variantly 0.1.0

Derive associated functions for enum variants that are familiar from `std::option::Option` & `std::result::Result` such as `unwrap_or` or `and_then`.


Derive associated functions for enum variants that are familiar from std::option::Option & std::result::Result such as unwrap_or or and_then.


enum Color {
    RGB(u8, u8, u8),
    HSV(u8, u8, u8),
    #[variantly(rename = "darkness")]

fn example() {
    let color = Color::HSV(123, 45, 67);

    // boolean helper function for determining variant:

    // Get inner values:
    let (h, s, v) = color.unwrap_hsv();
    assert_eq!((h, s, v), (123, 45, 67));

    // Single values don't require tuple destructuring:
    let color = Color::Grey(128);
    let value = color.unwrap_grey();
    assert_eq!(value, 128);

    // Alter inner value, only if hsv:
    let color = Color::HSV(111, 22, 33);
    let color = color.and_then_hsv(|(h, s, _)| (h, s, 100));
    assert_eq!(color.unwrap_hsv(), (111, 22, 100));

    // Safely unwrap with a fallback:
    let color = Color::RGB(255, 255, 0);
    let (r, g, b) = color.unwrap_or_rgb((0, 0, 0));
    assert_eq!((r, g, b), (255, 255, 0));
    // Since color is of the HSV variant, the default is not used.

    // Safely unwrap using the fallback
    let color = Color::FromOutOfSpace;
    let (r, g, b) = color.unwrap_or_rgb((0, 0, 0));
    assert_eq!((r, g, b), (0, 0, 0));

    // Convert into an Option
    let color = Color::RGB(0, 255, 255);
    let optional_rgb = color.ok_rgb();
    assert_eq!(Some((0, 255, 255)), optional_rgb);

    // Convert into a Result
    let color = Color::RGB(255, 0, 255);
    let result_rgb = color.ok_or_rgb("Error: This is not an RGB variant!");
    assert_eq!(Ok((255, 0, 255)), result_rgb);

    // Operations like this can also use their familiar `_else` versions:
    let color = Color::FromOutOfSpace;
    let result_rgb = color.ok_or_else_rgb(|| Some("This is a computationally expensive error!"));

    // The `#[variantly(rename = "darkness")]` attribute renames associated functions:
    let color = Color::Black;

Derived functions

The following are supported function types that are derived for all enum variants:

  1. is
  2. is_not

The following are supported function types that are derived for tuple-like structs. This includes structs that hold one or many tuple style values.

  1. and
  2. and_then
  3. expect
  4. ok
  5. ok_or
  6. ok_or_else
  7. or
  8. unwrap
  9. unwrap_or
  10. unwrap_or_else

Derived function naming

Derived functions are named by parsing and combining the enum variant they correspond with and the name of the operation they perform. Simplified, this looks like:

use inflector::cases::snakecase::to_snake_case;

fn name_fn(operation: String, variant_name: String) -> String {
    let snake_case_variant = to_snake_case(&variant_name);
    format!("{}_{}", snake_case_variant, operation)

fn it_makes_a_name() {

Renaming associated functions

The varianty attribute may be placed on a variant in order to customize the resulting associated function names.

enum SomeEnum {
    #[variantly(rename = "variant_a")]

Functions associated with SomeVariantWithALongName will now be accessible only with the variant_a suffix, such as .unwrap_or_else_variant_a(). This can help control overly verbose fn names. Note that the input to rename is used as is and is not coerced into snake_case.

The above is also relevant when two variant names would expand to create conflicting function names:

enum SomeEnum {
    #[variantly(rename = "capital")]
    #[variantly(rename = "lower")]

Without the rename attribute in the above, both variants would create conflicting functions such as .is_abc() due to the coercion to snake_case. This is avoided by using the rename input to create meaningful and unique fn names.
