vulkano 0.13.0

Safe wrapper for the Vulkan graphics API
// Copyright (c) 2016 The vulkano developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
//> or the MIT
// license <LICENSE-MIT or>,
// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
// according to those terms.

//! Debug callback called by intermediate layers or by the driver.
//! When working on an application, it is recommended to register a debug callback. For example if
//! you enable the validation layers provided by the official Vulkan SDK, they will warn you about
//! invalid API usages or performance problems by calling this callback. The callback can also
//! be called by the driver or by whatever intermediate layer is activated.
//! Note that the vulkano library can also emit messages to warn you about performance issues.
//! TODO: ^ that's not the case yet, need to choose whether we keep this idea
//! # Example
//! ```
//! # use vulkano::instance::Instance;
//! # use std::sync::Arc;
//! # let instance: Arc<Instance> = return;
//! use vulkano::instance::debug::DebugCallback;
//! let _callback = DebugCallback::errors_and_warnings(&instance, |msg| {
//!     println!("Debug callback: {:?}", msg.description);
//! }).ok();
//! ```
//! The type of `msg` in the callback is [`Message`](struct.Message.html).
//! Note that you must keep the `_callback` object alive for as long as you want your callback to
//! be callable. If you don't store the return value of `DebugCallback`'s constructor in a
//! variable, it will be immediately destroyed and your callback will not work.

use std::error;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::fmt;
use std::mem;
use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_void};
use std::panic;
use std::ptr;
use std::sync::Arc;

use instance::Instance;

use Error;
use VulkanObject;
use check_errors;
use vk;

/// Registration of a callback called by validation layers.
/// The callback can be called as long as this object is alive.
#[must_use = "The DebugCallback object must be kept alive for as long as you want your callback \
              to be called"]
pub struct DebugCallback {
    instance: Arc<Instance>,
    debug_report_callback: vk::DebugReportCallbackEXT,
    user_callback: Box<Box<dyn Fn(&Message)>>,

impl DebugCallback {
    /// Initializes a debug callback.
    /// Panics generated by calling `user_callback` are ignored.
    pub fn new<F>(instance: &Arc<Instance>, messages: MessageTypes, user_callback: F)
                  -> Result<DebugCallback, DebugCallbackCreationError>
        where F: Fn(&Message) + 'static + Send + panic::RefUnwindSafe
        if !instance.loaded_extensions().ext_debug_report {
            return Err(DebugCallbackCreationError::MissingExtension);

        // Note that we need to double-box the callback, because a `*const Fn()` is a fat pointer
        // that can't be cast to a `*const c_void`.
        let user_callback = Box::new(Box::new(user_callback) as Box<_>);

        extern "system" fn callback(ty: vk::DebugReportFlagsEXT, _: vk::DebugReportObjectTypeEXT,
                                    _: u64, _: usize, _: i32, layer_prefix: *const c_char,
                                    description: *const c_char, user_data: *mut c_void)
                                    -> u32 {
            unsafe {
                let user_callback = user_data as *mut Box<dyn Fn()> as *const _;
                let user_callback: &Box<dyn Fn(&Message)> = &*user_callback;

                let layer_prefix = CStr::from_ptr(layer_prefix)
                    .expect("debug callback message not utf-8");
                let description = CStr::from_ptr(description)
                    .expect("debug callback message not utf-8");

                let message = Message {
                    ty: MessageTypes {
                        information: (ty & vk::DEBUG_REPORT_INFORMATION_BIT_EXT) != 0,
                        warning: (ty & vk::DEBUG_REPORT_WARNING_BIT_EXT) != 0,
                        performance_warning: (ty & vk::DEBUG_REPORT_PERFORMANCE_WARNING_BIT_EXT) !=
                        error: (ty & vk::DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT) != 0,
                        debug: (ty & vk::DEBUG_REPORT_DEBUG_BIT_EXT) != 0,
                    layer_prefix: layer_prefix,
                    description: description,

                // Since we box the closure, the type system doesn't detect that the `UnwindSafe`
                // bound is enforced. Therefore we enforce it manually.
                let _ = panic::catch_unwind(panic::AssertUnwindSafe(move || {


        let flags = {
            let mut flags = 0;
            if messages.information {
                flags |= vk::DEBUG_REPORT_INFORMATION_BIT_EXT;
            if messages.warning {
                flags |= vk::DEBUG_REPORT_WARNING_BIT_EXT;
            if messages.performance_warning {
                flags |= vk::DEBUG_REPORT_PERFORMANCE_WARNING_BIT_EXT;
            if messages.error {
                flags |= vk::DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT;
            if messages.debug {
                flags |= vk::DEBUG_REPORT_DEBUG_BIT_EXT;

        let infos = vk::DebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT {
            pNext: ptr::null(),
            flags: flags,
            pfnCallback: callback,
            pUserData: &*user_callback as &Box<_> as *const Box<_> as *const c_void as *mut _,

        let vk = instance.pointers();

        let debug_report_callback = unsafe {
            let mut output = mem::uninitialized();
                                                         &mut output))?;

        Ok(DebugCallback {
               instance: instance.clone(),
               debug_report_callback: debug_report_callback,
               user_callback: user_callback,

    /// Initializes a debug callback with errors and warnings.
    /// Shortcut for `new(instance, MessageTypes::errors_and_warnings(), user_callback)`.
    pub fn errors_and_warnings<F>(instance: &Arc<Instance>, user_callback: F)
                                  -> Result<DebugCallback, DebugCallbackCreationError>
        where F: Fn(&Message) + Send + 'static + panic::RefUnwindSafe
        DebugCallback::new(instance, MessageTypes::errors_and_warnings(), user_callback)

impl Drop for DebugCallback {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {
            let vk = self.instance.pointers();

/// A message received by the callback.
pub struct Message<'a> {
    /// Type of message.
    pub ty: MessageTypes,
    /// Prefix of the layer that reported this message.
    pub layer_prefix: &'a str,
    /// Description of the message.
    pub description: &'a str,

/// Type of message.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct MessageTypes {
    /// An error that may cause undefined results, including an application crash.
    pub error: bool,
    /// An unexpected use.
    pub warning: bool,
    /// A potential non-optimal use.
    pub performance_warning: bool,
    /// An informational message that may be handy when debugging an application.
    pub information: bool,
    /// Diagnostic information from the loader and layers.
    pub debug: bool,

impl MessageTypes {
    /// Builds a `MessageTypes` with all fields set to `false` expect `error`.
    pub fn errors() -> MessageTypes {
        MessageTypes {
            error: true,

    /// Builds a `MessageTypes` with all fields set to `false` expect `error`, `warning`
    /// and `performance_warning`.
    pub fn errors_and_warnings() -> MessageTypes {
        MessageTypes {
            error: true,
            warning: true,
            performance_warning: true,

    /// Builds a `MessageTypes` with all fields set to `false`.
    pub fn none() -> MessageTypes {
        MessageTypes {
            error: false,
            warning: false,
            performance_warning: false,
            information: false,
            debug: false,

/// Error that can happen when creating a debug callback.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum DebugCallbackCreationError {
    /// The `EXT_debug_report` extension was not enabled.

impl error::Error for DebugCallbackCreationError {
    fn description(&self) -> &str {
        match *self {
            DebugCallbackCreationError::MissingExtension =>
                "the `EXT_debug_report` extension was not enabled",

impl fmt::Display for DebugCallbackCreationError {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
        write!(fmt, "{}", error::Error::description(self))

impl From<Error> for DebugCallbackCreationError {
    fn from(err: Error) -> DebugCallbackCreationError {
        panic!("unexpected error: {:?}", err)