vapcore-light 1.12.0

Tetsy Vapory (VapCore) Light Client Implementation (Block Import IO Service, Blockchain Data Fetching, Light Client Header Chain Storage, Tetsy Light Protocol (PLP) Provider, Light Transaction Queue, CHT Definitions, Light Client Data Cache), Tetsy Light Protocol (PLP) Implementation, P2P Network I/O and Event Context Generalization, Peer Error Handling & Punishment, Request Load Timer & Distribution Manager, Pending Request Set Storage, Request Credit Management, Light Client Request Types, Request Chain Builder Utility, On-demand Chain Request Service over LES (for RPCs), ResponseGuard Implementation)


There is very little structured metadata to build this page from currently. You should check the main library docs, readme, or Cargo.toml in case the author documented the features in them.

This version has 1 feature flags, 1 of them enabled by default.


    This feature flag does not enable additional features.