vkteams-bot-cli 0.5.4

VK Teams Bot API CLI
vkteams-bot-cli-0.5.4 is not a library.

VK Teams Bot API Cli

VK Teams Bot API terminal application.

Table of Contents


  1. Begin with bot API following instructions
  2. Set environment variables or save in .env file
# Unix-like
$ export VKTEAMS_BOT_API_TOKEN=<Your token here> #require
$ export VKTEAMS_BOT_API_URL=<Your base api url> #require
$ export VKTEAMS_PROXY=<Proxy> #optional

$ cargo install vkteams-bot-cli

# Windows
$ set VKTEAMS_BOT_API_TOKEN=<Your token here> #require
$ set VKTEAMS_BOT_API_URL=<Your base api url> #require
$ set VKTEAMS_PROXY=<Proxy> #optional

# Build from source
$ cargo install vkteams-bot-cli


# Help
$ vkteams-bot-cli --help
# Listen for events
$ vkteams-bot-cli get-events -l true | grep "ALARM"
# Send text
$ vkteams-bot-cli send-text -u <USER_ID> -m "text message"
# Send file
$ vkteams-bot-cli send-file -u <USER_ID> -f <FILE_PATH>
# Download file
$ vkteams-bot-cli get-file -i <FILE_ID> -f <FILE_PATH>


Command Description
get-events Listen for events (long polling)
send-text Send text message
send-file Send file to chat
get-file Download file from API