validators 0.2.2

A library for validating user input.


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This crate provides many validators for validating data from users and modeling them to structs without much extra effort.

All validators are separated into different modules and unified for two main types: XXX and XXXValidator where XXX is a type that you want to validate. The former is a struct or a enum, and the latter is a struct which can be considered as a generator of the former. A XXXValidator struct usually contains some values of ValidatorOption in order to use different rules to check data.

For example, the mod domain has Domain and DomainValidator structs. If we want to create a Domain instance, we need to create a DomainValidator instance first. When initialing a DomainValidator, we can choose to make this DomainValidator allow or not allow the input to have or must have a port number.

extern crate validators;

use validators::{ValidatorOption};
use validators::domain::{Domain, DomainValidator};

let domain = "".to_string();

let dv = DomainValidator {
    port: ValidatorOption::Allow,
    localhost: ValidatorOption::NotAllow,

let domain = dv.parse_string(domain).unwrap();

assert_eq!("", domain.get_full_domain());
assert_eq!("", domain.get_full_domain_without_port());
assert_eq!("org", domain.get_top_level_domain().unwrap());
assert_eq!("tool", domain.get_sub_domain().unwrap());
assert_eq!("magiclen", domain.get_domain());
assert_eq!(8080, domain.get_port().unwrap());

If you want the XXX model to be stricter, you can use its wrapper type which is something like XXXWithPort or XXXWithoutPort. For instance, Domain has some wrappers, such as DomainLocalhostableWithPort, DomainLocalhostableAllowPort and DomainLocalhostableWithoutPort.

extern crate validators;

use validators::domain::{DomainLocalhostableWithPort};

let domain = "".to_string();

let domain = DomainLocalhostableWithPort::from_string(domain).unwrap();

assert_eq!("", domain.get_full_domain());
assert_eq!("", domain.get_full_domain_without_port());
assert_eq!("org", domain.get_top_level_domain().unwrap());
assert_eq!("tool", domain.get_sub_domain().unwrap());
assert_eq!("magiclen", domain.get_domain());
assert_eq!(8080, domain.get_port()); // This function does not use `Option` as its return value, because the struct `DomainLocalhostableWithPort` has already made sure the input must have a port number!

This crate aims to use the simplest and slackest way (normally only use regular expressions) to validate data, in order to minimize the overhead. Therefore, it may not be competent in some critical situations. Use it carefully.

