false)
    /// }
    /// let mut it = WalkDir::new("foo").into_iter();
    /// loop {
    ///     let entry = match it.next() {
    ///         None => break,
    ///         Some(Err(err)) => panic!("ERROR: {}", err),
    ///         Some(Ok(entry)) => entry,
    ///     };
    ///     if is_hidden(&entry) {
    ///         if entry.file_type().is_dir() {
    ///             it.skip_current_dir();
    ///         }
    ///         continue;
    ///     }
    ///     println!("{}", entry.path().display());
    /// }
    /// ```
    /// You may find it more convenient to use the `filter_entry` iterator
    /// adapter. (See its documentation for the same example functionality as
    /// above.)
    fn skip_current_dir(&mut self);

    /// Yields only entries which satisfy the given predicate and skips
    /// descending into directories that do not satisfy the given predicate.
    /// The predicate is applied to all entries. If the predicate is
    /// true, iteration carries on as normal. If the predicate is false, the
    /// entry is ignored and if it is a directory, it is not descended into.
    /// This is often more convenient to use than `skip_current_dir`. For
    /// example, to skip hidden files and directories efficiently on unix
    /// systems:
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// use walkdir::{DirEntry, WalkDir, WalkDirIterator};
    /// fn is_hidden(entry: &DirEntry) -> bool {
    ///     entry.file_name()
    ///          .to_str()
    ///          .map(|s| s.starts_with("."))
    ///          .unwrap_or(false)
    /// }
    /// for entry in WalkDir::new("foo")
    ///                      .into_iter()
    ///                      .filter_entry(|e| !is_hidden(e)) {
    ///     let entry = entry.unwrap();
    ///     println!("{}", entry.path().display());
    /// }
    /// ```
    /// Note that the iterator will still yield errors for reading entries that
    /// may not satisfy the predicate.
    /// Note that entries skipped with `min_depth` and `max_depth` are not
    /// passed to this predicate.
    fn filter_entry<P>(self, predicate: P) -> IterFilterEntry<Self, P>
            where Self: Sized, P: FnMut(&DirEntry) -> bool {
        IterFilterEntry { it: self, predicate: predicate }

/// An iterator for recursively descending into a directory.
/// A value with this type must be constructed with the `WalkDir` type, which
/// uses a builder pattern to set options such as min/max depth, max open file
/// descriptors and whether the iterator should follow symbolic links.
/// The order of elements yielded by this iterator is unspecified.
pub struct Iter {
    /// Options specified in the builder. Depths, max fds, etc.
    opts: WalkDirOptions,
    /// The start path.
    /// This is only `Some(...)` at the beginning. After the first iteration,
    /// this is always `None`.
    start: Option<PathBuf>,
    /// A stack of open (up to max fd) or closed handles to directories.
    /// An open handle is a plain `fs::ReadDir` while a closed handle is
    /// a `Vec<fs::DirEntry>` corresponding to the as-of-yet consumed entries.
    stack_list: Vec<DirList>,
    /// A stack of file paths.
    /// This is *only* used when `follow_links` is enabled. In all other cases
    /// this stack is empty.
    stack_path: Vec<PathBuf>,
    /// An index into `stack_list` that points to the oldest open directory
    /// handle. If the maximum fd limit is reached and a new directory needs
    /// to be read, the handle at this index is closed before the new directory
    /// is opened.
    oldest_opened: usize,
    /// The current depth of iteration (the length of the stack at the
    /// beginning of each iteration).
    depth: usize,

/// A sequence of unconsumed directory entries.
/// This represents the opened or closed state of a directory handle. When
/// open, future entries are read by iterating over the raw `fs::ReadDir`.
/// When closed, all future entries are read into memory. Iteration then
/// proceeds over a `Vec<fs::DirEntry>`.
enum DirList {
    /// An opened handle.
    /// This includes the depth of the handle itself.
    /// If there was an error with the initial `fs::read_dir` call, then it is
    /// stored here. (We use an `Option<...>` to make yielding the error
    /// exactly once simpler.)
    Opened { depth: usize, it: result::Result<ReadDir, Option<Error>> },
    /// A closed handle.
    /// All remaining directory entries are read into memory.

