vmw_backdoor 0.2.4

A pure-Rust library for VMware host-guest protocol ("VMXh backdoor")
//! A pure-Rust library for VMware host-guest protocol ("VMXh backdoor").
//! This library provides helpers to access and use the VMware backdoor from a
//! guest VM. It allows bi-directional interactions with the VMWare hypervisor
//! and host environment.
//! The "backdoor" protocol does not have official specifications, but it has been
//! widely analyzed and there are multiple projects documenting it:
//!   1. [https://github.com/vmware/open-vm-tools/blob/stable-11.0.5/open-vm-tools/lib/include/backdoor_def.h][1]
//!   2. [https://wiki.osdev.org/VMware_tools][2]
//!   3. [https://sysprogs.com/legacy/articles/kdvmware/guestrpc.shtml][3]
//!   4. [https://github.com/vmware/vmw-guestinfo/tree/master/bdoor][4]
//!   5. [https://sites.google.com/site/chitchatvmback/backdoor][5]
//! [1]: https://github.com/vmware/open-vm-tools/blob/stable-11.0.5/open-vm-tools/lib/include/backdoor_def.h
//! [2]: https://wiki.osdev.org/VMware_tools
//! [3]: https://sysprogs.com/legacy/articles/kdvmware/guestrpc.shtml
//! [4]: https://github.com/vmware/vmw-guestinfo/tree/master/bdoor
//! [5]: https://sites.google.com/site/chitchatvmback/backdoor
//! ## Example
//! ```rust,ignore
//! let is_vmw = vmw_backdoor::is_vmware_cpu();
//! println!("VMware CPU detected: {}.", is_vmw);
//! let mut guard = vmw_backdoor::access_backdoor_privileged().unwrap();
//! println!("Raised I/O access to reach backdoor port.");
//! let found = guard.probe_vmware_backdoor().unwrap_or(false);
//! println!("VMware backdoor detected: {}.", found);
//! let mut erpc = guard.open_enhanced_chan().unwrap();
//! let key = "guestinfo.ignition.config.data";
//! let guestinfo = erpc.get_guestinfo(key.as_bytes()).unwrap();
//! if let Some(val) = guestinfo {
//!     println!("Got value for key '{}':", key);
//!     println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&val));
//! };
//! ```


mod error;
pub use error::VmwError;

cfg_if::cfg_if! {
    if #[cfg(all(target_os = "linux", target_arch = "x86_64"))] {
        mod asm;
        mod backdoor;
        mod erpc;
        mod low_bw;

        pub use asm::is_vmware_cpu;
        pub use backdoor::{
            access_backdoor, access_backdoor_privileged, probe_backdoor, probe_backdoor_privileged,
        pub use erpc::EnhancedChan;