varlociraptor 2.4.0

A library for calling of genomic variants using a latent variable model.
use std::path::PathBuf;

use thiserror::Error;

#[derive(Error, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) enum Error {
    #[error("formula refers to unknown sample {name}")]
    InvalidSampleName { name: String },
    #[error("contamination refers to unknown sample {name}; it is not defined in the scenario")]
    InvalidContaminationSampleName { name: String },
    #[error("observation files must be provided as samplename=path")]
        "invalid variant index given, must be not higher than the number of variants at the locus"
    #[error("invalid locus for --testcase-locus. Use CHROM:POS syntax")]
    #[error("no candidate variant at the given locus")]
    #[error("testcase prefix must be given with --testcase-prefix")]
    #[error("expected tag {name} missing from BCF record")]
    MissingBCFTag { name: String },
    #[error("invalid BCF record: {msg}")]
    InvalidBCFRecord { msg: String },
    #[error("unable to estimate TMB because no valid records were found in the given BCF/VCF")]
    #[error("contig {contig} not found in universe definition and no 'all' defined")]
    UniverseContigNotFound { contig: String },
    #[error("record {i} in candidate BCF/VCF does not define a chromosome")]
    RecordMissingChrom { i: usize },
    #[error("inconsistent observations: input observation BCF files do not contain exactly the same records")]
    #[error("no observations given for sample {name}")]
    InvalidObservationSampleName { name: String },
    #[error("invalid observations: varlociraptor cannot be parsed from given observations ({path}); either the file has not been preprocessed with varlociraptor or with a too old version")]
    InvalidObservations { path: PathBuf },
    #[error("invalid observations: varlociraptor cannot read given observations; either the file has not been preprocessed with varlociraptor or with a too old version")]
    #[error("invalid BND record: ALT {spec} does not follow BND spec")]
    InvalidBNDRecordAlt { spec: String },
    #[error("at least one BCF with observations must be provided")]