voltdb-client-rust 0.1.11

A socket client library for Voltdb server
# Voltdb-client-rust

## Overview

voltdb-client-rust is a socket client library for [voltdb].

Here list the data type and rust data type mapping 

| SQL Datatype 	| Compatible Rust Datatypes 	| Option Supported 	|
|---	|---	|---	|
| TINYINT 	| i8/u8 	||
| SMALLINT 	| i16/u16 	||
| INTEGER 	| i32/u32 	||
| BIGINT 	| i64/u64 	||
| FLOAT 	| f64 	||
| DECIMAL 	| bigdecimal::BigDecimal 	||
| GEOGRAPHY 	| - 	|  	|
| GEOGRAPHY_POINT 	| - 	|  	|
| VARCHAR 	| String 	||
| VARBINARY 	| Vec< u8> 	||
| TIMESTAMP 	| chrono::DateTime 	||
| TABLE 	| voltdb_client_rust::table::VoltTable 	|  -	|

[voltdb]: https://github.com/VoltDB/voltdb
[mit-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg

## Example

voltdb-client-rust = { version = "0.1"}
Start a voltdb:
docker run  --env HOST_COUNT=1 --publish 21211:21211 --publish 8080:8080 voltdb/voltdb-community:9.2.1
Then, on your main.rs:

use std::fs;
use std::time::SystemTime;

use voltdb_client_rust::*;

fn main() -> Result<(), VoltError> {
    struct Test {
        t1: Option<i8>,
        t2: Option<i16>,
        t3: Option<i32>,
        t4: Option<i64>,
        t5: Option<f64>,
        t6: Option<BigDecimal>,
        t7: Option<String>,
        t8: Option<Vec<u8>>,
        t9: Option<DateTime<Utc>>,
    /// Convert table to struct.
    impl From<&mut VoltTable> for Test {
        fn from(table: &mut VoltTable) -> Self {
            Test {
                t1: table.fetch("T1").unwrap(),
                t2: table.fetch("t2").unwrap(),
                t3: table.fetch("t3").unwrap(),
                t4: table.fetch("t4").unwrap(),
                t5: table.fetch("t5").unwrap(),
                t6: table.fetch("t6").unwrap(),
                t7: table.fetch("t7").unwrap(),
                t8: table.fetch("t8").unwrap(),
                t9: table.fetch("t9").unwrap(),

    let hosts = vec![IpPort::new("localhost".to_string(), 21211)];
    let mut pool = Pool::new(Opts::new(hosts)).unwrap();
    let mut node = pool.get_conn()?;
    // Create table if not exists.
    let has_table_check = block_for_result(&node.query("select t1 from test_types limit 1")?);
    match has_table_check {
        Ok(_) => {}
        Err(err) => {
            println!("{:?}", err);
            println!("will create table");
            let create_table = "CREATE TABLE  test_types
                    t1 TINYINT,
                    t2 SMALLINT,
                    t3 INTEGER,
                    t4 BIGINT,
                    t5 FLOAT,
                    t6 DECIMAL,
                    t7 VARCHAR,
                    t8 VARBINARY,
                    t9 TIMESTAMP,

    // Insert empty data into table , make sure None is working.
    let insert = "insert into test_types (T1) values (NULL);";
    // Insert min/max value to table to validate the encoding.
    block_for_result(&node.query("insert into test_types (T1,T2,T3,T4) values (1, -32767, -2147483647, -9223372036854775807 );")?)?;
    block_for_result(&node.query("insert into test_types (T1,T2,T3,T4) values (1, 32767, 2147483647, 9223372036854775807 );")?)?;
    let mut table = block_for_result(&node.query("select * from test_types")?)?;
    while table.advance_row() {
        let test: Test = table.map_row();
        println!("{:?}", test);
    let bs = vec![1 as u8, 2, 3, 4];
    let time = DateTime::from(SystemTime::now());

    // call sp with marco `volt_parma!` , test_types.insert is crated with table.
    let mut table = block_for_result(&node.call_sp("test_types.insert", volt_param![1,2,3,4,5,6,"7",bs,time])?)?;
    while table.advance_row() {
        println!("{}", table.debug_row());

    // upload and create sp if not exists. the proc is looks like this
    // package com.johnny;
    // import org.voltdb.SQLStmt;
    // import org.voltdb.VoltProcedure;
    // import org.voltdb.VoltTable;
    // import org.voltdb.VoltType;
    // public class ApplicationCreate extends VoltProcedure {
    //     final SQLStmt appCreate = new SQLStmt("insert into test_types (T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);");
    //     public VoltTable run(VoltTable application) {
    //         if (application.advanceRow()) {
    //             Object[] row = new Object[application.getColumnCount()];
    //             row[0] = application.get(0, VoltType.TINYINT);
    //             row[1] = application.get(1, VoltType.SMALLINT);
    //             row[2] = application.get(2, VoltType.INTEGER);
    //             row[3] = application.get(3, VoltType.BIGINT);
    //             row[4] = application.get(4, VoltType.FLOAT);
    //             row[5] = application.get(5, VoltType.DECIMAL);
    //             row[6] = application.get(6, VoltType.STRING);
    //             row[7] = application.get(7, VoltType.VARBINARY);
    //             row[8] = application.get(8, VoltType.TIMESTAMP);
    //             voltQueueSQL(appCreate, row);
    //         }
    //         voltExecuteSQL(true);
    //         return application;
    //     }
    // }
    let mut table = block_for_result(&node.list_procedures()?)?;
    let mut sp_created = false;
    while table.advance_row() {
        if table.get_string_by_column("PROCEDURE_NAME")?.unwrap() == "ApplicationCreate" {
            sp_created = true;
            println!("already created {}", table.debug_row());

    if !sp_created {
        // upload proc into server
        let jars = fs::read("tests/procedures.jar").unwrap();
        let x = node.upload_jar(jars).unwrap();
        let mut table = x.recv().unwrap();
        let script = "CREATE PROCEDURE  FROM CLASS com.johnny.ApplicationCreate;";

    let header = vec!["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6", "T7", "T8", "T9"];
    let header: Vec<String> = header.iter().map(|f| f.to_string()).collect::<Vec<String>>();
    let mut table = VoltTable::new_table(tp, header);
    let decimal = BigDecimal::from(16);
    let data = volt_param! {true, 32767 as i16 , 2147483647 as i32,  9223372036854775807 as i64 ,  15.0, decimal  , "17",bs, time   };
    // call proc with volt table
    let mut res = block_for_result(&node.call_sp("ApplicationCreate", volt_param![table])?)?;
    while res.advance_row() {
        println!("{:?}", res.debug_row());

More examples can be found [here][examples].

[examples]: https://github.com/johnnywale/voltdb-client-rust/blob/master/tests/integration_test.rs

## License

This project is licensed under the [MIT license].

[MIT license]: https://github.com/johnnywale/voltdb-client-rust/blob/master/LICENSE