/// A directory entry.
/// This is the type of value that is yielded from the iterators defined in
/// this crate.
/// # Differences with `std::fs::DirEntry`
/// This type mostly mirrors the type by the same name in `std::fs`. There are
/// some differences however:
/// * All recursive directory iterators must inspect the entry's type.
/// Therefore, the value is stored and its access is guaranteed to be cheap and
/// successful.
/// * `path` and `file_name` return borrowed variants.
/// * If `follow_links` was enabled on the originating iterator, then all
/// operations except for `path` operate on the link target. Otherwise, all
/// operations operate on the symbolic link.
pub struct DirEntry {
    /// The path as reported by the `fs::ReadDir` iterator (even if it's a
    /// symbolic link).
    path: PathBuf,
    /// The file type. Necessary for recursive iteration, so store it.
    ty: FileType,
    /// Is set when this entry was created from a symbolic link and the user
    /// excepts the iterator to follow symbolic links.
    follow_link: bool,
    /// The depth at which this entry was generated relative to the root.
    depth: usize,
    /// The underlying inode number (Unix only).
    ino: u64,

impl Iterator for Iter {
    type Item = Result<DirEntry>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Result<DirEntry>> {
        if let Some(start) = self.start.take() {
            let dent = itry!(DirEntry::from_link(0, start));
            if let Some(result) = self.handle_entry(dent) {
                return Some(result);
        while !self.stack_list.is_empty() {
            self.depth = self.stack_list.len();
            if self.depth > self.opts.max_depth {
                // If we've exceeded the max depth, pop the current dir
                // so that we don't descend.
            match self.stack_list.last_mut().unwrap().next() {
                None => self.pop(),
                Some(Err(err)) => return Some(Err(err)),
                Some(Ok(dent)) => {
                    let dent = itry!(DirEntry::from_entry(self.depth, &dent));
                    if let Some(result) = self.handle_entry(dent) {
                        return Some(result);

impl WalkDirIterator for Iter {
    fn skip_current_dir(&mut self) {
        if !self.stack_list.is_empty() {
        if !self.stack_path.is_empty() {

impl Iter {
    fn handle_entry(
        &mut self,
        mut dent: DirEntry,
    ) -> Option<Result<DirEntry>> {
        if self.opts.follow_links && dent.file_type().is_symlink() {
            dent = itry!(self.follow(dent));
        if dent.file_type().is_dir() {
        if self.skippable() { None } else { Some(Ok(dent)) }

    fn push(&mut self, dent: &DirEntry) {
        // Make room for another open file descriptor if we've hit the max.
        if self.stack_list.len() - self.oldest_opened == self.opts.max_open {
            self.oldest_opened = self.oldest_opened.checked_add(1).unwrap();
        // Open a handle to reading the directory's entries.
        let rd = fs::read_dir(dent.path()).map_err(|err| {
            Some(Error::from_path(self.depth, dent.path().to_path_buf(), err))
        let mut list = DirList::Opened { depth: self.depth, it: rd };
        if let Some(ref mut cmp) = self.opts.sorter {
            let mut entries: Vec<_> = list.collect();
            entries.sort_by(|a, b| {
                match (a, b) {
                    (&Ok(ref a), &Ok(ref b)) => {
                        cmp(&a.file_name(), &b.file_name())
                    (&Err(_), &Err(_)) => Ordering::Equal,
                    (&Ok(_), &Err(_)) => Ordering::Greater,
                    (&Err(_), &Ok(_)) => Ordering::Less,
            list = DirList::Closed(entries.into_iter());
        if self.opts.follow_links {

    fn pop(&mut self) {
        self.stack_list.pop().expect("cannot pop from empty stack");
        if self.opts.follow_links {
            self.stack_path.pop().expect("BUG: list/path stacks out of sync");
        // If everything in the stack is already closed, then there is
        // room for at least one more open descriptor and it will
        // always be at the top of the stack.
        self.oldest_opened = min(self.oldest_opened, self.stack_list.len());

    fn follow(&self, mut dent: DirEntry) -> Result<DirEntry> {
        dent = try!(DirEntry::from_link(self.depth,
        // The only way a symlink can cause a loop is if it points
        // to a directory. Otherwise, it always points to a leaf
        // and we can omit any loop checks.
        if dent.file_type().is_dir() {

    fn check_loop<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, child: P) -> Result<()> {
        for ancestor in self.stack_path.iter().rev() {
            let same = try!(is_same_file(ancestor, &child).map_err(|err| {
                Error::from_io(self.depth, err)
            if same {
                return Err(Error {
                    depth: self.depth,
                    inner: ErrorInner::Loop {
                        ancestor: ancestor.to_path_buf(),
                        child: child.as_ref().to_path_buf(),

    fn skippable(&self) -> bool {
        self.depth < self.opts.min_depth || self.depth > self.opts.max_depth

impl DirList {
    fn close(&mut self) {
        if let DirList::Opened { .. } = *self {
            *self = DirList::Closed(self.collect::<Vec<_>>().into_iter());

impl Iterator for DirList {
    type Item = Result<fs::DirEntry>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Result<fs::DirEntry>> {
        match *self {
            DirList::Closed(ref mut it) => it.next(),
            DirList::Opened { depth, ref mut it } => match *it {
                Err(ref mut err) => err.take().map(Err),
                Ok(ref mut rd) => rd.next().map(|r| r.map_err(|err| {
                    Error::from_io(depth + 1, err)

impl DirEntry {
    /// The full path that this entry represents.
    /// The full path is created by joining the parents of this entry up to the
    /// root initially given to `WalkDir::new` with the file name of this
    /// entry.
    /// Note that this *always* returns the path reported by the underlying
    /// directory entry, even when symbolic links are followed. To get the
    /// target path, use `path_is_symbolic_link` to (cheaply) check if
    /// this entry corresponds to a symbolic link, and `std::fs::read_link` to
    /// resolve the target.
    pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {

