viuer 0.1.0

Show images in the terminal


Display images in the terminal with ease.


viuer is a Rust library that makes it easy to show images in the terminal. It has a straightforward interface and is configured through a single struct.


# in Cargo.toml, under [dependencies]
viuer = "0.1"
// in src/
use viuer::{print_from_file, Config};

fn main() {
    let conf = Config {
        // set offset
        x: 20,
        y: 4,
        // set dimensions
        width: Some(80),
        height: Some(25),

    // starting from row 4 and column 20,
    // display `img.jpg` with dimensions 80x25 (in terminal cells)
    // note that the actual resolution in the terminal will be 80x50
    print_from_file("img.jpg", &conf).expect("Image printing failed.");

Or if you have a DynamicImage, you can use it directly:

// ..Config setup

let img = image::DynamicImage::ImageRgba8(image::RgbaImage::new(20, 10));
viuer::print(&img, &conf).expect("Image printing failed.");


Check the full documentation for examples and all the configuration options.

Future work

Currently, viuer only supports printing with lower half blocks (▄ or \u2584). That way two pixels are fit into a single terminal cell by modifying its foreground and background colors. There are more modern ways to display images nowadays, depending on the terminal emulator. kitty and iterm2 have their own protocols, to name a few.

Ideally, this crate can be a foundation, on top of which support for different display methods can be implemented.