vulkano-shader-derive 0.9.0

Safe wrapper for the Vulkan graphics API

Procedural Macro glue for compile-time compilation of GLSL into SPIR-V

Basic usage

extern crate vulkano_shader_derive;
extern crate vulkano;
# fn main() {}
mod vertex_shader {
    #[ty = "vertex"]
    #[src = "
#version 450

layout(location = 0) in vec3 position;

void main() {
    gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0);
    struct Dummy;


Due to the current limitations of procedural shaders in Rust, the current functionality of this crate is to base everything off of deriving VulkanoShader for a dummy struct that never actually gets used. When derived, the unused struct itself will be replaced by the functionality needed to use the shader in a Vulkano application. Due to the fact that a lot of what is generated will never be used, it's a good idea to put #[allow(unused)] on the module itself if you don't want to see irrelevant errors.

The options available are in the form of the following attributes:

#[ty = "..."]

This defines what shader type the given GLSL source will be compiled into. The type can be any of the following:

  • vertex
  • fragment
  • geometry
  • tess_ctrl
  • tess_eval
  • compute

For details on what these shader types mean, [see Vulkano's documentation] (

#[src = "..."]

Provides the raw GLSL source to be compiled in the form of a string. Cannot be used in conjunction with the #[path] attribute.

#[path = "..."]

Provides the path to the GLSL source to be compiled, relative to Cargo.toml. Cannot be used in conjunction with the #[src] attribute.