    /// Returns `true` if and only if this entry was created from a symbolic
    /// link. This is unaffected by the `follow_links` setting.
    /// When `true`, the value returned by the `path` method is a
    /// symbolic link name. To get the full target path, you must call
    /// `std::fs::read_link(entry.path())`.
    pub fn path_is_symbolic_link(&self) -> bool {
        self.ty.is_symlink() || self.follow_link

    /// Return the metadata for the file that this entry points to.
    /// This will follow symbolic links if and only if the `WalkDir` value
    /// has `follow_links` enabled.
    /// # Platform behavior
    /// This always calls `std::fs::symlink_metadata`.
    /// If this entry is a symbolic link and `follow_links` is enabled, then
    /// `std::fs::metadata` is called instead.
    pub fn metadata(&self) -> Result<fs::Metadata> {
        if self.follow_link {
        } else {
        }.map_err(|err| Error::from_entry(self, err))

    /// Return the file type for the file that this entry points to.
    /// If this is a symbolic link and `follow_links` is `true`, then this
    /// returns the type of the target.
    /// This never makes any system calls.
    pub fn file_type(&self) -> fs::FileType {

    /// Return the file name of this entry.
    /// If this entry has no file name (e.g., `/`), then the full path is
    /// returned.
    pub fn file_name(&self) -> &OsStr {
        self.path.file_name().unwrap_or_else(|| self.path.as_os_str())

    /// Returns the depth at which this entry was created relative to the root.
    /// The smallest depth is `0` and always corresponds to the path given
    /// to the `new` function on `WalkDir`. Its direct descendents have depth
    /// `1`, and their descendents have depth `2`, and so on.
    pub fn depth(&self) -> usize {

    /// Returns the underlying `d_ino` field in the contained `dirent`
    /// structure.
    pub fn ino(&self) -> u64 {

    fn from_entry(depth: usize, ent: &fs::DirEntry) -> Result<DirEntry> {
        let ty = try!(ent.file_type().map_err(|err| {
            Error::from_path(depth, ent.path(), err)
        Ok(DirEntry {
            path: ent.path(),
            ty: ty,
            follow_link: false,
            depth: depth,

    fn from_entry(depth: usize, ent: &fs::DirEntry) -> Result<DirEntry> {
        use std::os::unix::fs::DirEntryExt;

        let ty = try!(ent.file_type().map_err(|err| {
            Error::from_path(depth, ent.path(), err)
        Ok(DirEntry {
            path: ent.path(),
            ty: ty,
            follow_link: false,
            depth: depth,
            ino: ent.ino(),

    fn from_link(depth: usize, pb: PathBuf) -> Result<DirEntry> {
        let md = try!(fs::metadata(&pb).map_err(|err| {
            Error::from_path(depth, pb.clone(), err)
        Ok(DirEntry {
            path: pb,
            ty: md.file_type(),
            follow_link: true,
            depth: depth,

    fn from_link(depth: usize, pb: PathBuf) -> Result<DirEntry> {
        use std::os::unix::fs::MetadataExt;

        let md = try!(fs::metadata(&pb).map_err(|err| {
            Error::from_path(depth, pb.clone(), err)
        Ok(DirEntry {
            path: pb,
            ty: md.file_type(),
            follow_link: true,
            depth: depth,
            ino: md.ino(),

impl Clone for DirEntry {
    fn clone(&self) -> DirEntry {
        DirEntry {
            path: self.path.clone(),
            ty: self.ty,
            follow_link: self.follow_link,
            depth: self.depth,

    fn clone(&self) -> DirEntry {
        DirEntry {
            path: self.path.clone(),
            ty: self.ty,
            follow_link: self.follow_link,
            depth: self.depth,
            ino: self.ino,

impl fmt::Debug for DirEntry {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "DirEntry({:?})", self.path)

