valence_scoreboard 0.2.0-alpha.1+mc.1.20.1

Scoreboard support for Valence


This crate provides functionality for creating and managing scoreboards. In Minecraft, a scoreboard references an [Objective], which is a mapping from strings to scores. Typically, the string is a player name, and the score is a number of points, but the string can be any arbitrary string <= 40 chars, and the score can be any integer.

In Valence, scoreboards obey the rules implied by [EntityLayer]s, meaning that every Objective must have an [EntityLayerId] associated with it. Scoreboards are only transmitted to clients if the [EntityLayer] is visible to the client.

To create a scoreboard, spawn an [ObjectiveBundle]. The [Objective] component represents the identifier that the client uses to reference the scoreboard.


# use bevy_ecs::prelude::*;
use valence_scoreboard::*;
use valence_server::protocol::text::IntoText;

fn spawn_scoreboard(mut commands: Commands) {
	commands.spawn(ObjectiveBundle {
		name: Objective::new("foo"),
		display: ObjectiveDisplay("Foo".bold()),