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A particle system configuration, that can be used to create emitter sprites. The configuration is loaded from a .pex file, authored in a tool such as Particle Designer.

A sprite that displays a particle system.

A sprite that displays a rectangle filled with a given color.

A bitmap font, created in any tool that exports the BMFont format, such as the original BMFont editor, Hiero, or Glyph Designer.

Represents a single glyph in a bitmap font.

A fixed-size sprite that displays a single texture.

A resizable sprite that tiles a texture over its area.

Measures and lays out a block of text, handling word wrapping, alignment and newline characters.

A sprite that displays a line of text using a bitmap font.


Blend mode used to composite a sprite.

A display orientation for devices, used by Stage.lockOrientation().


Draws to a surface.

A sub-region of a texture atlas, created by Texture.subTexture.

A loaded texture image.