/// A recursive directory iterator that skips entries.
/// Directories that fail the predicate `P` are skipped. Namely, they are
/// never yielded and never descended into.
/// Entries that are skipped with the `min_depth` and `max_depth` options are
/// not passed through this filter.
/// If opening a handle to a directory resulted in an error, then it is yielded
/// and no corresponding call to the predicate is made.
/// Type parameter `I` refers to the underlying iterator and `P` refers to the
/// predicate, which is usually `FnMut(&DirEntry) -> bool`.
pub struct IterFilterEntry<I, P> {
    it: I,
    predicate: P,

impl<I, P> Iterator for IterFilterEntry<I, P>
        where I: WalkDirIterator<Item=Result<DirEntry>>,
              P: FnMut(&DirEntry) -> bool {
    type Item = Result<DirEntry>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Result<DirEntry>> {
        loop {
            let dent = match self.it.next() {
                None => return None,
                Some(result) => itry!(result),
            if !(self.predicate)(&dent) {
                if dent.file_type().is_dir() {
            return Some(Ok(dent));

impl<I, P> WalkDirIterator for IterFilterEntry<I, P>
        where I: WalkDirIterator<Item=Result<DirEntry>>,
              P: FnMut(&DirEntry) -> bool {
    fn skip_current_dir(&mut self) {

/// An error produced by recursively walking a directory.
/// This error type is a light wrapper around `std::io::Error`. In particular,
/// it adds the following information:
/// * The depth at which the error occurred in the file tree, relative to the
/// root.
/// * The path, if any, associated with the IO error.
/// * An indication that a loop occurred when following symbolic links. In this
/// case, there is no underlying IO error.
/// To maintain good ergnomics, this type has a
/// `impl From<Error> for std::io::Error` defined so that you may use an
/// `io::Result` with methods in this crate if you don't care about accessing
/// the underlying error data in a structured form.
pub struct Error {
    depth: usize,
    inner: ErrorInner,

enum ErrorInner {
    Io { path: Option<PathBuf>, err: io::Error },
    Loop { ancestor: PathBuf, child: PathBuf },

impl Error {
    /// Returns the path associated with this error if one exists.
    /// For example, if an error occurred while opening a directory handle,
    /// the error will include the path passed to `std::fs::read_dir`.
    pub fn path(&self) -> Option<&Path> {
        match self.inner {
            ErrorInner::Io { path: None, .. } => None,
            ErrorInner::Io { path: Some(ref path), .. } => Some(path),
            ErrorInner::Loop { ref child, .. } => Some(child),

    /// Returns the path at which a cycle was detected.
    /// If no cycle was detected, `None` is returned.
    /// A cycle is detected when a directory entry is equivalent to one of
    /// its ancestors.
    /// To get the path to the child directory entry in the cycle, use the
    /// `path` method.
    pub fn loop_ancestor(&self) -> Option<&Path> {
        match self.inner {
            ErrorInner::Loop { ref ancestor, .. } => Some(ancestor),
            _ => None,

    /// Returns the depth at which this error occurred relative to the root.
    /// The smallest depth is `0` and always corresponds to the path given
    /// to the `new` function on `WalkDir`. Its direct descendents have depth
    /// `1`, and their descendents have depth `2`, and so on.
    pub fn depth(&self) -> usize {

    fn from_path(depth: usize, pb: PathBuf, err: io::Error) -> Self {
        Error {
            depth: depth,
            inner: ErrorInner::Io { path: Some(pb), err: err },

    fn from_entry(dent: &DirEntry, err: io::Error) -> Self {
        Error {
            depth: dent.depth,
            inner: ErrorInner::Io {
                path: Some(dent.path().to_path_buf()),
                err: err,

    fn from_io(depth: usize, err: io::Error) -> Self {
        Error {
            depth: depth,
            inner: ErrorInner::Io { path: None, err: err },

impl error::Error for Error {
    fn description(&self) -> &str {
        match self.inner {
            ErrorInner::Io { ref err, .. } => err.description(),
            ErrorInner::Loop { .. } => "file system loop found",

    fn cause(&self) -> Option<&error::Error> {
        match self.inner {
            ErrorInner::Io { ref err, .. } => Some(err),
            ErrorInner::Loop { .. } => None,

impl fmt::Display for Error {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match self.inner {
            ErrorInner::Io { path: None, ref err } => {
            ErrorInner::Io { path: Some(ref path), ref err } => {
                write!(f, "IO error for operation on {}: {}",
                       path.display(), err)
            ErrorInner::Loop { ref ancestor, ref child } => {
                write!(f, "File system loop found: \
                           {} points to an ancestor {}",
                       child.display(), ancestor.display())

impl From<Error> for io::Error {
    fn from(err: Error) -> io::Error {
        match err {
            Error { inner: ErrorInner::Io { err, .. }, .. } => err,
            err @ Error { inner: ErrorInner::Loop { .. }, .. } => {
                io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, err)