Expand description

Core abstractions


Describes a single binding inside a bind group.

Describe the blend state of a render pipeline.

Different ways that you can use a buffer.

Describes the color state of a render pipeline.

Color write mask. Disabled color channels will not be written to.

Describes the depth/stencil state in a render pipeline.

Extent of a texture related operation.

Layout of a texture in a buffer’s memory.

Subresource range within an image

Describes the multi-sampling state of a render pipeline.

Origin of a copy to/from a texture.

Represens Path

Describes the state of primitive assembly and rasterization in a render pipeline.

A range of push constant memory to pass to a shader stage.

Configures a [Surface] for presentation.

Different ways that you can use a texture.

Vertex inputs (attributes) to shaders.


How edges should be handled in texture addressing.

Data types for the components of a vertex attribute.

Error codes that can be thrown when performing bitmap operations.

Alpha blend factor.

Alpha blend operation.

Error enumeration for the blend strings parser

Error enumeration for Buffer

The update hint on a buffer.

Comparison function used for depth and stencil operations.

Used to compare the depth of an incoming fragment

Identifiers for underlying hardware drivers that may be used by for rendering.

Face of a vertex.

All the capabilities that can vary between different GPUs supported.

Texel mixing mode when sampling between texels.

Return values for the XlibFilterFunc and Win32FilterFunc functions.

Determines the equation used to calculate the blend factor while fogging is enabled.

Identifiers that are passed to FrameCallback functions.

Winding order which classifies the “front” face.

Error codes that relate to the gles2_context api.

Indices type

Material alpha testing function

Material texture filtering.

Available types of layers for a Material.

Material texture wrap mode

Aplha testing function.

Specifies which faces should be culled.

Pipeline texture filtering.

Pipeline texture wrap mode.

Pixel formats definitions.

A bitmask of events that may need to wake on for a file descriptor.

Type of drawing mode for polygons

Behavior of the presentation engine based on frame rate.

Primitive type the input mesh is composed of.

Type of query contained in a QuerySet.

Color variation to use when sampler addressing mode is AddressMode::ClampToBorder

Types of shaders

Location within a Pipeline

Operation to perform on the stencil value.

Represents how draw should affect the two buffers of a stereo framebuffer.

SubPixel order for some displays.

Error enumeration for

See Texture::set_components.

Error codes that can be thrown when allocating textures.

Underlying texture data format.

Error codes that can be thrown when performing texture-pixmap-x11 operations.

Specific type of a sample in a texture binding.

Constants representing the underlying hardware texture type of a Texture.

Vertex Format for a Vertex Attribute (input).

Rate that determines when vertex data is advanced.

Different ways of interpreting vertices when drawing.

Represent the two directions of rotation.

Identifies specific window system backends that supports.


Trait containing all Framebuffer methods.

Trait containing all Texture methods.


Type Definitions

Integral type used for buffer offsets.

Integral type used for buffer slice sizes.

Integral type used for binding locations in shaders.