v4l 0.10.0

Safe video4linux (v4l) bindings
extern crate clap;
extern crate v4l;

use clap::{App, Arg};
use v4l::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    let matches = App::new("v4l device")
        .author("Christopher N. Hesse <raymanfx@gmail.com>")
        .about("Video4Linux device example")
                .value_name("INDEX or PATH")
                .help("Capture device node path or index (default: 0)")

    // Determine which device to use
    let mut path: String = matches
    if path.parse::<u64>().is_ok() {
        path = format!("/dev/video{}", path);
    println!("Using device: {}\n", path);

    let dev = CaptureDevice::with_path(path).expect("Failed to open capture device");
    let controls = dev.query_controls().expect("Failed to query controls");

    for control in controls {
        println!("{}", control);